

  1. With the introduction of _____ technology, information flows faster than it ever did.

  2. A:profound B:sophisticated C:complicated D:complex
    答案:介绍AI参考:正确选项是B:sophisticated。句子中使用了“with the introduction of”引导的介词短语,表示一种技术被引入的情况。因此,空格处应该填入一个与“技术”相关的形容词,而sophisticated恰好符合这个要求,表示“高级的,复杂的”,符合句意。而profound意为“深刻的”,complicated意为“复杂的”,complex意为“复合的”,都与句意不符。因此,B选项是正确答案。'
  3. Pick out the expression where incomplete plosive happens 2 times.

  4. A:a thousand thanks B:middle September C:second hand D:paper version
    答案:middle SeptemberAI参考:正确答案是C:second hand。选项C中的“second hand”是一个不完全爆破的单词,其中“se”和“nd”两个音不完全爆破,因此是答案。其他选项中没有不完全爆破的单词。'
  5. If a man is easily taken in by emotional traps, he will not be able to make _______ judgments.

  6. A:sensible B:irrational C:sensitive D:sentimental
  7. Choose the right rhythmic pattern for the following sentence: Go for a walk? (small dot for unstressed, big one for stressed)

  8. A:• ● • ● B:• ● ● • C:● ● • • D:● • • ●
    答案:•●•●AI参考:正确选项是B:• ● ● 句子中的“Go for a walk?”是一个简单的一般疑问句,其中的“for a walk”部分应该读出强重音,所以正确选项B是一个简单的主-辅节奏型,符合英语口语中一般疑问句的常见节奏模式。其他选项的节奏型不符合这个句子的实际情况。'
  9. Our hopes _________ and fell at the same time.

  10. A:raised B:rose C:arose D:aroused
  11. The suspect’s fingerprints on the gun were the main ____ against him.

  12. A:evidence B:conviction C:crime D:information
    AI参考:正确答案是A:evidence。本句的意思是:嫌疑犯手枪上的指纹是控告他的主要证据。Evidence 证据,证据可以作为对某人的指控;Conviction 定罪,一般用于司法程序中;Crime 犯罪,一般指犯罪行为;Information 信息,与本句无关。因此,A选项符合语境。'
  13. The new president said he would ______ himself to protecting the rights of the old and the homeless.

  14. A:demand B:descend C:dedicate D:deviate
    AI参考:正确答案是C:dedicate。这句话的意思是:新总统说他将致力于保护老年人和无家可归者的权利。A. demand要求 B. descend下降 C. dedicate致力于 D. deviate偏离。根据这句话的意思是,只有dedicate符合语境,故选C。'
  15. Nothing will give you a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness, unless you cultivate happiness consciously.

  16. A:encourage B:raise C:nurture D:breed
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:nurture】。原文中提到“nothing will give you a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness,unless you cultivate happiness consciously”,意思是没有什么能给你带来深刻的满足感和幸福感,除非你自觉地培养幸福。其中“cultivate”意为“培养、耕耘”,与原文意思相符,因此选项C“nurture”是正确答案。其他选项的意思与原文不符。'
  17. The phenomenon of plaza dance aerobics is notable for its ability to induce a usually sedentary, older component of China’s population to regularly exercise, according to a report.

  18. A:infer B:cause C:derive D:indulge
    AI参考:正确选项是C:derive。根据句子意思和选项,可以判断出应该选择一个表示“得到,引出”的词。在这个句子中,plaza dance aerobics这种现象能够引导中国人口中通常久坐不动的老年人定期锻炼,因此选项C“derive”符合语境。其他选项的意思与句子意思不符。'
  19. Your to-do lists include long term projects as well as the more imminent things that need doing.

  20. A:instant B:inevitable C:upcoming D:infinite
    AI参考:正确选项是C:upcoming。原文中提到“imminent things that need doing”,表示即将需要完成的事情,而upcoming正是表示即将发生、临近的意思,符合语境。而instant、inevitable、infinite都与原文意思不符。因此,正确答案是C:upcoming。'
  21. The rain was heavy and ____ the land was flooded.

  22. A:continuously B:consistently C:continually D:consequently
  23. In Britain people ____ four million tons of potatoes every year.

  24. A:consume B:swallow C:resume D:exhaust
    AI参考:正确答案是 A:consume。这道题是考查四个单词的意思辨析。swallow吃;resume恢复,重新开始;exhaust使耗尽;consume消耗,吃掉。这句话的意思是“在英国人们每年吃掉四百万吨的土豆”。所以选项A “consume”是正确答案。'
  25. Another area where Chinese and Westerners ______ is that most Chinese people think that they can provide against old age by raising children.

  26. A:cash B:crush C:crash D:clash
    AI参考:正确选项是【D】clash。句子中提到“Chinese and Westerners ______ is that most Chinese people think that they can provide against old age by raising children”,意思是中西方人在思想观念上的差异在于,大多数中国人认为通过养育子女可以应对老年生活。而选项D中的“clash”表示“冲突、不和、不一致”的意思,符合句意。因此,答案为D。'
  27. How many linkings should be used when speaking "Better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off." in a native manner?

  28. A:5 B:6 C:3 D:4
  29. According to the weather ____, it’s going to be fine today.

  30. A:indication B:prediction C:forecast D:provision
  31. The French pianist who had been praised very highly ______ to be a great disappointment.

  32. A:turned down B:turned in C:turned out D:turned up
    AI参考:正确答案是C:turned out。根据上下文可以推断,前半句已经描述了这个钢琴家受到了高度的赞扬,后半句的意思是这个人很失望。而turned out符合这句话的含义,表示“结果是”,即结果发现这个人并没有像大家所期待的那样优秀。因此,答案为C。A选项的意思与原句相反,B选项通常指递交物品,D选项指出现、到达。所以都不合适。'
  33. It’s important to ______ children to more good books.

  34. A:explore B:expose C:expand D:explode
  35. It was such a grand view that it ____ strong emotion in us sight-seers.

  36. A:rose B:arose C:roused D:aroused
    AI参考:答案为 D:aroused这句话的意思是:景色如此壮观,以至于它激发了我们的观光者的情感,rise上升,arose出现,roused唤醒,aroused激发,根据这句话的意思是和结构可知,应选D。故选D。'
  37. His inability to learn foreign languages was a(n) ______ to his career.

  38. A:opposition B:objection C:obstacle D:offence
  39. Uninvolved parents offer little or no supervision, and have few or no expectations or demands for behavior

  40. A:domination B:administration C:restriction D:confinement
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:restriction】原文中提到“Uninvolved parents offer little or no supervision”,意味着不参与的父母很少或根本没有监督,没有对孩子的行为提出期望或要求。而选项C中的“restriction”指的是限制、约束,符合原文中的描述。选项A的“domination”意为支配,与原文不符;选项B的“administration”意为管理,与原文描述不符;选项D的“confinement”意为监禁,更不符合语境。因此,C选项“restriction”是正确答案。'
  41. Right now there is no evidence that those flu viruses that _____ our pets are contagious to us.

  42. A:infected B:affected C:effected D:impacted
    AI参考:正确选项是A:infected。根据句子结构和语境,这里需要一个表示感染、传染的动词,而infected符合这个意思。affected、effected和impacted都不太适合这个语境。infected our pets表明宠物身上的病毒传染给了我们,符合句意。因此,答案为A。'
  43. True friendship is like water, which is tasteless but is essential to our body.

  44. A:magnificent B:vital C:brilliant D:splendid
  45. Universal peace would be ____ to all mankind.

  46. A:beneficial B:worth C:worthy D:valid
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:worthy】句子表达的是“世界和平对全人类是有益的”,其中“be worthy of”表示“值得……”,符合句意。因此,选项C“worthy”是正确答案。选项A“beneficial”表示“有益的”,选项B“worth”表示“值得……的”,选项D“valid”表示“有效的”,都不符合句意。'
  47. which of the following stresses is wrong?

  48. AI参考:很抱歉,您提供的文本没有提供足够的上下文或明确的问题,以至于我无法确定需要回答哪个具体的压力或错误。请提供更多信息或明确的问题,以便我能够为您提供准确的答案。'
  49. Decades ago, Kodak anticipated that digital photography would overtake film — and in fact, Kodak invented the first digital camera in 1975 — but in a fateful decision, the company chose to shelf its new discovery to focus on its traditional film business.

  50. A:invest on B:pay attention to C:concentrate on D:devote itself to
    AI参考:正确选项是C:concentrate on。原文中提到“the company chose to shelf its new discovery to focus on its traditional film business”,意思是公司选择将新发现闲置一旁,专注于传统胶片业务。所以选项C“concentrate on”符合语境,表示集中精力做某事。其他选项的意思与语境不符。因此,答案为C。'
  51. In their conceptions, play harmlessly and experimentally permits us to put our creative forces, fantasy, and imagination into action.

  52. A:dictations B:consumptions C:acceptions D:perceptions
    AI参考:正确选项是D:perceptions。原文中提到“in their perceptions”,表示在他们的感知中,玩耍无害地并且实验性地允许我们将创造力、幻想和想象力付诸行动。因此,选项D“perceptions”符合语境。其他选项“dictations”(听写)、“consumptions”(消耗)和“acceptions”(接受)与原文意思不符。'
  53. You didn’t have to write the essay if you didn’t want to. It was _______.

  54. A:alternative B:offensive C:optional D:compulsory
    AI参考:答案为 C:optional “alternative供选择的”,一般修饰事或物; “offensive 进攻性的” (生气),用于感情表达不对路的形容词或词组,“compulsory必须接受的,强迫性的”; 根据句子结构及意义,“you didn’t have to write the essay”和“it was ______”形成转折关系,因此选项C“optional可选择的”符合题意。故选C。'
  55. which of the underlined sounds are regressive assimilation?

  56. A:backs B:students C:this year D:his shirt
    AI参考:正确答案是C:this year。根据题目中给出的单词back,学生,his shirt都是正常的音节和辅音发音,只有C项this year在“s”发音之后需要用小舌音,符合题意中的复退音合并规则。因此C项为正确答案。'
  57. Finally, doing sports everyday will help people mould a better personality.

  58. A:develop B:carve C:shape D:alter
  59. Which is not the euphemism for "dismiss or fire people"?

  60. A:withdraw B:outplacement C:vocational relocation D:rightsize
    AI参考:正确答案是A,“withdraw”。这个词语并不是“解雇或开除员工”的委婉表达。其他选项B、C、D都是常见的企业用语,用来委婉地表达解雇或裁员的意思。B选项“outplacement”指的是公司为员工寻找新的工作机会的过程;C选项“vocational relocation”指的是职业调动,也可以理解为变相解雇;D选项“rightsize”指的是公司通过裁员或优化结构来适应市场变化,达到规模和资源匹配的过程。因此,只有A选项“withdraw”不是“解雇或开除员工”的委婉表达。'
  61. When his mother was in hospital producing his sister, he was excited--- _____anticipation of having a cute baby sister.

  62. A:for B:at C:in D:toward
  63. The weight-lifter won the gold medal at the Olympics to everyone’s surprise. He had been unknown _________.

  64. A:undoubtedly B:occasionally C:previously D:necessarily
  65. The diffusion of knowledge was _________ by the invention of writing.

  66. A:accelerated B:developed C:improved D:advanced
  67. This taught me to embrace, not fear, experiences and relationships that were outside my comfort zone.

  68. A:contain B:involve C:accept D:hug
    AI参考:正确选项是C:accept。根据句子的语境和语义,句子表达了一个人从某件事情中学到了接受(而不是害怕)不在自己舒适区内的经历和关系,因此选项C accept符合语境。contain意为“包含,容纳”;involve意为“涉及,包含”;hug意为“拥抱,紧抱”。因此,选项A、B、D都不符合句子的语境和语义。'
  69. People who are mean and feel the need to put others down are insecure with themselves.

  70. A:insane B:unreliable C:unsafe D:indifferent
    AI参考:正确答案是【C:unsafe】。原文中说“mean and feel the need to put others down”是自卫的、自我保护的行为,这种行为常常是源于缺乏安全感,所以正确答案是C,即“unsafe”。其他选项A、B、D都不符合文意。'
  71. Laugh more and chill out. Perform with a more fun orientated approach.

  72. A:adjusted B:targeted C:structured D:established
  73. Fuel scarcities and price increases ______ automobile designers to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks.

  74. A:prompted B:persuaded C:imposed D:enlightened
  75. Love is unselfish. Love is endowed by God that we should treasure all our life.

  76. A:considered B:given C:rewarded D:awarded
  77. Increasingly, science indicates that genes lay the groundwork for many human traits.

  78. A:personalities B:characters C:temperaments D:characteristics
  79. German and Italian courses are held in Munich and Rome ______.

  80. A:comparatively B:respectively C:relatively D:reluctantly
  81. Choose the right rhythmic pattern for the following sentence: It's not what I wanted to ask you about. (small dot for unstressed, big one for stressed)

  82. A:•●●•●•●•● B:•●••●•●•● C:••●•●•●•● D:••●••●•●•

  83. Shaking hands when people meet each other for the first time is practiced as a _____ way of greeting.

  84. A:conventional B:conservative C:constant D:convenient
    AI参考:正确选项是A:conventional。句子中提到“shaking hands when people meet each other for the first time is practiced as a _____ way of greeting”,意思是“人们第一次见面握手是一种常见的问候方式”。因此,空缺处应该填入一个表示“常规的、传统的”的单词,而A选项conventional恰好符合这个意思。B选项conservative表示“保守的”,C选项constant表示“不变的”,D选项convenient表示“方便的”,都不符合句子的语境。因此,正确答案是A。'
  85. Science and technology have greatly______ to the improvement of agricultural production.

  86. A:distributed B:contributed C:assisted D:consisted
  87. I hate people who _______ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.

  88. A:rewrite B:revise C:reveal D:reverse
  89. What does "I am barmy." mean in British English?

  90. A:I am thirsty. B:I am hungry. C:I am stupid. D:I am crazy.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:I am crazy.“I am barmy”是“我很疯狂”的意思,barmy是crazy的口语形式,常用于非正式场合中。其他选项的含义与句子中的表达不符。'
  91. When birds _______, they sometimes fly in formation.

  92. A:emigrate B:immigrate C:migrate D:integrate
  93. The court considers a financial _______ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.

  94. A:obligation B:option C:penalty D:prejudice
  95. The ______ I received from the people I met in the Maldives really made my holiday very special.

  96. A:handicap B:humane C:hospitality D:hurl
  97. A new study published in journal Science suggests that emotional tears play a crucial role in _______ stress.

  98. A:alleviating B:relating C:correlating D:aggravating
  99. The purpose of a soap opera is to _______ rather than to educate.

  100. A:encourage B:engage C:ensure D:entertain
    AI参考:正确答案是D: entertain。encourage鼓励,engage使参与,ensure确保,都与题意不符。而entertain意为“使娱乐,逗乐”,与题意相符,因此D为正确答案。故选D。'
  101. "Kung Pao Chicken" is a famous dish from America.

  102. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:B:错。Kung Pao Chicken是一道来自中国的川菜,而不是来自美国。'
  103. Shakespeare is regarded as the master of figures of speech.

  104. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A,即“对”。题干中明确指出“Shakespeare is regarded as the master of figures of speech”,意思是莎士比亚被视为修辞手法的大师,因此可以得出答案为A,即“对”。'
  105. The two 'a's in the sentence "I saw a bony arm shivering violently a few feet away." should both be weakened.

  106. A:错 B:对
  107. Incomplete Plosive can only happen between words.

  108. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。根据题目中的信息,Incomplete Plosive只能发生在单词之间,因此答案为B,即“错”。'
  109. The Renaissance marks the beginning of the Middle English period.

  110. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。句子中提到了“文艺复兴时期”(Renaissance)和“中世纪英语时期”(Middle English period),两者之间是对应关系,因此可以判断答案为B,即“对”。'
  111. Stubborn and persistent are synomyms different in collocation.

  112. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。根据问题描述,选项B是正确的,因为“stubborn”和“persistent”是近义词,但它们的搭配用法是不同的。因此,该判断题是正确的。选项A是错误的,因为“synonyms”和“different in collocation”与问题描述不符。'
  113. Native English words are originated in Anglo-Saxon vocabulary.

  114. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。Native English words are originated in English vocabulary,而不是Anglo-Saxon vocabulary。因此,这个说法是错误的。'
  115. The word ‘housewife’ may cause dissatisfaction among the feminists concerning gender equality.

  116. A:错 B:对
  117. Antonyms are words that are different in sound and spelling but nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning.

  118. A:错 B:对
  119. Nigger is seen as a taboo word.

  120. A:对 B:错

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