

  1. The new student ____ well with his classmates.( )

  2. A:got up B:got along C:got away D:got down
    答案:NervousnessAI参考:正确答案是 B:got along。句意:这个新学生与他的同学们相处得很好。A.got up 起床;B.got along 相处;C.got away 离开;D.got down 下来。根据句意可知,故选B。'
  3. ---What did you think if her speech、
    --- She ____ for an hour but didn't ______ much.
    ( )

  4. A:spoke; speak B:said; speak C:spoke; say D:said; say
    AI参考:答案为 B:said; speak在所给语境中,“think”提示填的是一般过去时,在时态上为“spoke”,这里应把主语改为单数第三人称“she”,动词应该用单数第三人称的形式“say”,speak在此句中没有词义上的提示,但这句话强调了她的发言的简短性,应该用say,故选B。'
  5. It's too late to go to the basketball match now;________,it's beginning to rain. ( )

  6. A:besides B:had/has difficulty in C:like mad D:prepared to E:employs/employed/has employed F:habit G:checked H:hunting for
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:had/has difficulty in】。句子中表达的意思是“现在去篮球比赛已经太晚了,而且开始下雨了”,其中“而且开始下雨”是附加在“现在去篮球比赛已经太晚了”之后的,表示原因和理由,所以需要用表示“困难”的词语来连接两个部分。选项B中的“had/has difficulty in”表示“在…方面有困难”,符合句意。因此,答案为B。'
  7. Mr. Brown caught several fish and then ____ , which he thought was a good way to spend time.( )

  8. A:set it away B:put them away C:set it free D:set them free
    AI参考:答案为 D:set them free根据这句话的意思是和选项的意思,这句话的意思是:布朗先生抓了几条鱼然后把它们放走了,他认为这是一个度过时间的好方法。set away放走,不符合语境,排除A;put them away把他们放起来,固定搭配,但是这句话的意思是是把鱼放走,所以排除B;set free释放,符合语境,故选D。'
  9. The wind is ________. Let’s ________ the fence before a storm comes.( )

  10. A:strengthen; strength B:strong; strengthen C:strength; strengthen D:strengthening; strong
    答案:strong; strengthen 
  11. He has been here for ________.
    ( )

  12. A:one and the half months B:one and a half months C:one and a half month D:one and a half of month
    AI参考:正确答案是B:one and a half months。英语中数词+and+数词的复数形式表示一段时间,所以选项B“one and a half months”表示“一个半月”的意思,符合题意。选项A“one and the half months”中的“the half”不准确;选项C“one and a half month”中的“month”是单数形式,不符合题意;选项D“one and a half of month”中的“of”多余,也不符合题意。因此,正确答案是B。'
  13. She ____ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.( )

  14. A:looked up B:picked out C:looked at D:picked up
    AI参考:正确答案是A:looked up。句意:她在电话簿里查找他的电话号码,为了确定她记的是否正确。Look up“查找”,pick out“挑选出”,look at“看”,pick up“拾起”。故选A。'
  15. There _____ a swimming pool in the school.
    ( )

  16. A:happened B:was C:seemed D:lived
    AI参考:正确答案是B:was。本题考查there be句型的用法,表示“某处有某物”,用there is/are+名词+其他成分,其中be动词的单复数形式取决于后面的名词,故选B。'
  17. This is not your shirt, but _________.( )

  18. AI参考:A. thatB. oneC. itD. this答案为 C. itit 指代前面提到的同一事物,this和that都指代事物,但是that可以指代单数也可以指代复数,而this只能指代单数,这句话说的是:这不是你的衬衫,但是是同一件,结合这句话说的是可知选C。这句话中有一个句子也说的是:“这是他的衬衫”句中也出现了this指代的是衬衫。根据两句话可知这是一个递进句型结构。it还可以作为人称代词做形式主语和形式宾语。所以选择C。'
  19. She told me two stories, but ______ of them was interesting.( )

  20. A:either B:both C:neither D:none
  21. _______ of the rivers here have been polluted.
    ( )

  22. A:Two-third B:Two-three C:Second-third D:Two-thirds
  23. ---Why don't we take a little break?
    ---Didn't we just have _____ a while ago?
    ( )

  24. A:one B:that C:this D:it
    AI参考:正确答案是D:it。句意:——我们为什么不休息一下呢?——我们刚才不就休息了一会儿吗?A.one 一个;B.that那个;C.this这个;D.it它。此处代指上文提到的情况,应用代词it。故选D。'
  25. I _____ a meal when you _____me.( )

  26. A:was cooking; rang B:cooked ;rang C:was cooking; were ringing D:cooked ; were ringing
    AI参考:答案为A:was cooking; rang。动作发出与句子时间主语为同一主语时,谓语动词应该用过去进行时,句子意思:当我正在做饭的时候你打电话给我,首先分析句意:本句中的时间状语为when引导的时间状语从句,所以时间在从句中发生改变,主句用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时,排除BD项,再根据ring的过去式为rang,故选A。'
  27. Can you translate the passage ______ English?( )

  28. A:by B:from C:with D:into
    AI参考:正确选项是D:into。问题中要求翻译一段文字,into English是正确的翻译方式,表示把一段文字翻译成英语。而by、from、with这三个词都不符合翻译的要求。因此,正确答案是D。'
  29. Oranges are my _______ fruit.( )

  30. A:completed B:brought...to an end C:appeared/has appeared D:created E:have fun F:expanded G:favorite H:founded
    AI参考:正确选项是 G:favorite。句子中提到“橙子是我的最爱水果”,所以选项 G favorite(最喜欢的)最符合语境。其他选项的含义与句子意思不符。例如,completed(完成的)和brought to an end(结束)都与句子意思不符;appeared/has appeared(出现)和created(创造)都与“橙子”这一具体事物不符;have fun(玩得开心)和expanded(扩大)与句子意思无关。'
  31. All the students wanted to see their respected teacher off at the airport.( )

  32. A:所有的学生都想送尊敬的老师去机场 B:所有的学生都想去机场为他们所尊敬的老师送行 C:所有的学生都想看着他们所尊敬的老师离开机场
    AI参考:选项A“所有的学生都想送尊敬的老师去机场”是正确答案。句子中明确提到“All the students wanted to see their respected teacher off at the airport”,意思是“所有的学生都想在机场送别他们尊敬的老师”。选项B和C中的表述都不符合句意。选项B中的“想去机场”与句子中的“在机场送别”不符;选项C中的“看着他们所尊敬的老师离开机场”也不符合句意,因为句子中已经明确表达了学生想在机场送别老师。因此,只有选项A是符合句子意思的正确答案。'
  33. The pen I am using now _____ my brother.( )

  34. A:belongs B:belongs to C:is belonged to D:is belonging to
    AI参考:答案选B。这句话的意思是:我现在正在使用的这支笔属于我哥哥。B选项belongs to“属于”,符合句意。故选B。'
  35. If I had _______, I'd visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.
    ( )

  36. A:a long holiday enough B:an enough long holiday C:a long enough holiday D:a holiday enough long
    AI参考:正确答案是C:a long enough holiday。在英语中,形容词应该放在不定冠词和名词之间,且修饰名词,选项A和D是形容词和名词位置错误,选项B则是两个词使用不恰当。所以正确的答案是C选项“a long enough holiday”,这句话的意思是:如果我有足够长的假期,我会去欧洲旅行,停在所有有趣的小地方。'
  37. The doctor said that she would try _______ best to cure me.( )

  38. 答案:
  39. Does Peter go to school by subway? ( )

  40. 答案:tellingAI参考:正确答案是“Yes, he does.”问题中询问的是Peter是否乘地铁去上学,而根据常识和语境可以推断出Peter确实乘地铁去上学,因此答案为Yes,he does.'
  41. She ______the letter before sending it.( )

  42. A:like mad B:habit C:hunting for D:checked E:prepared to F:besides G:employs/employed/has employed H:had/has difficulty in
    AI参考:正确答案是 D:checked。根据句意“在寄信之前她检查了这封信”,可知她是在寄信之前检查这封信,用一般过去时,表示动作的完成和强调。所以选D。其它选项与句意不符。'
  43. The business has_________ from having one office to having twelve. ( )

  44. A:have fun B:founded C:appeared/has appeared D:favorite E:completed F:created G:expanded H:brought...to an end
  45. - Waiter!
    - I cannot eat this. It's too salty. ( )

  46. A:All right? B:What? C:yes, sir ? D:Pardon?
    答案:Yes.AI参考:正确选项是B:What? 根据题干中的语境和选项,可以推断出顾客对服务员的话感到困惑或不满,需要询问或表达自己的疑问。选项A和C都是礼貌的问候语,不符合题意。选项D是请求对方重复或解释的常用语,但在这个语境中不合适。因此,最符合题意的选项是B,即“What?”。这个回答可以表示顾客对服务员的话感到惊讶或不满,并需要进一步询问或表达自己的疑问。"
  47. It's true that I dropped out of college to start Microsofe, but I was at Harvard for three years before dropping out.( )

  48. A:不错,我是大学没读完就中途辍学开创了微软公司,但在此之前我在哈佛大学念了三年的书。 B:我是大学没读完就开创了微软公司,但在辍学之前我在哈佛大学念了三年的书,这的确是真的。 C:我大学读完就开创了微软公司,我的确在哈弗大学读了三年的书,这都是真的。
  49. I often dream ______ my old friends.( )

  50. A:of seeing B:to see C:seeing D:at seeing
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:seeing。句子中的 dream 后面的动词需要使用动名词形式,表示一种经常性的动作。选项 A 的 see 后面需要加上 of 表示“看见某人”,不符合语境;选项 B 的 to see 表示目的,也不符合语境;选项 D 的 at seeing 显然是错误的表达方式。因此,正确答案是 C,即 dream seeing my old friends 表示“我经常梦见我的老朋友”。'
  51. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _________.( )

  52. A:the best voice B:a good voice C:a better voice D:the better voice
    答案:a better
  53. This radio is almost the same as _________.( )

  54. AI参考:A. the other oneB. another oneC. the otherD. another正确答案是:A. the other one。句意:这个收音机几乎和另一个一样。根据题干中的This radio可知这里是指“另一个收音机”,用the other one。故选A。'
  55. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. ( )

  56. A:我希望早日收到你的来信。 B:我盼望你的来信,越快越好。 C:我希望早日听到有关你的消息。
  57. He said he _____ to draw a plane on the blackboard at that time.( )

  58. A:tries B:tried C:was trying D:will try
    答案:was trying
  59. The teacher shared the tasks ______ all the children in her class.( )

  60. A:to B:by C:among D:with
  61. 地球日让人们更关注环境问题。
    翻译:The Earth Day draws more attention to the environment problems.( )

  62. A:对 B:错
    答案:The Earth Day draws more attention to environmental problems.AI参考:正确答案是A:对。地球日是一个全球性的环保活动,它促使人们更加关注环境问题,因此这个判断题是正确的。'
  63. 我们在这所职业学校里学习许多课程。
    翻译: We study many subjects in this vacation school.( )

  64. A:对 B:错
    答案:WeAI参考:正确答案是A。我们在这所职业学校里学习许多课程,翻译为“We study many subjects in this vocational school.”;而“we are taking many courses in this vacation school”则是假期学校提供的学习课程。根据题意,我们需要的是在职业学校学习的课程,而不是假期学校提供的课程,因此答案为A。'
  65. 现在中国电影在欧美国家很受欢迎。
    Chia movie are quite popular in america and european countries now.( )

  66. A:对 B:错
  67. 德国绝大多数职业学校不收学费。
    翻译:The majority of vocational schools in Germany do not charge tuition fees.( )

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. 我们在学校里读书,同时也做一些兼职,到商店或公司打工。( )
    翻译:We study at school and at the same time we do some part-time jobs in some shops or companies.

  70. A:错 B:对
  71. Global landmarks such as the Sydney Harbor Bridge, CN Tower in Toronto, Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome's Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.
    翻译:悉尼海港大桥、多伦多电视塔、旧金山金门大桥、罗马斗兽场等全球地标性建筑都屹立在黑暗中,成为这项每时每刻愈加迫切的事业的希望象征。( )

  72. A:对 B:错
  73. 如果你要保持健康,每天一定得摄入营养均衡的食物。
    Be sure to eat a good balance of different foods if you want to stay healthy.( )

  74. A:对 B:错
    答案:Be sure to eat a good balance of different foods if you want to stay healthy.
  75. Earth Hour 2015 was at 8:30 pm, March 28, 2015, and many more people responded to the call to action, to stand up, to take responsibility and lead the global journey to a sustainable future.
    2015年的“地球一小时”在3月28日晚8:30举行。面对采取行动、承担责任、表明立场、引领地球迈向可持续未来的号召,更多人做出了回应。( )

  76. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。原文中提到“many more people responded to the call to action”,意味着不是所有人都做出了回应,因此陈述错误。正确的表述应该是“许多更多的人做出了回应”。因此,选项B是正确的答案。'
  77. 专家们认为保健步行在许多方面有益于健康。
    Experts believe that fitness walking is good for health in many ways.
    ( )

  78. A:错 B:对
    答案:Experts believe that litness walking is good for people in many ways.
  79. There were already four male candidates in the boss’s office.
    餐馆老板的办公室里已有四个应征者。 ( )

  80. A:错 B:对

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