1. 如果你要保持健康,每天一定得摄入营养均衡的食物。Be sure to eat a good balance of different foods if you want to stay healthy.( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. There were already four male candidates in the boss’s office.餐馆老板的办公室里已有四个应征者。 ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. With hundreds of millions of supporters and a global network across 162 countries, it is one of the world's largest conservation organizations.WWF有数以亿计的支持者,遍布全球162国家,是世界上最大的保护组织之一。( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. 对于年轻人来说, 教育很重要。翻译: Education does count for young people.( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Many more people responded to the call to action, to stand up, to take responsibility and lead the global journey to a sustainable future.面对采取行动,勇敢站出来,承担责任,引领地球迈向可持续未来的号召,更多的人们都做出了回应。( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. I should have kept myself clean.我是应该让自己看起来干干净净的。( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. 我爷爷和奶奶的身体很好。他们还时不时地外出旅游。My grandparents are quite health and they travels from time to time.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. She told me two stories, but ______ of them was interesting.( )

  16. 答案:neither
  17. It ______ us a long time to learn English well.

  18. 答案:takes
  19. If by any chance anyone comes to see me, ask them to leave a _______.( )

  20. 答案:message
  21. My old grandmother ___________________rememberIing things. ( )

  22. 答案:had/has difficulty in
  23. The pen I am using now _____ my brother.( )
  24. ______ Summer Olympics was held in Barcelona in Spain.( )
  25. Lisa has three _________.( )
  26. It's a good ______to go for a walk after supper. ( )
  27. When will those shops open? I don't know when _______.( )
  28. As she _____ the newspaper, Granny _____ asleep.( )
  29. Because ______ bad weather we had to have our physical education class in the calssroom. ( )
  30. Next to the table _______ two old chairs and some books.( )
  31. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. ( )
  32. Helen _____ her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband ______ home.( )
  33. ---Why don't we take a little break?---Didn't we just have _____ a while ago?( )
  34. My friend Mary is becoming ____ in Chinese food.( )
  35. 有氧运动适合许多人。Aerobic exercise is fit for many people.( )
  36. Obviously, the boss had difficulty in deciding whom he would employ because he said finally, “Well, I need to check your references before I can make a decision.很显然,老板也难以决定到底录用谁。他最后说:“那这样吧,我要先看一下你们的推荐信才能决定。( )
  37. Global landmarks such as the Sydney Harbor Bridge, CN Tower in Toronto, Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome's Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.翻译:悉尼海港大桥、多伦多电视塔、旧金山金门大桥、罗马斗兽场等全球地标性建筑都屹立在黑暗中,成为这项每时每刻愈加迫切的事业的希望象征。( )
  38. 全球许多地标性建筑响应“地球一小时”的号召,在每年3月最后一个星期六熄灯一小时。翻译:Many global landmarks respond to the call of Earth Hour by switching off one hour on the last Saturday of every March.( )
  39. I look forward _____ the contract when we meet next week.( )
  40. This is not your shirt, but _________.( )
  41. We are not ________accept the big change in the plan.( )
  42. - I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.- ________!( )
  43. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him _________.( )
  44. The composition needs _______ before it is handed in.( )
  45. The company _________about 100 men. ( )
  46. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _________.( )
  47. In her ______ she began to take up writing.( )
  48. We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining _______.( )
  49. All the students wanted to see their respected teacher off at the airport.( )
  50. 我们在这所职业学校里学习许多课程。翻译: We study many subjects in this vacation school.( )
  51. 德国绝大多数职业学校不收学费。翻译:The majority of vocational schools in Germany do not charge tuition fees.( )
  52. It is believed that this way of living will affect out health.( )
  53. Would you like a cup of coffee _____ shall we get down to business right away.( )
  54. - Waiter!-_____- I cannot eat this. It's too salty. ( )
  55. Oranges are my _______ fruit.( )
  56. He has been here for ________.( )
  57. The business has_________ from having one office to having twelve. ( )
  58. While people may watch television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television _______ the newspaper completely.( )
  59. He is ____ enough to carry the heavy box. ( )
  60. 这家餐厅需要招聘几个服务生。The restaurant in need of employ several waiters.( )
  61. 动画片给人们带来娱乐。Animated films bring people amusement. ( )
  62. 265 is ___________.( )
  63. She ______the letter before sending it.( )
  64. ______ the end they succeeded in finishing the task _____ the end of June.( )
  65. I often dream ______ my old friends.( )
  66. It's too late to go to the basketball match now;________,it's beginning to rain. ( )
  67. We couldn't help _______ when we heard the hero's story.( )
  68. He said he _____ to draw a plane on the blackboard at that time.( )
  69. Did you _________at Disneyland last summer?( )
  70. Does Peter go to school by subway? ( )
  71. His lies ______ his friendship with Mike.( )
  72. 我们在学校里读书,同时也做一些兼职,到商店或公司打工。( )翻译:We study at school and at the same time we do some part-time jobs in some shops or companies.
  73. 现在中国电影在欧美国家很受欢迎。Chia movie are quite popular in america and european countries now.( )
  74. 专家们认为保健步行在许多方面有益于健康。Experts believe that fitness walking is good for health in many ways.( )
  75. 数以百万计的人参加了“地球一小时”,以行动承诺他们对地球的支持。翻译:Hundreds millions of people take part Earth Hour to pledge their support for the earth with actions.( )
  76. 在公司里他负责维护网站。翻译:He in charge of the website in the company.( )
  77. 暑假里我在一家工厂打工,老板提供免费午餐。译: I works in a factory during the summer vacation and the boss offer us free lunch.( )
  78. 地球日让人们更关注环境问题。翻译:The Earth Day draws more attention to the environment problems.( )
  79. 你应该好好利用这次千载难逢的机会。翻译:You should take advantage of this chance of a lifetime.( )
  80. Over 4,000 cities in 88 countries switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative.88个国家的4000多个城市关灯,表达了保护地球的承诺。这让“地球一小时”成为当年最大的全球性抵制气候变化的倡议活动。 ( )
  81. Earth Hour 2015 was at 8:30 pm, March 28, 2015, and many more people responded to the call to action, to stand up, to take responsibility and lead the global journey to a sustainable future.2015年的“地球一小时”在3月28日晚8:30举行。面对采取行动、承担责任、表明立场、引领地球迈向可持续未来的号召,更多人做出了回应。( )
  82. The wind is ________. Let’s ________ the fence before a storm comes.( )
  83. When will the work on the highway be______? ( )
  84. Can you translate the passage ______ English?( )
  85. As the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So we should ____ work and play.( )
  86. This idea ______ in many books.( )
  87. I was in the kitchen ______ something when the doorbell rang.( )
  88. Soon I discovered that somewhere inside that wonderful device lived an amazing person--- her name was "Information, please" and there was nothinf she did not know.( )
  89. There ______ a lot of sugar in the jar.( )
  90. She ____ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.( )
  91. They were all tired, but _____ of them would stop to take a rest.( )
  92. Which newspaper do you think ______ young people in Australia?( )
  93. The People’s Republic of China was_______ in 1949. ( )
  94. I _____ a meal when you _____me.( )
  95. It's true that I dropped out of college to start Microsofe, but I was at Harvard for three years before dropping out.( )
  96. But hard liquor can be given as a gift only when you know the host well and are certain that he would welcome such a gift.( )
  97. This radio is almost the same as _________.( )
  98. We are very happy to know that he has already attended the college. ( )
  99. The doctor said that she would try _______ best to cure me.( )
  100. ______ the help of the guide dog, the old man ______ his son a visit.( )
  101. The new student ____ well with his classmates.( )
  102. _______ of the rivers here have been polluted.( )
  103. There _____ a swimming pool in the school.( )
  104. The teacher shared the tasks ______ all the children in her class.( )
  105. When he becamea famous poet he was _______ his early thirties.( )
  106. If I had _______, I'd visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.( )
  107. ---What did you think if her speech、--- She ____ for an hour but didn't ______ much.( )
  108. Hans Andersen___________ many lovely characters.( )
  109. I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with ____.( )
  110. Mr. Brown caught several fish and then ____ , which he thought was a good way to spend time.( )
  111. In this hispital every nurse is required to attend to patients with great patience. ( )
  112. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the flaming Christmas pudding?
  113. It's been a long time since I__________. How are you?
  114. We ______on it for several hours but we have not yet reached any conclusion.
  115. We used to go shopping on Sundays, but _______for the past five weeks.
  116. He said that he ______for Shanghai the next day.
  117. The engineer tried to start the machine___________.
  118. Not only his parents but also his brother ______to the Summer Palace.They haven't come back.
  119. The story happened when________.
  120. Obviously,he________a bad cold . He sneezes so often.
  121. When we _______to the airport, we learned that the plane had already ___________in Shanghai.
  122. People need aerobic exercise and weight lifting to get the most effective results.( )
  123. If you want to gain people’s respect, be sure to _________ your promises.( )。
  124. 我们没法帮助你,因为我们已经在上课。We can’t help you because we are having classes. ( )
  125. The heading part mainly consists of the following items: ( )。
  126. Eating less _________________________( )。
  127. The winner is __________ runs to the end first.
  128. 一般现在时态的主要用法有:
  129. You will not failed if you do your best.
  130. 一般现在时的be动词变化形式为?
  131. The teacher asked us to write an e-mail to describe a __________ job.
  132. Desertification is a serious environmental and socio-economic problem at present. ( )
  133. 当engage 作为及物动词时,它有以下词义 ( )。
  134. The pigeon stand by the symbol of peace.( )
  135. 维持生态系统的完整是我们共同的利益。We all have an interest in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem. ( )
  136. It contributes to energy _________ and environmental protection.( )。
  137. I was so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes______ yesterday evening. ( )
  138. Would you mind _____ me here at nine o'clock? ( )
  139. She isn't so _____ at maths as you are. ( )
  140. I have never heard of anything more _____ than this.( )
  141. It is dangerous for people _____ the street if they don't _____ the traffic rules.( )
  142. It's nearly seven o'clock. Jack _______ be here at any moment. ( )
  143. I don't like _____ you speak to her. ( )
  144. John ran ____ faster than the other boys in the sports meeting. ( )
  145. I don't know the retaurant, but it's _______ to be quite a good one.( )
  146. The box is ____ heavy for the girl ___ carry.( )
  147. We'd better complete the job with _____ money and ____ people.( )
  148. The ice in the lake is about one meter____. It's strong enough to skate on.( )
  149. Unfortunately, a small _______ of water ________ found in the afternoon.
  150. She has been in the city for _________.
  151. Can 265 be translated into two and sixty-five?
  152. It is not rare in _______ that people in ________ fifties are going to university for further education.
  153. Can 14:15 be translated into a quarter past fourteen?
  154. __________ has gone through much hardship in _________ lifetime.
  155. 人称代词分为主格和宾格,请选出宾格代词。
  156. 代词可以分为?
  157. He came to realize that health was more important than __________ else.
  158. Everything went exactly as plan.
  159. __________ her suggestion that we should go to Beijing by train.
  160. Let’s have a look at this new product.
  161. We will listen to anyone __________ makes suggestions.
  162. 括号中哪些名词的复数属于不规则变化?
  163. It is important to find a guide book when traveling to a strange place.
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