1. The following statements are utilized in describing the properties of crossing of cheques. Which one of the following statements is incorrect? ( )

  2. 答案:Two parallel lines without any further information in between is classified as special crossing.
  3. As specified in UK Bills of Exchange Act 1882, the payee of N/I has three rights. Which one of the following statements does not belong to the right of payee? ( )

  4. 答案:Right of transferring the N/I even if it is restricted order.
  5. What is the central document in all commercial documents? ( )

  6. 答案:Commercial invoice
  7. The bill of lading is the evidence of the contract of carriage between ____________ . ( )

  8. 答案:Exporter and the shipping company
  9. Which of the following bill of lading is not negotiable? ( )

  10. 答案:Straight bill of lading
  11. In documentary collection, from the perspective of the exporter, which term of releasing document is most favorable? ( )

  12. 答案:D/P at sight
  13. Which one of the following payment techniques involves selling its accounts receivables to financial intermediary on a non-recourse basis? ( )

  14. 答案:Factoring
  15. ___________ certifies that the goods were produced in a particular country. ( )

  16. 答案:A certificate of origin
  17. The international settlement methods experienced four major evolution process, which one of the following statements is correct? ( )

  18. 答案:From simple price terms to complex price terms
  19. Which one of the following types of documentary credit allows beneficiary to use credit as security to open a separate and new credit in favor of the real supplier? ( )

  20. 答案:Back-to-back credit
  21. Which one of the following statements does not belonging to the condition of a holder in due course? ( )

  22. 答案:The holder noticed the defect in the title of the person who negotiated it.
  23. Under Incoterms 2010, which price term does not belong to sea or inland waterway transport? ( )
  24. Which one of the following guarantees is employed to assure that the tenderer will perform the contract as signed? ( )
  25. Which one of the following statements is a demonstrative order in a typical draft? ( )
  26. What must be the same in a new and original assignable letter of credit? ( )
  27. The documentary credit has the following clause: “Credit available with the advising bank by negotiation against the documents detailed and beneficiary’s draft at 45 days after sight drawn in issuing bank, it is available with any bank. “What is the type of this credit? ( )
  28. In international factoring, which one the following parties assigns supplier’s receivables in accordance with the factoring contract? ( )
  29. Which one of the following statements does not belong to the motivation of inserting the issuing date and place into the main body of a draft (bill of exchange)? ( )
  30. ______________ has the right of first choice in selecting a collecting bank. ( )
  31. Which of the following statement associated with international factoring and forfeiting is incorrect? ( )
  32. Which one of the following statements does not belong to the duty of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)? ( )
  33. In remittance, a bank that is entrusted in the payment order to pay a certain amount of money to the payee or beneficiary is termed as ________. ( )
  34. The following statements are employed in describing the characteristics of letter of credit (L/C), which statement is problematic? ()
  35. The following statements are employed in describing three types of remittance, which description is incorrect? ( )
  36. In international trade payments, which one of the following statements is not the concern of exporter? ( )
  37. Payee has the right to ask the drawer to pay and has the right of recourse if the instrument is dishonored by non-payment or non-acceptance. ( )
  38. "Please pay Shanghai DianJi University a sum of two hundred and fifty Chinese Yuan only." is a payable to bearer order. ( )
  39. According to UK Bills of Exchange Act 1882, a bill may be addressed to the two or more drawees whether they are partners or not. ( )
  40. Under collection, after the draft has been accepted by the importer and the collecting bank is willing to guarantee the payment of the importer at maturity, the importer may discount the bill with the remitting bank and make payment to exporter immediately. ( )
  41. At current stage, electronic letters of credit completely replace the traditional one. ( )
  42. Any mistakes or delays due to the wrong information provided by importer, the responsibility is lying on the remitting bank. ( )
  43. For a particular cheque, it is optional to include the cheque writing account on the main body of the instrument. ( )
  44. Export T/T financing is also called export invoice financing whereas bank make payment to the exporter before the importer pays. ( )
  45. A bill of exchange is a conditional order in writing. ( )
  46. The holder for value is also named as a bona-fide holder. ( )
  47. According to Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (Geneva, 1930), partial acceptance, by which the drawee only agrees to pay part of the amount for which the bill is drawn, is allowed. ( )
  48. In ancient times, indirect payment is based on barter or cash basis. ( )
  49. Referring to UK Bills of Exchange Act, suppose a usance draft payable after sight is accepted for honor, its maturity is calculated from the date of acceptance for honor. ( )
  50. Remitter can cancel the remittance before the funds are paid to the payee. ( )
  51. Under collection, once the goods have arrived at the destination while the bill is not mature due to the D/P after sight is utilized. The collecting bank is willing to release the documents under T/R without any cash deposits provided by the importer. ( )
  52. A certificate of deposit (CD) is a non-interest-bearing financial instrument issued by a commercial bank which is employed by those who travel around the world but do not have cheque-writing accounts. ( )
  53. Faster Payments is one of two important electronic payment systems of CHIPS company. ( )
  54. Western Union (WU) is one of the largest international remitting companies and the earliest one that has entered into China. ( )
  55. From the perspective of the seller, collection means the seller prepares a draft and/or shipping documents and submits all these documents to its entrusted bank for collection prior to the shipping of goods to importer's country. ( )
  56. Banks have no liability for the consequences arising out of delay and/or loss in transit of any messages arising in transmission of any telecommunication. ( )
  57. Telegraphic transfer is typically used for remittances of small sums of little urgency. ( )
  58. Possessing the full set of original bills of lading means controlling the title to goods. ( )
  59. The import T/T finance is a short-term financing provided by bank to the importer. ( )
  60. Negotiable instruments can be employed as payment instruments only. ( )
  61. In remittance, the paying bank is a bank in the place where the debtor or importer resides. ( )
  62. What are the general requirements for documentations?( )
  63. Under CIF conditions, the buyer is the insured and can agree on the type of insurance to protect its own interests. (( )
  64. A certificate of origin (C/O) is a document used in international trade to identify a product's country of origin and it will also detail the product's specifications and the identities of the exporter and importer. (( )
  65. Which of the following documents is not a commercial document? ( )
  66. A bill of lading is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. (( )
  67. Within the forfeiting transaction, the forfeiting quotation depends on the credit standing of importer as well as its collecting bank. (( )
  68. Which of the following statements inappropriately describe the difference between forfeiting and officially supported export credits?( )
  69. Which of the following statements inaccurately describe the difference between factoring and forfeiting?( )
  70. Which of the following statements appropriately describe the characteristics of forfeiting over the remaining two alternative payment methods?( )
  71. Which of the following statements appropriately describe the difference between forfeiting and invoice discounting?( )
  72. Before exporter and importer reaches agreement, forfeiter is likely to investigate the credit standing of importer and the contract value should below the approved credit line. (( )
  73. The risk for a forfeiter enrolled in the forfeiting to take including commercial risk, political risk and foreign exchange risk. (( )
  74. By definition, forfeiting is a payment technique an exporter can use to promote sales on a deferred payment basis. (( )
  75. Which one of the following statements associated with the service of factoring in incorrect? ( )
  76. To date the United States is still the largest market for factoring services as it generates the greatest portion of the market share. (( )
  77. Which of the following service(s) will be covered in the factoring? ( )
  78. During the credit investigation stage, which of the following aspects will be considered by the import factor?( )
  79. Which of the following statements accurately describe the motivation of selecting the factoring as the payment technique?( )
  80. The factor (a specialized financial intermediary) is the party assigns suppliers’ receivables with respect to the factoring contract. (( )
  81. Which one of the following statements associated with the service of factoring in correct? ( )
  82. The customer (debtor) of the factor is the party liable for the payment of goods or services. (( )
  83. The credit investigation is a crucial procedure in the transaction of the factoring, as it is the solution for factor to minimize its risk exposure. (( )
  84. The working principle of bank guarantee is alike to the financial insurance policy, that is, as long as the applicant failed to fulfill the obligation specified in the contract, beneficiary may claim for the reimbursement from the guarantor (the issuing bank). (( )
  85. Which one of the bank guarantees is utilized to makes about 10% of contract value as down payment to tenderer based upon its request? ( )
  86. Within the transaction of the indirect bank guarantee, the reissuing bank will open a counter guarantee to the issuing bank to claim for the reimbursement. (( )
  87. Which one of the bank guarantees is utilized to assure that tenderer will perform the contract as signed? ( )
  88. The direct guarantee is issued by the reissuing bank directly to the beneficiary and may advised through a local bank but without any responsibility on part of local bank. (( )
  89. Which one of the bank guarantees is employed to provide an assurance of the intention of party submitting the tender to sign the contract if his tender is accepted? ( )
  90. The bank requests a local bank to issue the required guarantee in favor of beneficiary and the bank issues a counter guarantee in favor of local bank in which it undertakes to irrevocably pay the local bank. (( )
  91. The standby letter of credit was firstly introduced in Japan under the circumstance of policy discouraged imports from overseas at that period. (( )
  92. The definition of standby letter of credit is identical to that of letter of credit under the International Standby Practice. (( )
  93. According to the Uniform Custom Practice, the definition of standby letter of credit is different from that of conventional letter of credit. (( )
  94. A standby letter of credit represents an undertaking by a bank to pay a third party upon the failure of the applicant to perform specified obligations. (( )
  95. The fundamental difference between conventional letter of credit and standby letter of credit is that the letter of credit is a medium of payment while the standby letter of credit is the medium of providing credit assurance. (( )
  96. Within the transaction of documentary credit, advising bank will examine the credit, which one of the following areas will not be covered in the examination? ( )
  97. Which one of the following statements associated with documentary credit is problematic? ( )
  98. On receipt of credit advised by advising bank, the importer need to check whether there is any discrepancies between sales contract and documentary credit. (( )
  99. The beneficiary of the documentary credit has right to examine the letter of credit, checking whether the terms and conditions as specified in credit identical to those specified in sales contract. (( )
  100. A revocable credit has commercial utility value in international trade as it is frequently employed between companies in alliance. (( )
  101. Within the transaction of documentary credit, which entity is the buyer of the sales contract? ( )
  102. Which of the following statements accurately describe the features of the documentary credit? ( )
  103. Suppose the beneficiary discovers any terms and conditions, which are impossible to fulfill, an immediate amendment of sales contract is critical, and hence, the contents of letter of credit can be modified with respect to the changes made on sales contract. (( )
  104. Under the transaction of documentary credit, which entity is to effect the payment under the credit? ( )
  105. Which of the following information must be involved in any letter of credit? ( )
  106. Which of the following statements accurately describe the financial services provided by the banks involved in the collection? ( )
  107. Which of the following statements accurately describe the potential services will be provided by collection bank in the event of dishonor? ( )
  108. Which of the following statements associated with the remitting bank within the transaction of collection is incorrect? ( )
  109. Which of the following statements associated with the documentary collection is inappropriate? ( )
  110. According to Uniform Rule for Collection, the documents utilized in the transaction of the collection can be classified into two categories, namely, financial documents and collection processing documents. (( )
  111. All documents sent for collection must be accompanied by a collection instruction indicating that the collection is subject to URC and giving precise instructions. (( )
  112. Under the transaction of the collection, the involved commercial banks are not dealing with the goods and services. (( )
  113. By definition, the presenting bank is the correspondent bank which proceeds the instruction provided by remitting bank to collect the payment from the importer. (( )
  114. Which of the following document(s) is classified as commercial documents under the collection? ( )
  115. Which of the following statements associated with the direct collection is correct? ( )
  116. Which of the following document(s) only involved in documentary collection but not in the clean collection? ( )
  117. Which of the following statements associated with the remittance is appropriate? ( )
  118. Which one of the following statements failed to explain the underlying reason on the expanded volume of open account sales even such payment methodology is risky from the perspective of the exporter? ( )
  119. Under the remittance, the working principle of demand draft is exactly the same as the bill of exchange, it orders the drawer bank to make payment on demand. (( )
  120. The statement of “In cover, we have credited the sum to your account with us” is utilized in payment order of nostro account. (( )
  121. Which one of the following statements appropriately describes the duty of the remitting bank? ( )
  122. The cancelation of the transaction of remittance is possible prior to the remitting bank instructs the fund transferring to the paying bank. (( )
  123. Which of the following entity is responsible for the information accuracy of the remittance application? ( )
  124. Which of the following statements associated with the remittance is incorrect? ( )
  125. Which of the following entity has the right to decide how the instruction is transferred from the remitting bank to the paying bank? ( )
  126. Remittance is a bank, at request of its customer, transfer a certain sum of money to its overseas branch or correspondent bank, instructing it to pay a named entity in that country. (( )
  127. Which of the following statements associated with cheque is incorrect? ( )
  128. According to UK Bills of Exchange Act 1882, a general crossing on a cheque may be converted into a special crossing and vice versa. (( )
  129. Promissory note is a typical three-party instrument and it contains an unconditional promise to pay. (( )
  130. Joint and several notes contain more than one debt, and hence, the makers are liable on the note jointly and severally. (( )
  131. Which of the following financial instruments are belonging to the promissory notes? ( )
  132. Cheque is a special type of bills of exchange, in which drawer must be a commercial bank. (( )
  133. Which of the following statements associated with promissory note is incorrect? ( )
  134. Which of the following statements associated with bill of exchange is incorrect? ( )
  135. Which of the following statements associated with bill of exchange is correct? ( )
  136. Suppose the monetary amount in the bill of exchange is different, according to Geneva Uniform Law, the bill is invalid. (( )
  137. Suppose there is no indication of this information on a bill of change, the location of acceptor (or drawer) resides will be the place for making payment. (( )
  138. As required by the negotiable instrument rules and regulations, the name and address of drawee must be reasonably clear and definite. (( )
  139. As specified by the negotiable instrument rules and regulations, the signature of drawer can only be a handwritten signature. (( )
  140. Which of the following terms are belonging to the requirement of a bill of exchange? ( )
  141. Which of the following acts are belonging to special acts associated with the bill of exchange? ( )
  142. Which of the following statements are belonging to the requirements of a valid indorsement in bill of exchange? ( )
  143. Which of the following statements are classified as demonstrative order? ( )
  144. Which of the following negotiable instrument law was initiated earliest in the history? ( )
  145. Which of the following financial instruments can be broadly defined as negotiable instruments? ( )
  146. Which of the following financial instruments can be narrowly defined as negotiable instruments? ( )
  147. Which of the following statements accurately describe the feature of negotiable instruments? ( )
  148. The holder for value has to fulfill which of the following condition(s) in order to be regarded as the holder in due course? ( )
  149. The price terms are defined as the standardized terms used in international trade contracts, which define the trade contract responsibilities and liabilities between buyer and seller. (( )
  150. By definition, the international settlement is the financial activities of settling claims and debts among different countries. (( )
  151. Which one of the following payment methodologies involves the bank services of money transfer, document handling and payment guarantee simultaneously? ( )
  152. Which of the following price terms are belonging to Incoterms 2000 but not included in Incoterms 2010?( )
  153. Which of the following price terms are included in both Incoterms 2000 and Incoterms 2010?( )
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