1.Tamburlanine the Great, The Jew of Malta, and The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus are great tragedies written by Christopher Marlowe, the most prominent figure among the "University Wits."
A:错 B:对
2.The Romantic Age is an age of poetry.
A:错 B:对
3.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling is Henry Fielding's first novel, which is a masterpiece on human nature.
A:对 B:错
4.Realism and modernism coexisted in the 20th-century British literature.
A:错 B:对
5.Alexander Pope was the representative poet of the neo-classical school, and the early 18th century has often been named as the Age of Pope.
A:错 B:对
6.The essence of English Renaissance was humanism.
A:正确 B:错误
7.The structure of The Canterbury Tales is similar to Boccacio's Decameron.
A:错 B:对
8.1920s was dominated by modernistic writings.
A:对 B:错
9.The critical realists criticised the capitalist social system from a proletarian point of view.
A:对 B:错
10.The Romantic Age began with the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798 and ended with the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832.
A:对 B:错
11.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight extols ( ).
A:integrity B:heroism C:valor D:loyalty

12.( ) are Jonathan Swift's works.
A:A Modest Proposal B:Moll Flanders C:The Battle of the Books D:Tale of a Tub 13.Which of the following are William Shakespeare's greatest tragedies?
A:Othello B:King Lear C:Macbeth D:Hamlet 14.Which of the following are TRUE about Robinson Crusoe?
A:It narrates in first-person viewpoint. B:It praises moderation, temperance, self-reliance, and work ethic. C:It is a typical Puritan tale. D:It is a middle-class book. 15.( ) and ( ) are novelists during the Romantic Period.
A:Walter Scott B:Jane Austen C:Lawrence Sterne D:Charles Dickens 16.( ) are representatives of pre-romanticism.
A:Alexander Pope B:William Blake C:Henry Fielding D:Robert Burns 17.( ) and ( ) dominated the poetic scene in the 1920s.
A:T. S. Eliot  B:W. B. Yeats C:James Joyce D:Virginia Woolf 18.Which of the following are critical realists?
A:Oscar Wilde B:William Makepeace Thackeray C:Walter Pater D:Thomas Hardy 19.Which of the following are salient features of the Victorian novels?
A:Most of the Victorian novels employed third-person narration. B:They gave a true-to-life picture of real life. C:They all tried to teach as well as to entertain. D:They followed the moral standard. 20.( ) are Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s representative plays.
A:The School for Scandal B:She Stoops to Conquer C:The Rape of the Lock D:The Rivals 21.John Milton's ( ) are taken from the bible.
A:Paradise Lost B:Samson Agonistes C:Lycidas D:Absalom and Achitophel 22.( ) are poets in the 18th century.
A:Henry Fielding B:Thomas Gray C:Samuel Richardson D:Alexander Pope 23.( ) and ( ) are dominant literary forms in the Elizabethan age.
A:epic B:drama C:romance D:poetry 24.Which of the following are Jane Austen's works?
A:Emma B:Northanger Abby C:Mansfield Park D:Sense and Sensibility 25.( ) are John Milton's epics.
A:Paradise Lost B:Samson Agonistes C:Paradise Regained D:Lycidas 26.Which of the following are novels written by the Brontë sisters?
A:Jane Eyre B:Little Dorrit C:Shirley D:Wuthering Heights 27.Which of the following are TRUE about Robinson Crusoe?
A:It narrates in first-person viewpoint. B:It praises moderation, temperance, self-reliance, and work ethic. C:It is a typical Puritan tale. D:It is a middle-class book. 28.“The father of English novel” is ( ).
A:Daniel Defoe B:Henry Fielding C:John Donne D:Jonathan Swift 29.The prevailing tone in Pride and Prejudice is ( ).
A:mild satire B:strong approval C:strong disapproval D:bitter satire 30.( ) is the dominant figure of the modern poetry.
A:Dorothy Richardson B:Virginia Woolf C:James Joyce D:T. S. Eliot 31.Among the following plays which is not written by Christopher Marlowe?
A:The School for Scandal B:The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus C:Tamburlaine the Great D:The Jew of Malta 32.The story of ( ) is the culmination of the Arthurian romances.
A:Beowulf B:Piers the Plowman C:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight D:The Canterbury Tales 33.In the preface to Lyrical Ballads, ( ) set forth his principles of poetry, “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling”.
A:P. B. Shelley B:William Wordsworth C:S. T. Coleridge D:Sir Walter Scott 34.In Hardy’s “Wessex” novels, there is an apparent ( ) touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life.
A:humorous B:sarcastic C:romantic D:nostalgic 35.The history of English literature begins in the ( ) century.
A:7th century B:5th century C:4th century D:6th century 36.( ) was famous as the leader of the late-Victorian decadent aestheticism, and he had wrote one novel — The Picture of Dorain Gray.
A:Charles Dickens B:Thomas Hardy C:Oscar Wilde D:G. B. Shaw 37.( ), James Joyce's masterpiece, has become a prime example of modernism in literature.
A:The Dubliners B:The Jungle Book C:Ulysses D:Jude the obscure 38.After the Norman Conquest, three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke ( ).
A:French B:Latin C:English D:German 39.Of the following poems by T. S. Eliot, which is hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th century English poetry?
A:The Waste Land B:Prufrock and Other Observations C:The Hollow Men D:Poems 1909-1925 40.( ) and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanism.
A:Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe B:John Milton, Thomas More C:John Donne, Edmund Spenser D:Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe 41.Charles Dickens took the French Revolution as the background of the novel ( ).
A:David Copperfield B:Hard Times C:Great Expectations D:A Tale of Two Cities 42.Which of the following has / have associations with John Donne’s poetry?
A:reason and sentiment B:euphuism C:conceits and wits D:heroic couplet 43.The long poem ( ) in Anglo-Saxon period was termed England’s national epic.
A:Beowulf B:Paradise Lost C:The Canterbury Tales D:The Fairy Queen 44.All the following are novels written by Jane Austen EXCEPT ( ).
A:Emma B:Mansfield Park C:Persuasion D:Shirley 45.( ) is a landmark of modern poetry.
A:Prufrock B:Ash Wednesday C:The Hollow Men D:The Waste Land 46.( ) is known as “the poet’s poet”.
A:John Donne B:Christopher Marlowe C:William Shakespeare D:Edmund Spenser 47.The major concern of ( ) fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature.
A:John Galsworthy’s B:D. H. Lawrence’s C:W. M. Thackeray’s D:Thomas Hardy’s 48.The literature of the Enlightenment in England mainly appealed to the ( ) readers.
A:low class B:middle class C:aristocratic D:intellectual 49.The Romantic Movement expressed a ( ) attitude toward the existing social and political conditions that came with industrialization and the growing importance of the bourgeoisie.
A:indifferent B:positive C:neutral D:negative 50.William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all of the following EXCEPT ( ).
A:Normal contemporary speech patterns B:Intensely subjective feeling toward individual experience C:Humble and rustic life as subject matter D:Elegant wording and inflated figures of speech 51.In the first part of Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver told this experience in ( ).
A:England B:Brobdingnag C:Houyhnhnm D:Lilliput 52.Three most eminent novelists who represent the three phases of the Victorian novels are Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy and ( ).
A:George Moore B:James Joyce C:John Bunyan D:George Eliot 53.Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of ( ).
A:Piers the Plowman B:The Canterbury Tales C:Robin Hood D:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 54.Of the following writers, which is NOT the representative of the Romantic period?
A:Jane Auten B:John Bunyan C:John Keats D:William Blake 55.Which of the following historical events does not directly help to stimulate the rising of the Renaissance Movement?
A:The Glorious revolution. B:The new discoveries in geography and astrology. C:The religious reformation and the economic expansion. D:The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture. 56.In 1066, ( ), with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating England.
A:Julius Caesar B:Alfred the Great C:Claudius D:William the Conqueror 57.The publication of ( ) marks the beginning of the Romantic Movement in England.
A:Frost at Night B:“The Daffodils” C:Lyrical Ballads D:“Tintern Abbey”

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