1. The new Lenovo laptop with the butterfly keyboard and the built-in FAX modem is a very modern and pretty ________ machine.( )

  2. 答案:sophisticated
  3. Since your daughter is ___________ to catch a cold, you’d better take her to a hospital and give her a thorough physical examination. ( )

  4. 答案:liable
  5. Astronauts should be very strong in health, so they are ________ all kinds of tests before they are finally sent up in a spacecraft. ( )

  6. 答案:subject to
  7. Even though they were in danger, they did not find __________ to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet. ( )

  8. 答案:it worthwhile
  9. The general manager's __________ directions confused all the employees; they did not know which of the choices was more appropriate for them to take. ( )

  10. 答案:vague
  11. I can’t cancel my arrangement at such a short ______, for I have already announced it to everyone concerned. ( )

  12. 答案:notice
  13. According to what you have just said, am I to understand that his newly-offered job ________ no responsibility at all? ( )

  14. 答案:carries
  15. We have been told that under no circumstances ________ the telephone in the office for personal affairs. ( )

  16. 答案:may we use
  17. No matter how successful we are or how much we have achieved so far, we shouldn’t get ________ since there are more difficulties ahead of us.( )

  18. 答案:contended
  19. Professor Smith and Professor Corley ________ in giving us lectures. This week Professor Smith will lecture, so you won’t be able to meet Professor Corley for your paper.( )

  20. 答案:alternated
  21. I will take your suggestion into consideration as it is beneficial to the company and I am sure it will __________ the problem. ( )

  22. 答案:contribute to solving
  23. Many countries in the United Nations voted to agree that the use of military forces_________political ends can never be justified. ( )
  24. Apparently, up until that time, his interest had still focused ________ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.( )
  25. The financial deficit for the banks will be going from bad to worse unless their plan for economic reform ________ miracles. ( )
  26. ________, Malcolm X managed to achieve English language proficiency through self- learning while in prison. ( )
  27. Historians have always thought that Jefferson’s death on the Fourth of July was a remarkable ________, but it now seems quite possible. ( )
  28. The new government has decided to invest more to create jobs, expand education, __________ health care, and reduce taxes by adopting a series of new policies. ( )
  29. The new book became one of the bestsellers. ________ that they decided to buy the copyright and made it into a film to make a big fortune out of that.( )
  30. One ________ be struck by the enthusiasm he displayed in his work; no one can match him in terms of commitment and devotion.( )
  31. – “Do you regret paying so much for the dog?”– “No. I would be happy to pay ________ for him.” ( )
  32. I caught a __________ of the car before it disappeared around the corner of the street, but I cannot tell for sure whether it is the car you are looking for. ( )
  33. The head of the delegation from Africa said, “We are __________ grateful to you for your warm welcome and gracious hospitality.”( )
  34. ________ it was on the side of a mountain, the small village was very quiet and the view was superb. ( )
  35. We're very glad to greet you ________ the Chinese people.( )。
  36. Opinion polls are now beginning to show the consensus about the __________ that high unemployment is probably to stay. ( )
  37. All the flights __________ because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead, though it would take much longer time. ( )
  38. It is difficult to believe the newspaper accounts of the fire disaster because some reporters misrepresented and ________ the actual events.( )
  39. On January 1st, people usually make a New Year’s ________ such as quitting smoking or losing weight, but it’s never an easy job.( )
  40. I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a __________ character, which had a hidden intension in whatever he did or said. ( )
  41. The young man soon regretted his __________ decision to get married as he had known his girlfriend for only three days. ( )
  42. After a year of bitter arguments and careful planning, preparations for the Olympic Games are now __________ smoothly. ( )
  43. These days the president of the college, together with the deans, __________ planning a conference for the purpose of laying down a series of regulation. ( )
  44. Despite much research, there are still elements in the life circle of the insect that ________ not fully understood or explained.( )
  45. It is reported that more than 50, 000 nuclear weapons in the hands of various nations today are more than ample ________ every city in the world several times over.( )
  46. ___________with actors, executives, and young people, I've learned that those who rise to the heights in any field aren't necessarily the ones with the greatest natural talent. ( )
  47. The continual source of our strength was our mutual trust and respect and time will __________ what we feel about each other. ( )
  48. Here are my questions: Can we reach a ________ on this issue? What if we can’t? Who is going to bear the consequences of that?( )
  49. Without telephone, it would be impossible to carry on the functions of ________ every business operation in the whole country. ( )
  50. Einstein wrote to President Franklin Roosevelt and suggested that the United States should __________ its atomic research program and make building the bomb a top priority. ( )
  51. The police got the order to fire tear gas into the crowd to____________the protectors; in addition they had arrested some to the radicals. ( )
  52. How can you be so ______ to someone who never did you any harm?( )。
  53. She was _______ aware of his presence.( )
  54. The struggle between good and _______ will never stop.( )
  55. Her words _______ his pride and his heart sank all of a sudden.( )。
  56. He’s always trying to _______ my words and make me look bad.( )
  57. Mike has decided to __________ payment on the car until the company corrects the mechanical defects and anything that cause trouble to the car. ( )
  58. Even after she'd retired from work, she kept up her habitual practice of rising at the _________ of dawn since she got used to getting up early. ( )
  59. As had been expected, the terrorists __________ their prisoner in a small dark room. However, they did not chain him to the wall. ( )
  60. Students are advised to understand the ________ difference in meaning between the two words "surroundings" and "environments”. ( )
  61. He was the only one who could bear ________ in this case because the other eyewitnesses had been killed mysteriously. ( )
  62. It was a shock to me that the chairman of the board should ________ me to dismiss the good employees the firm can no longer afford to employ. ( )
  63. It is through learning and accumulated experience that the individual ________ many appropriate ways of reacting to different situations. ( )
  64. Ricky’s embarrassment when he met his teachers was________; his ears turned bright red and he kept looking down on the ground. ( )
  65. Stella held her ground against several attempts to ________ her as secretary of the club, insisting that no one could have done the job better than her. ( )
  66. To live in a family _________ native language is English is the ideal way to further improve one’s English and to gain insight into a new culture. ( )
  67. When I ________ my senses after the earthquake, I found myself wrapped up in bed in a little room, with my colleagues and family bending over me. ( )
  68. The goal of the university is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable ________his financial conditions. ( )
  69. These areas rely on agriculture almost ________, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development. ( )
  70. Roy was too polite to laugh in anyone’s face so he did his utmost to________ his laughter at his friend’s inappropriate remarks. ( )
  71. The report stated that________ a result of environmental tobacco smoke, thousands of non-smokers die of lung cancer each year and thousands more suffer from a lot of illnesses. ( )
  72. AIDS has become one of the first killers to human beings. Despite their lack of success so far, scientists have ________ in their research for a cure for AIDS. ( )
  73. There are so many spectacular modern architectures in this world today, but the beauty of Rome largely ________ the style of its ancient buildings.( )
  74. I tried very hard to persuade him to join the celebration of his ex-wife’s 25th wedding anniversary, but, to my disappointment, I met with a flat ________.( )
  75. Language, culture, and personality may be considered ________ of each other in thought, but they are connected and inseparable in fact. ( )
  76. Since the safety issue for school children has become more concerned by the public, in certain countries the law ________ parents to send their children to school. ( )
  77. ________ the valuable and timely help from their group, we would never have succeeded in our project, which was challenging and time-consuming.( )
  78. The government claims to be trying to do all it can to ________ corruptions, but it is usually easier said than done, so the public is pessimistic about it.( )
  79. Babies have very immature immune systems and rely upon breast milk to ________ this deficiency as it contains protective factors.( )
  80. In my opinion, it is not good ________ him for help since he is very selfish and always indifferent to other people and their matters.( )
  81. Jason failed one of the exams, but we should make ________ for the fact that he had been ill and absent from class for a whole year.( )
  82. The head of the delegation from Africa said, "We are ____ grateful to you for your warm welcome and gracious hospitality."( )
  83. We insist that students should give a truthful answer ___________ with what they understand about the reality of global economy.( )
  84. Because of its geographical position, Germany’s __________ on the situation in Eastern Europe is rather different from Britain’s. ( )
  85. The student is working very hard as he knows that how well he is doing today can have a considerable __________ on his future. ( )
  86. I usually keep my place clean, but I’m afraid I’ve rather __________ the house this week, and it’s kind of a mess now.( )
  87. During economic crisis, people don’t feel safe to __________ their money in any financial program recommended even by banks with good reputations. ( )
  88. Curious tourists, visitors, and newspaper reporters from every corner of the world were __________ upon the small place where Steve Jobs was born. ( )
  89. In no country ________ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. ( )
  90. What is somewhat encouraging is that all participants from the European Union now sense the pressure of working toward __________ to the debt crisis. ( )
  91. You have to be __________ and cancel your marriage plan without any hesitation if you think that he is not reliable and responsible. ( )
  92. A suspected man may deny a charge, but his fingerprints can ________ him even when there is nothing else to even say who he is. ( )
  93. Since he drives so carelessly, there is very ________ hope that he will survive the car accident on freeway. ( )
  94. Sometimes the real antique and the imitated one are nearly the same and even the experts would find it hard to ________ them. ( )
  95. The combination of virtual and traditional learning will ________ the scope of every lesson and increase the students’ interest.( )
  96. ________ me the most is that these butterflies return to the very same tree that their great-grandparents used for the winter before. ( )。
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