第二章 Roots about Holding, Seizing and Following:本章以双十一购物为导入,讲解关于“握、抓住和跟随”词根。2.1关于“握、持”的词根tain:The root tain”and the  words : maintain, contain, obtain attain abstain, sustain, detain and retain.
2.2关于“抓住”的词根prehend:The roots “prehend”/“pris” and the words : comprehend, comprehension, comprehensible, comprehensive, apprehend, apprehensive, apprehension, surprise, comprise, enterprise, prison, imprison.
2.3关于“跟随”的词根 sequ:The root “sequ/secut”and the words: consequence, consequent, subsequence, subsequent, sequence and sequel;consecutive, execute, prosecute and persecute
[单选题]This course aims to give a _____ introduction to the word roots. A good command of so many roots will help students learn words more efficiently.

选项:[compliment, complaint       , comprehensive   ,  comprehend]
[单选题]The doctor advised him to _____ from drinking if he hoped to recover from the disease soon.


选项:[sustain  , abstain                        , absent , suspect]
[单选题]It’s a wonder that the thin branches can _____ (支撑) the weight of such heavy snow.

选项:[surround,  obtain            , surrender, sustain]
[单选题]Lisa’s husband tied her hands and feet to keep her from buying goods on Double Eleven Festival. I hope he will not be _____ (逮捕) for his behavior.

选项:[apprehended     , combined, comprehended   ,  appreciated       ]
[单选题]The fans must be expecting the _____ (续集) to the movie “Transformer” .

选项:[ search, conform , sequel, continue         ]
[单选题]Nowadaysmore and more women are taking a(n) _____ (管理的) role.

选项:[manage,  executive          ,  execute             ,  manual]
[单选题]This book is made up of 16 units. But you guys needn’t learn these lectures in _____ (顺序).

选项:[fluency           , sequence          , disorder, frequency         ]
[单选题] Guys, push yourself to make more friends and make sure to _____ the friendships.

选项:[contact           , maintain, mature,  contain           ]
[单选题] His long illness and _____ absence put him far behind in his study. That explains why he failed the final exam.

选项:[consequence, consequent                                    

, success       ,  status ]
[单选题]Maybe Ma Yun hasn’t expected that Alibaba can _____ its present position in e-commerce within only 15 years.

选项:[ attain              , detain            , attach, deliver                  ]

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