

  1. Mary has done very well, _____ she has only one year of experience in teaching. ( )

  2. A:for that B:in that C:considering that D:as soon as
    AI参考:答案为 B:in that分析句意,在陈述玛丽表现良好的原因,而前面是同位语从句中描述了她教育经验的状况,且表达的是一个原因关系,故选B项。这句话说的是:玛丽做得非常好,原因是她只有一年的教学经验。所以用介词+that,in that在句中引导原因状语从句,意为“因为”。故选B。'
  3. She can't remember committing the murder, although all the facts point to her _____. ( )

  4. A:victim B:violence C:guilt D:intention
  5. For Christian theology, humanity is defined by _____. ( )

  6. A:reason B:free will C:consciousness D:possession of a soul
  7. The creating of the first steam-powered machine, by James Watt, was a(n) _____ idea that required thought and great effort. ( )

  8. A:spontaneous B:original C:previous
  9. If a person is passionate about photography, what skill or personality characteristic is correlated to this interest? ( )

  10. A:analytical skill B:creativity C:determination D:leadership
  11. Which traditional Chinese festival is described in the following poem, the moon was rising from the sea and all the people were sharing this moment? ( )

  12. A:Mid-Autumn Festival B:The Dragon Boat Festival C:Chinese New Year D:The Qixi Festival
    答案:inese New Year
  13. Few of the students understand why language is _____ to human beings. ( )

  14. A:aware B:continual C:unique D:absolute
    答案:正确答案:学生了解自动化是如何工作的,并能够使用算法思维开发一系列步骤来创建和测试自动化解决方案.AI参考:正确答案是C:unique。这句话的意思是:很少有学生能理解语言为什么对人类来说是独一无二的。A.aware 意识到的;B.continual 连续的;C.unique 独一无二的;D.absolute 绝对的。根据句意可知,应选C。'
  15. Which describes someone who is in good shape and who enjoys exercise and sport? ( )

  16. A:Fascinating B:Fanatic C:Athletic D:Inspiring

  17. How long does the celebration for Chinese New Year last( )?

  18. A:13 days B:14 days C:16 days D:15 days
    AI参考:正确答案是D:15 days。根据问题中的关键词“庆祝中国新年”,可以确定答案与春节有关。在中国,春节的庆祝时间为除夕到下一个农历新年之间的15天。因此,答案为D:15 days。'
  19. Which of the following adjective is appropriate to combine with the noun “tennis champion” to present your interests in the interest section of your CV? ( )

  20. A:keen B:former C:dedicated D:experienced

  21. We must _____ our attention on the question of reducing our cost. ( )

  22. A:pay B:promote C:absorb D:focus
    AI参考:正确答案是D:focus。pay attention to意为“注意”,promote意为“促进”,absorb意为“吸收”,focus意为“集中”。根据句意“我们必须把注意力集中在减少成本的问题上”可知,应选D。故选D。'
  23. No matter what you say, I'm coming _____. ( )

  24. A:in a way B:anyway C:any way D:in the way
  25. Which verb can be used to rewrite this sentence to make it more impressive. “Gave a presentation of our client feedback questionnaire.” ( )

  26. A:improved B:edited C:presented D:compiled

  27. If a person enjoys individual competitive sports, like cycling and climbing, what skill or personality characteristic is related to this interest? ( )

  28. A:leadership B:self-motivation C:intercultural awareness D:intelligence
  29. He could be _____ about everything else in the world, but not about Manet, his loving child. ( )

  30. A:critical B:essential C:favorite D:visual
  31. If you can see your breath, it is? ( )

  32. A:freezing B:storming C:spitting D:raining
  33. Mrs. Lindon has _____ that she is unable to get a job. ( )

  34. A:a such little education B:a so small education C:so little education D:such small education

  35. He lost control of his car at the first bend and _____ into a tree. ( )

  36. A:swayed B:smashed C:crashed D:drove
  37. Students _____ to the hall for a lecture given by a famous professor. ( )

  38. A:blocked B:flocked C:staggered D:drifted

  39. What should not you do in a job interview? ( )

  40. A:Avoid eyes contacts with interviewers B:Breathe slowly and deeply C:Politely decline tea or coffee D:Sit up straight
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Politely decline tea or coffee。在面试中,应该礼貌地谢绝茶或咖啡等饮料,而避免与面试官进行眼神接触、深呼吸和坐姿端正都不合适。在回答选项A时,可以确定眼睛和面试官接触非常重要,因此选择C最符合情境。同时,面试期间最好避免进食和喝饮料,因为这些会影响你的注意力和面试表现。其他选项虽然可能是好习惯,但不适用于面试环境。'
  41. Which of the following expression is used to agree with others during a meeting? ( )

  42. A:I don’t entirely agree with you. B:That’s my view exactly. C:Let me get this right. D:I see things rather differently myself.
    AI参考:正确选项是D:I see things rather differently myself.这个表达在会议中用于同意他人的观点,但强调自己有不同的看法。其他选项的含义如下:A:不完全同意你,这可能意味着你在某些方面不同意,但其他方面可能不同。B:这是我的观点完全一样,通常表示你完全同意对方的说法。C:让我弄明白,通常在表达在理解他人的观点之前停顿一下。所以,选项D“I see things rather differently myself”最符合题意,即在会议中表示同意他人的观点,同时强调自己有不同的看法。'
  43. By the side of the new teaching hall _____ , built in the 1930s. ( )

  44. A:does a library stand B:stands a library C:there stands a library D:a library stands

  45. People working in the government should not _____ business affairs that might change their political judgement. ( )

  46. A:engage in B:pick on C:choose between D:hope for

  47. When doing the wash, it is important to _____ white and colored clothing. ( )

  48. A:contrast B:compare C:establish D:separate
  49. Which of the following phrases can be expressed“have a party”? ( )

  50. A:plan a party B:make a party C:throw a party D:do a party
    AI参考:正确选项为C:throw a party。"have a party"是一个常用的表达方式,意思是举办或参加一个聚会或派对。其中,"throw"是一个动词,表示举办或举行,因此选项C“throw a party”是最符合这个意思的选项。而其他选项中,"plan"表示计划,与"have a party"的意思不符;"make"表示制作或制造,也不符合;"do"则表示做某事,更不相关。因此,正确答案是C。'
  51. What does ‘chidushi’mean in Chinese? ( )

  52. A:It means that homemade dishes are delicious. B:It means that the person is very egotistical and only thinks of him of herself. C:It means to prepare his or her own food. D:It means to eat alone.
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:It means to prepare his or her own food.在中文中,“chidushi”通常用来形容一个人自己做饭的行为,即自己准备食物。因此,选项C“它意味着自己做饭”是正确的解释。选项A、B、D都没有准确地解释“chidushi”的含义。'
  53. Which of the following are stages of culture shock? ( )

  54. A:Cultural adaptation B:Frustration C:Acceptance D:Adjustment

  55. Which of the following phrases are correct? ( )

  56. A:apply for a citizenship B:apply for a job C:apply for a visa D:apply a passport
    AI参考:正确选项是C:apply for a visa。“apply for a job”表示申请工作,不符合题意;“apply for a citizenship”表示申请国籍,一般而言,只有移民或者持有外籍的人士才会申请国籍,与题干不符;“apply a passport”表示申请护照,但是护照一般是由政府机构发放的,不应该由个人申请。因此,只有选项C“apply for a visa”符合题意,指的是申请签证。'
  57. It is important to show you are listening actively to the interviewer’s response to your question. What should you do? ( )

  58. A:Keep eye contact with the interviewer. B:Nod your head. C:Paraphrase what the interviewer has told you. D:Make short comments to show you understand.
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:Keep eye contact with the interviewer.在面试中,保持与面试官的视线接触是非常重要的,可以显示你正在认真倾听面试官的回答。选项B、C、D虽然也是正确的做法,但不如保持视线接触更能展示你的专注和尊重。因此,正确选项为A:保持与面试官的视线接触。'
  59. Education equips the individual to adjust himself or herself to _____ for better and successful living. ( )

  60. A:unchanging language B:the changing cultural forms C:unchanging weather patterns D:the changing cultural patterns
    AI参考:正确答案是 D:the changing cultural patterns。教育能够使个体适应变化的文化模式,从而更好地生活并取得成功。A项的“不变的语言”不符合题意;C项的“不变的天气模式”虽然存在变化,但是并不是人们生活中所必需适应的主要内容;B项虽然提及“文化形式”的变化,但缺乏明确的具体描述。因此,正确答案是D项,即教育能够帮助个体适应变化的文化模式。'
  61. Which below are smartphone accessories? ( )

  62. A:A bluetooth headset B:A mount C:A spare charger D:A screen protector

  63. What preparations can you do before a job interview? ( )

  64. A:Find out exactly what the job involves. B:Try to predict the questions you are likely to be asked during the interview. C:Do some research into the company you are applying for a job with. D:Prepare a list of question to ask at the end of the interview.

  65. Please note, if you have a compound sentence with linker such as _____ , you need to put a comma between the clauses. ( )

  66. A:since B:and C:or D:but
    AI参考:正确选项是 D: but。在复合句中使用连词时,如果连词表示转折或对比关系,需要在两个分句之间使用逗号。选项中只有D(but)符合这个条件。其他选项A(since)、B(and)和C(or)都不适用于这个情况。因此,正确答案是D。'
  67. Which of the following are synonyms for “important”? ( )

  68. A:fundamental B:integral C:indispensable D:essential

  69. Opinions are attitudes or judgements that CAN be proven right or wrong. ( )

  70. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。Opinions are attitudes or judgements that cannot be proven right or wrong. 观点是不能被证明对或错的情感或判断。它们是基于个人经验、文化背景、信仰等因素而形成的,因此无法进行客观的证实或证伪。'
  71. A presenter usually gives the audience several minutes to ask questions at the end of the presentation. ( )

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. The important differences between Chinese education and Western-style education are not about the physical schools, or sitting arrangements in the classrooms, or even teaching styles. There is a whole different mindset, different expectations and hopes. ( )

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. Jokes are an important part of our popular, oral culture. ( )

  76. A:错 B:对
  77. In the US, testing is mostly school-based, with teachers designing appropriate evaluations. ( )

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. Education is the process of imparting knowledge or acquiring knowledge. ( )

  80. A:对 B:错

  81. University students do not have to plan their own time well or stick to your schedule. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. There are many characters in Chinese which have much more profound and poetic meaning because they actually refer back to the cultural and historic context. ( )

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. A vice is a good habit you are probably proud of. ( )

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. Exaggeration can be a rhetorical device or figure of speech. ( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. When talking about your work experience in a job interview, you should use jargon and acronyms to impress the interviewers. ( )

  90. A:对 B:错

  91. The references section of CV is of little importance. ( )

  92. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。在简历中,参考部分(references section)是非常重要的,因为它可以证明你的能力和信誉,并有助于雇主对你的了解和信任。因此,该判断题是错误的。'
  93. An opinion refers to a personal belief. It relates to how someone feels about something. Others may agree or disagree with an opinion, but they cannot prove or disprove it. ( )

  94. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B推理过程:选B。根据题干中的“An opinion refers to a personal belief.”可知,观点属于个人观点,是对某事的看法和态度,故选B。'
  95. Action movie has a lot of fighting and car chasing scenes. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错
  97. The writer should summarize the gathered information and give his opinions in the finding section of a report. ( )

  98. A:对 B:错

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