第一章 Style:A chapter for common sense in films: shots, mise-en-scène,genre and ideology.1.1Shots:The composition and classification of shots.
1.2Mise-en-Scène:Mainly intruduce the setting, framing,sound and lighting,etc.
1.3The Ideology of Classical Hollywood Cinema:Introduce the main features of this ideology.
1.4Genre:Categorization of genres
[单选题]Which genre is NOT categorized on the basis of the effect produced on the audience

选项:[ Comedy,  Action, Horror, Thriller]
[单选题]Which of the Criteria is NOT used to define generic categories?

选项:[Style , Editing, Formal properties, Subject matter]
[单选题]Which of the following films is NOT the blockbuster?

选项:[The Dallas Buyers Club, Titanic, Matrix, Avatar]
[单选题]According to Robin Wood, which of the following statements is NOT the ideology of classic Hollywood cinema

选项:[Marriage and home, Equality and feminism, Progress and technology, Enterprise and initiative]
[单选题]Which of the following shots can give audience a sense of immediacy?

选项:[Hand-held shots, Tilt, Tracking, Pan]
[判断题]Classical Hollywood explicitly extols success and wealth but is at the same time ashamed to do so and seeks to cover its tracks with a contradictory ideology of “money isn’t everything; money corrupts; the poor are happier”

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Which of the following shots can give audience a “bird’s eye view” and thus creates a sense of omniscience

选项:[Overhead shots, Crane shots
, Wide-angle lens, Low angle shots]
[单选题] Which of the following movies is NOT defined by its subject matter?

选项:[Fantasy, Musical, Social Drama, Romance]
[判断题]This ideology is never stated explicitly, but can nevertheless be detected through the set of values and assumptions underlying Hollywood film of the period.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]Both the Western and the musical constitute well-defined genres, the former is now basically extinct, and the latter very nearly so. 

选项:[错, 对]

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