  1. “房费 英文表达为room rate。 ( )

  2. A:错 B:对
    答案:B: 对
  3. Wardrobe意思是衣柜。( )

  4. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  5. “客房清洁服务”英文表达为room cleaning service。 ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
    答案:B: 对
  7. “点餐”英文表达是take orders。( )

  8. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  9. “下午好,女士,您打算登记入住吗?”可翻译为“Good afternoon, madam. Are you going to check out?”( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. “预定记录”英文表达为reservation record。 ( )

  12. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  13. “您可以先重启电脑,如还是不行请再通知我们。”可翻译为“Please restart the computer first, if it still doesn’t work then inform us.”( )

  14. A:错 B:对
    答案:A: 错 正确的翻译应该是:“Please restart the computer first, and if it still doesn’t work, then inform us.”
  15. “愿您在我们酒店过得愉快!” 可翻译为“We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel.”( )

  16. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  17. “坐出租车大约要10分钟。”可翻译为“It takes about ten minutes by bus.”( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. “早上好,先生,您需要的叫醒服务时间到了,祝您居住愉快。”可翻译为“Good morning , Sir. It’s time for your wake-up call. Have a nice day. ”( )

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. Suite意思是套房。( )

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. Types of rooms 意思是房间种类。 ( )

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. “信用卡限额” 英文表达为credit card。 ( )

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. “我来帮您拿行李,好吗?”可翻译为“May I take your luggage for you?”( )

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. “请稍等,我将为您转接。”可翻译为“Wait a moment, please. l will transfer it for you. ”( )

  30. A:对 B:错
  31. Extra charge意思是小费。 ( )

  32. A:错 B:对
  33. Laundry items意思是洗衣项目。 ( )

  34. A:对 B:错
  35. Printer是复印机的意思。 ( )

  36. A:错 B:对
  37. “行李服务”英文表达为concierge service。 ( )

  38. A:错 B:对
  39. “宾客免费停车。”可翻译为“Parking is not free for guests of the hotel.”( )

  40. A:错 B:对
  41. Which of the following are tips for using chopsticks correctly? ( )

  42. A:Chopsticks should be held between the thumb and first two fingers. B:When not in use, chopsticks must always be placed neatly on the table. C:When not in use, chopsticks can be crossed on the table. D:When there are communal chopsticks, use them to transfer food
  43. As a hotel operator, which of the following statements are not in a courteous way? ( )

  44. A:Your can call back later. B:Hold on, OK? C:Could you please tell me which room you are in? D:Repeat your address, sir.
  45. When inquiring whether other services are needed, the receptionist in Front Office Department can use such expressions as ( ).

  46. A:If you need anything else, please tell me. B:If you have any further need, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m always at your service. C:what else can I do for you? D:Is there anything else I can do for you?
  47. What are the common types of payment? ( )

  48. A:Credit card B:Mobile payment C:Traveler’s check D:Cash
  49. Which sentences can be used to provide internet service? ( )

  50. A:Please click on the wireless icon to see the list of available networks. B:May I ask what operation system you are using, ma’am? C:What devices are you using, sir? D:Would you like me to tidy up your bathroom first?
  51. What might a bellboy say when escorting guests to rooms?( )

  52. A:How many pieces of luggage do you have, sir? B:What’s your name, sir? C:Let me help you with your luggage. D:Please take the elevator on your right. After you, sir.
  53. Which are common departments in hotels? ( )

  54. A:Housekeeping Department B:Food and Beverage Department C:Recreation Center D:Front Office Department
  55. What are the procedures of guest welcoming service? ( )

  56. A:Confirming reservation information B:check-in service C:Guiding the guest D:Asking about reservation information
  57. Restaurant robot can______. ( )

  58. A:release the restaurant staff from repetitive manual labor B:focus more on customized(定制的) service C:meet the restaurant's demands on food hygiene(卫生), food safety, and other demands D:help effectively solve the problem of labor shortage
  59. When asking the guest to show his identification and to fill out the registration form, the receptionist in Front Office Department can use such expressions as ( ).

  60. A:May I have your passport? B:May I have a look at your ID card? C:Please sign your name here. D:Here is your registration card, sir.
  61. Room Status OOO中表示:( )

  62. A:干净的空房 B:维修的坏房 C:干净的住房/占用房
  63. Available rooms 的意思是 ( )

  64. A:可用房间 B:占用房间 C:保留房间
  65. I would like to book a double room( ) bath.

  66. A:by B:with C:for D:of
  67. Let me ( ) you with your luggage.

  68. A:to help B:helps C:help D:helping
  69. Good morning. ( ) I help you

  70. A:Would B:Am C:Must D:May
  71. Do you want these shirts to be ( )

  72. A:starches B:starching C:starch D:starched
  73. 有什么需要帮忙的吗?( )

  74. A:What can I do for you? B:Is this all right?
  75. Concierge: All right. ( )?Guest: Economy class.

  76. A:What can I do for you B:And a window seat or an aisle1 seat C:there are two flights D:First class or economy class
  77. Room Status中 OD 表示: ( )

  78. A:住客脏房 B:脏的空房 C:干净的住房/占用房
  79. I would like to ( ) a room, please.

  80. A:look B:see C:order D:book
  81. ( ) the way, how long will it take to clean the room?

  82. A:With B:For C:By D:On
  83. You have to pay a( )of 2,800 Yuan.

  84. A:money B:rate C:deposit
  85. Here is your( )and change.

  86. A:receipt B:money C:invoice
  87. Receptionist: May I have ( ) ?Guest: Louis, L-O-U-I-S.

  88. A:a reservation B:added tax, sir C:How much is it D:your surname please
  89. block a room的意思是( )

  90. A:锁好的房间 B:保留的房间
  91. Do you want to pay _____ cash or _____ credit card.( )

  92. A:in in B:by by C:in by D:by in
  93. Receptionist: ( ), please?Guest: From June 25 to 26, by the way .what is the rate of a single room?

  94. A:When will you arrive and depart B:I’d like to book a single room C:May I have your telephone number D:May I have your name
  95. Concierge: ( )?Guest: A window seat, please. How much is it, please?Concierge: 1680 yuan.

  96. A:First class or economy class B:What can I do for you C:May I have your passport D:And a window seat or an aisle1 seat
  97. I ( )保证 you it won't happen again.

  98. A:assure B:make sure
  99. Did you ( ) the mini bar?

  100. A:pay B:use C:have
  101. Concierge: Let me see. Yes, ( ) one is 8 o'clock in the morning, the other is 5 o'clock in the afternoon .

  102. A:First class or economy class B:What can I do for you C:And a window seat or an aisle1 seat D:there are two flights
  103. I am always ( ) your service.

  104. A:for B:In C:at
  105. Concierge: OK. ( ), please ?Guest: Here you are.

  106. A:And a window seat or an aisle seat B:May I have your passport C:First class or economy class D:What can I do for you
  107. Concierge: Good afternoon. ( ) ?Guest: Is there any flight to Beijing on July 4th?

  108. A:And a window seat or an aisle1 seat B:What can I do for you C:First class or economy class D:there are two flights
  109. adjacent room 的意思是 ( )

  110. A:相邻的房间,房间没有连通门, B:相邻的房间,房间有连通门
  111. This way please. ( )

  112. A:那里 B:这边请
  113. May I ( ) the curtain?

  114. A:make up B:Turn on C:draw D:turn off
  115. 是在这吃还是带走英语怎么说?( )

  116. A:to eat here or to go out B:for here or to go
  117. 客房的DND表示:( )

  118. A:脏房 B:请勿打扰 C:空房
  119. I am very sorry; that shouldn't ( ).

  120. A:happen B:bring

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