

  1. The center will soon be ready to _____________ candidates for the new programme. ( )

  2. A:appear B:enroll C:return D:prepare
    答案:为……作好准备AI参考:正确答案是B: enroll。句意:中心很快就能准备好录取新计划的新学员了。A.appear出现;B.enroll录取;C.return返回;D.prepare准备。根据句意可知,用enroll。故选B。'
  3. He gave a speech _____________ all the members of the faculty. ( )

  4. A:on behalf of B:on the edge of C:on the arrival of D:on the basis of
    答案:show his appreciationAI参考:正确答案是 A: on behalf of根据语境“他代表全体教职工发表了演讲”可知此处on behalf of代表…之意。因此A项正确。故选A。'
  5. You make the reservation, and I'll _____________ it in writing. ( )

  6. A:remind B:confirm C:prepare D:manage
  7. Talent alone is not a _____________of success. ( )

  8. A:guarantee B:example C:task D:attempt
    AI参考:正确答案是A:guarantee。句意:只有才华不能保证成功。A. guarantee保证;B. example例子;C. task任务;D. attempt尝试。根据句意可知,只有才华不能保证成功,故选A。'
  9. When buying an apartment, people often take into _____________ its price, position, surroundings and so on. ( )

  10. A:origin B:degree C:account D:condition
    答案:pt to
  11. It’s the sort of work that _____________ a high level of concentration. ( )

  12. A:calls on B:calls at C:calls for D:calls off
    答案:calls for
  13. The government should do more to promote _____________ agriculture. ( )

  14. A:possible B:sustainable C:financial D:successful
    答案:正确答案:nation nationAI参考:正确答案是B:sustainable agriculture。句子表达了政府应该更多地努力推动可持续农业,所以正确答案是B,sustainable agriculture。其他选项的意思与句子不符。A选项possible表示可能的,不符合语境;C选项financial表示金融的,与农业无关;D选项successful表示成功的,也不符合语境。因此,正确答案是B。'
  15. Her _____________in life was to work with the homeless. ( )

  16. A:schedule B:mission C:resource D:service
    AI参考:正确答案是B: mission。mission在生活上的使命是和无家可归的人一起工作。schedule时间表,resource资源,service服务。因此,B选项“mission”符合题意。'
  17. The overseas experiences made her have a greater understanding of the _____________between Russia and other countries on the popularity of modern dance. ( )

  18. A:pattern B:style C:gap D:way
  19. The fatal errors undermine the _____________ of a detection system. ( )

  20. A:proposal B:strategy C:credibility D:outline
  21. The three firms I am going to _____________ are very appealing. ( )

  22. A:enhance B:recommend C:predict D:benefit
  23. We must promote originality, inspire creativity and encourage _____________. ( )

  24. A:standard B:business C:comment D:innovation
  25. Their _____________ was aroused by his strange behaviour. ( )

  26. A:performance B:competition C:curiosity D:revolution
  27. A recent ___________ showed 75% of those questioned were in favor of this plan. ( )

  28. A:statement B:survey C:opinion D:strategy
  29. If I happen to find out where she is, I’ll_____________ you immediately. ( )

  30. A:finalize B:distinguish C:contain D:inform
    答案:正确AI参考:正确答案是 D:inform 。如果偶有发现她的所在之处,我会立即通知你。inform sb of sth通知某人某事。finalize 完成,distinguish 区分,contain 包含,这三项都不符合语境。故选D。'
  31. null

  32. AI参考:很抱歉,您没有提供任何听力训练的问题或听力材料,因此我无法为您提供正确的选项。如果您有听力训练的需求,请提供相关信息,我会尽力回答并提供正确的选项。'
  33. Read the following passage about the relationship between the climate change and turbulence. Choose the best heading for each paragraph from the list in the box. There is one heading you do NOT need.

    Climate Change Will Make Flying Worse

    Paragraph 1

    In addition to rising seas, longer droughts, and all manner of weather nightmares, global climate change promises to make flying just a bit more hellish. British scientists ran computer models simulating the widely predicted global increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide  to see how it might affect turbulence. The short answer? Flying is going to get a whole lot bumpier.


    Paragraph 2

    This will trouble the airline industry, which in any given year experiences nearly 800 “turbulence encounters” that result in hundreds of minor injuries and dozens of major injuries. The study finds that light turbulence will increase by 59 percent, and light-to-moderate turbulence will increase by 75 percent. In other words, expect more spilled drinks and dire warnings to buckle up. Things get worse from there, with the incidence of increasingly severe turbulence going up, up, and up. Truly severe turbulence  jolts harsh enough to toss people around  will climb 149 percent.



    Dont worry, though. Airlines are developing ways to warn pilots of trouble and stabilize aircrafts. Pilots know how to handle turbulence, of course, and get real-time updates of turbulent air from air traffic control and other pilots on the same flight path. Technology can help, too.



    An on-board system exists that can spot air turbulence up to 18 miles ahead of the plane. It kind of works, but it weighs a ton, isnt terribly effective, and still costs a fortune. Unsurprisingly, theres not so much interest from the aeronautics industry to use it.


    Paragraph 5

    So technology and training may mitigate the impacts of increasingly turbulent flights, but in the meantime, it may be a good idea to keep your seat belt fastened, even when the light isnt on.

  34. 答案:E
  35. Read Questions 1-8 and Texts A, B, and C about staff turnover below. Decide which text answers each question. For each blank, choose A, B, or C that stands for the text.

    Text A

    STAFF ATTRITION It refers to the loss of employees through a natural process, such as retirement, resignation, elimination of a position, personal health, or other similar reasons. With attrition, an employer will not fill the vacancy left by the former employee.

    Pros: It can reduce costs when an organization may be facing financial distress and is usually considered more of an amicable or cordial departure from the organization.

    Cons: Reduction in size or strength of workforce; Remaining job duties can increase the work load for remaining employees.

    Solution:As it is defined, organizations either do not have much control over staff attrition (e.g. retirement), or they are directly controlling attrition in a demonstrated effort to reduce costs.


    Text B

    STAFF TURNOVER The voluntary or involuntary loss of an employee, with the organization’s intent to fill the position vacancy. Turnover can be caused by similar reasons as attrition, but turnover is usually viewed negatively and as a burden for employers.

    Pros: It can be beneficial if problematic or poor-performing employees choose to leave the organization and can be an opportunity to hire a person who is a better fit for the job and your company.

    Cons: High costs associated with finding replacements (especially for more senior positions); Continuously directing efforts to training and onboarding.

    Solution: By knowing your candidate’s unique characteristics before you even meet them, and objectively mapping those to the desired characteristics for the job and for the organization as a whole, you can reduce turnover and optimize employee retention.


    Text C

  36. 答案:A;B;B;C;A;B;A;A
  37. Read the two texts below about two websites. Choose the best one from the choices marked A, B, C and D.


    Text A

    In January 1994, Jerry Yang and David Filo, two Stanford graduate students created a website named “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web.” It was a directory of other websites, organized in a hierarchical manner. Later that year, it was renamed as “Yahoo.” Yang and Filo said they selected the name because they liked the word’s general definition, “rude, unsophisticated, and uncouth.” In 1996, Yahoo released its initial public offering. Initially it was only working as a search engine, but in the 1990s when the web services started becoming popular, it started diversifying into various other businesses. In 1997, Yahoo acquired an online communications company, which later became Yahoo! Mail. Yahoo also localizes its websites by region. Yahoo’s localized websites in countries where English is not the primary language are available in those countries’ native languages instead.


    Text B

    Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were doing their PhD at Stanford University; it was incorporated as a privately held company in September 1998. Google made the initial public offering on August 19th, 2004. As a search engine, Google had the largest market share. To capture other areas of Internet services, Google started acquiring other companies like Orkut and YouTube. The search engine Google was originally named as “BackRub” because the system checked backlinks to estimate a site’s importance and it was originally used in Stanford University’s website with the domain name “google.stanford.edu.” The domain name “google.com” was registered on September 15th, 1997. Google indexes billions of web pages, so that users can search for the information they desire, through the use of keywords and operators. Google has also employed the Web Search technology into other search services, including Image Search.

  38. 答案:正确答案:请多读多练,注意连续.重音.弱读等语音因素.AI参考:题目: 文本 A 介绍了 Yahoo 创立的背景、发展过程以及相关产品。请简要概述文本 A 所介绍的 Yahoo。 正确答案: 文本 A 中介绍的 Yahoo 是一家创立于 1994 年的网站,最初是一个名为“Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web”的网站目录,后来更名为“Yahoo”。它最初是一个搜索引擎,但在 90 年代后期开始多元化发展,进入其他业务领域。它还推出了各种产品,如 Yahoo! Mail 和收购的在线通信公司。此外,Yahoo 还根据不同地区的语言和文化特点对网站进行本地化。 解释: 文本 A 中详细介绍了 Yahoo 的创立背景、发展过程以及相关产品。它最初是一个网站目录,后来更名为“Yahoo”,并逐渐发展成为一家多元化的互联网公司。在文本 A 中提到了 Yahoo 的发展历史、推出的产品以及一些收购事件,这些都是符合问题中要求的简述。同时,文本 A 也强调了 Yahoo 的本地化工作,以满足不同地区的用户需求。 简言之,文本 A 所介绍的 Yahoo 是一家由两个斯坦福大学研究生创立的互联网公司,它经历了从搜索引擎到多元化业务的发展过程,推出了各种产品,并致力于满足不同地区的用户需求。"
  39. When offering concise and specific information, it is better to write long sentences. ( )

  40. A:对 B:错
  41. An agenda makes sure that an event stays on track and that everyone knows what is happening and what is going to happen next. ( )

  42. A:对 B:错
  43. Business acceptance emails should be brief and straight to the point. ( )

  44. A:错 B:对
    答案:错误AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 商业承兑汇票电子邮件应该简洁明了。所以答案是B。"
  45. The context of business meetings stresses logical clarity and avoidance of ambiguity and vague expressions. ( )

  46. A:对 B:错
  47. Examples can illustrate your point for a better understanding. ( )

  48. A:错 B:对
    答案:正确答案:The government has always played an active and important role in America's economic development.In the early 1930s,the United States suffered the worst economic depression in American history.President Roosevelt introduced the New Deal to tackle the financial crisis.Besides,he set up the New York State Emergency Relief Commission to help those in desperate need and tried to relieve the serious problems of the jobless.At the end of 1970s,the American economy again suffered a recession.The Reagan administration combated inflation by controlling government spending deficit,cutting taxes and raising interest rates.Both policies mentioned above helped to set the country's economic development on its right course.In all,the intervention of the government has ensured that economic oppotunities are fair and accessible to the people.It has prevented flagrant abuses of the system,dampened the effects of inflation and stimulated economic growth.AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据问题描述,例子是为了解释和说明观点,以促进更好的理解。因此,这个说法是正确的,选项B“对”是正确答案。选项A“错”与此描述不符。"
  49. Using data is not a strategy that can be applied to make the feedback summary more convincing. ( )

  50. A:错 B:对
    答案:A.熟知的AI参考:答案:A.错。 使用数据不能作为一种策略应用于使反馈总结更具说服力。因此,这个说法是错误的。"
  51. When making comparison and contrast, transitional words and expressions can enhance logical organization. ( )

  52. A:错 B:对
  53. When writing a proposal email, you can ignore the subject line. ( )

  54. A:对 B:错
  55. A T-chart can be used when opposite opinions are weighed. ( )

  56. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。 在权衡相反意见时可以使用T-chart(直方图)。直方图是一种常用的质量管理工具,用于分析和解决问题。它可以用于比较不同数据集之间的差异,并帮助识别潜在的问题和改进机会。因此,答案是B,直方图可以在权衡相反意见时使用。"
  57. One crucial step to ensure the agenda works on time is to plan the agenda items beforehand. ( )

  58. A:错 B:对
    答案:Rab proteinsAI参考:答案:B 解释: 确保会议按时进行的关键步骤之一是提前计划议程项目。因此,答案为B,即这个判断题是正确的。"

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