

  1. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will_________ . ( )

  2. A:pull up B:pull back C:pull out D:pull through
    AI参考:正确答案是D:pull through。根据句意可知,他病得很重,很难确定他能否恢复健康,只有D项pull through符合句意,故选D。其他选项的意思分别为:A项pull up意为“(车等)停稳”,B项pull back意为“收回”,C项pull out意为“退学、撤离”。'
  3. He shook his head in ________. ( )

  4. A:wild B:bewilderment C:wilder D:bewilder
  5. “Although women's movement and political controversies about such issues and the Equal Rights Amendment and sexual harassment suggest that changing sex roles is a recent issue, this is far from the case.” How many clauses are there in this sentence? ( )

  6. A:Three. B:Two. C:One. D:Four.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Two。 原文中第一部分是“Although womens movement and political controversies about such issues and the Equal Rights Amendment and sexual harassment suggest that changing sex roles is a recent issue,”,后面紧跟着“this is far from the case.”,这两部分构成一个完整的句子,故选B。"
  7. To ____ is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment. ( )

  8. A:conserve B:conceive C:convert D:contrive
  9. ________, we left. ( )

  10. A:There were nothing else to do B:There was nothing else to do C:There has nothing else to do D:There being nothing else to do
    答案:what AI参考:正确答案是B:There was nothing else to do。这句话的意思是“我们离开了,因为没有什么其他事情可做了”,选项A和C中存在时态错误,选项D中的“there being”是独立主格结构,不能做主语,因此只有选项B符合语境。'
  11. It’s not fair that you come home after a bad day at work and _______your wife and children. ( )

  12. A:take out on B:take out it on C:take on it with D:take it out on
    答案:take it out on
  13. The body was ________ a lead coffin. ( )

  14. A:sealed on B:sealed off C:under seal D:sealed in
    AI参考:正确答案是D:sealed in。句意:这个身体被密封在铅制的棺材里。A. sealed on 在……上密封;B. sealed off 封闭;隔离;C. under seal 处于密封状态;D. sealed in 密封在……里。根据句意可知,故选D。'
  15. When this long expected day finally came, my heart ____ heavily. ( )

  16. A:thumped B:shivered C:thrilled D:throbbed
    答案:期待已久的AI参考:答案为 D:throbbed当期待已久的日子终于来临时,我的内心急剧地跳动,Thump 重击或咚咚跳;shiver 发颤;throb 搏动或疼痛;根据语境“急切”这个含义只有 D 项“心悸”最符合,故选 D。'
  17. To make this _______clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s long history. ( )

  18. A:distinction B:constitution C:recognition D:indication
  19. He wasn't asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _______ insufficiently popular with all members. ( )

  20. A:was being considered B:was considered C:being considered D:having considered

  21. This book has been in the works so long that I have lost_______of most of the sources found for me by the staff of the library. ( )

  22. A:trace B:touch C:trail D:track
    AI参考:正确答案是 D:track。原文中的"lost track of"是固定短语,意为“对……失去了了解”。所以本题应该选D。句子意思为:这本书写了这么长时间,我已经对图书馆工作人员为我查找的绝大多数资料失去了了解。A. trace意为“追踪”,B. touch意为“接触”,C. trail意为“踪迹”,都与句子意思不符。因此,答案为D。'
  23. _______is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals. ( )

  24. A:What B:As C:Which D:That
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:That】。句子中使用了“is announced in the papers”这个被动语态的句子,说明“宣布”这个动作是由外部因素引起的,而不是由句子中的主语发出的。因此,需要用一个代词来代替这个外部因素,而D选项“that”正好符合这个要求,表示的是那个被宣布的物品或事件。而其他选项A、B、C都不符合句子的语境和语法规则。因此,正确答案是D。'
  25. There was a storm ______ I had never experienced before? ( )

  26. A:such as B:with which C:as which D:for such
    AI参考:正确答案是C:as which。定语从句中的关系代词as which引导定语从句,as代表先行词a storm,表示“像这样的暴风雨是我以前从未经历过的”。故选C。'
  27. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a_________. ( )

  28. A:scarcity B:minimum C:rarity D:minority

  29. ________, I slipped through the window. ( )

  30. A:With anyone being notice B:With anyone noticing C:Without anyone noticing D:With someone noticed
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Without anyone noticing。这句话的意思是:我趁没有人注意的时候从窗户溜了出去。without表示“没有”,符合语境。anyone表示任何人,noticing表示注意到,notice是动词,不能直接加ing,所以排除A和D选项。因此,正确答案是C选项。'
  31. At the sign of danger, the submarine will ________. ( )

  32. A:submerge B:arise C:emerge D:appear
  33. They were, at least, agonizingly aware of the easy money in the ________. ( )

  34. A:place B:near C:vicinity D:area
  35. The election result was greeted by a ____ of groans. ( )

  36. A:burst B:fit C:peal D:chorus
  37. Which of the following sentences is an example of second person point of view? ( )

  38. A:You should never punch a tiger as it only makes him angry. B:He should never punch a tiger as it only makes her angry. C:I should never punch a tiger as it only makes him angry. D:I should never punch a tiger as it only makes them angry.

  39. Which of the following idiom is different from the others in meaning? ( )

  40. A:give in the towel B:throw in the towel C:chuck in the towel D:toss in the towel
    AI参考:正确答案是B:throw in the towel。Throw in the towel 意为“认输,屈服”,与其他选项的意思不同。A、C、D三项的意思都与“认输”相近,但表达方式不同。因此,只有B选项与其它选项在意思上不同。'
  41. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid _____. ( )

  42. A:to be beaten B:beating C:from being beaten D:being beaten

  43. Outside my office window there is a fire _______on the right. ( )

  44. A:stairs B:steps C:escape D:ladder
  45. _______ is the repetition of grammatical elements in writing and speaking. ( )

  46. A:Parallelism. B:Metaphor. C:Personification. D:Exaggeration.
  47. We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always _______his principles. ( )

  48. A:lives with B:lives up to C:lives through D:lives on

  49. From the way they talked I ____ them to be married. ( )

  50. A:assure B:doubt C:presumed D:wonder
    AI参考:正确答案是C:presumed。assure确定,确定某人结婚的应该是另一件事情,而题目中的信息"From the way they talked"提示出通过他们的言谈可以推测出他们已经结婚。doubt怀疑不符合句意;wonder想知道则是不定式形式。presumed认为/推测已经结婚是固定搭配,因此正确答案为C。'
  51. The thieves _______the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring. ( )

  52. A:scattered B:spread C:burned D:scratched

  53. Communication between a young couple is a(n) _______ business. ( )

  54. A:sharp B:intense C:delicate D:dreadful
    AI参考:正确答案是C: delicate。这句话的意思是:年轻夫妇之间的交流是一件微妙的事情。根据这句话的意思是,四个选项中只有 delicate 与其相符,因此正确答案为 C。sharp 表示“尖锐的”,intense 表示“强烈的”,dreadful 表示“可怕的”,都与句意不符。'
  55. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer’s _________ rather than the company’s. ( )

  56. A:availability B:convenience C:benefit D:suitability

  57. The ________ believes that everyone is motivated by self-interest. ( )

  58. A:egoist B:egotist C:egoism D:egotism
  59. We realized that he was under great_________, so we took no notice of his bad temper. ( )

  60. A:crisis B:nervousness C:excitement D:stress
  61. What are the functions of parallelism in Neil Armstrong’s famous quote “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”? ( )

  62. AI参考:选项中包含了正确答案:A. Improving sentence rhythm and styleB. Improving the semantic structure of a sentenceC. Increasing the message’s meaningD. Providing an easy way to remember a sentence正确答案是:A. Improving sentence rhythm and style。在Neil Armstrong的名言“这是人类的一小步,却是人类的一大步”中,平行结构使得句子的节奏和风格得到了改善,从而让人们更容易记住并流传开来。这句话是一个经典的比喻,旨在表达人类探索太空的决心和意义,因此平行结构增加了信息的意义(C选项),但它本身并不是其主要功能。此外,选项B和D本身就不适用于该句话的分析。因此,答案是A。'
  63. In order to compose a clear and coherent essay, we could use______ as transitional devices. ( )

  64. A:transitional sentence B:pronouns C:logical connectives D:repetition of words
    AI参考:正确选项是C:logical connectives 在撰写清晰连贯的论文时,可以使用逻辑连接词作为过渡性词语,以使文章更加流畅和连贯。逻辑连接词可以用来表示句子之间的逻辑关系,如因果、转折、递进等。其他选项如transitional sentence(过渡句)、pronouns(代词)和repetition of words(词语重复)在撰写论文时并不是常用的过渡性词语。'
  65. Which can be used as a negative prefix? ( )

  66. A:il- B:in- C:ir- D:im-
  67. Black comedy is used as a way to . ( )

  68. A:to point out or reflect on the absurdity of life B:to set the scene for an upcoming drama C:to entertain, outrage, and capture a reader’s attention D:to provide the information
    AI参考:正确选项为A:to point out or reflect on the absurdity of life黑色幽默作为一种方式,用于指出或反思生活的荒谬性。这是一种文学表现手法,旨在通过幽默和讽刺的方式来揭示生活中常见的荒诞和无理。选项B、C和D与黑色幽默的目的和效果不符。选项B的场景设置与黑色幽默的主题无关,选项C的娱乐、狂热和吸引读者的注意力也不是黑色幽默的主要目的,选项D则完全不符合题干的要求。'
  69. In the omniscient point of view, the narrator _________. ( )

  70. A:may tell us what all—or only some—of the characters are thinking, feeling, and observing B:may comment on the story’s meaning, characters, or events C:can tell us as much or as little as the writer permits D:can tell us only what that single character is thinking, feeling, and observing
  71. Which of the following works are written by William Shakespeare? ( )

  72. A:The Taming of the Shrew B:Richard III C:The Tempest D:Paradise Lost
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:The Taming of the Shrew B:Richard III C:The Tempest。这些作品都是由威廉·莎士比亚所写的,分别是《驯悍记》、《理查三世》和《暴风雨》。D选项《天堂之诗》是约翰·弥尔顿的作品。'
  73. The use of alliteration may ______.( )

  74. A:create humorous effect when used in tongue twister B:add rhythm to the language C:help to compose a clear and compelling writing D:reinforce the meaning
  75. According to our mini-lecture, how can lending books to people you know help you find the suited books? ( )

  76. A:Because they might see you in a different way. B:Because they like recommending books to others. C:Because they are better than you in choosing books. D:Because they might have another perspective on what you might enjoy.

  77. What might be the function of a short summary sentence? ( )

  78. A:It can be an excellent way to remind your readers of your overall purpose. B:It’s just the repetition of the topic sentence. C:It might echo some of the language of the topic sentence. D:It helps summarize your ideas in a unique and meaningful way.
  79. A rhetorical question______ .( )

  80. A:keeps audience engaged B:is a question in form C:requires an answer D:helps move the thought forward
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:keeps audience engaged】:rhetorical question的主要作用是引起听众的兴趣和注意力,让听众积极参与对话,因此选项A“keeps audience engaged”是正确的。选项B“is a question in form”虽然表面上是正确的,但实际上它并不能完全描述rhetorical question的特点;选项C“requires an answer”虽然在一定程度上描述了rhetorical question的特点,但并不是它的主要作用;选项D“helps move the thought forward”虽然描述了rhetorical question在表达思想上的作用,但并不是它的主要作用。因此,正确答案是A。'
  81. Comparative reading gives readers a more complete understanding of a topic. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. English sentences are normally organized in a “given information+new information”order. ( )

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. A double negative giving an unintended positive sense is an error. ( )

  86. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是【B】. 否定之否定表达了出人意料的正面意思是一个错误。这是因为双重否定表达的意思是和单独否定意思相反的,所以在表达的时候需要特别注意,避免出现错误。'
  87. P.S. stands for postscript. It's something you add at the last minute after the letter is complete. Typically, you don't add postscripts to formal letters. ( )

  88. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。根据问题描述,P.S. stands for postscript,这是附加在信件完成后的最后一刻添加的东西,通常不适用于正式信件。因此,判断题表述是错误的。'
  89. If the person or animal is the source of a feeling, it could be modified by -ing adjective, e.g. an annoying player. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. “My love is like a red, red rose.”
    In this sentence, the rhetorical device “metaphor” is used. ( )

  92. A:对 B:错

  93. She was engrossed by the conversation. Is the collocation “be engrossed by” right or wrong? ( )

  94. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。“be engrossed by”这个搭配不正确,正确的搭配应该是“be engrossed in”,意思是“全神贯注于……”。因此,该题答案为B。'
  95. Despite the fact that William Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language, we know very little for certain about his life. ( )

  96. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。句子中明确提到"Despite the fact that...",意思是尽管威廉·莎士比亚被广泛认为是英语中最伟大的作家,但是我们对他的生平了解很少,所以选择B。'
  97. The sentence Not all imperatives have no subject means some imperatives have a subject. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。句子"Not all imperatives have no subject"的意思是并非所有的祈使句都没有主语,也就是说有些祈使句是有主语的。因此,该句子的意思与选项B“对”相符。'
  99. Euphemism is a figure of speech in which mild, indirect, or gentle words substituted for other words that are considered to be too embarrassing, unpleasant, offensive, or harsh to actually say.( )

  100. A:错 B:对

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