第二章 文艺复兴与王朝复辟时期 Chapter Two The Renaissance and Restoration Period:第二章主要介绍文艺复兴和王朝复辟时期英国文学发展的历史背景、总体特征、重要作家和代表作品,重点赏析莎士比亚、培根、弥尔顿、邓恩和班扬的经典作品。Chapter Two mainly introduces the historical background, overall characteristics, major writers, and representative works during the Renaissance and Restoration Period, focusing on the analysis and appreciation of the classics written by William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, John Milton,  John Donne, and John Bunyan.2.1概况 2.1 An Overview:2.1 (1) 文艺复兴与王朝复辟时期的历史背景;(2)文艺复兴与王朝复辟时期的文学形式:诗歌与戏剧;(3)文艺复兴与王朝复辟时期的重要作家及代表作品:培根及其散文、斯宾塞及其《仙后》、马洛及其戏剧作品、班扬及其《天路历程》及钦定版《圣经》。2.1 (1) Historical background of the Renaissance and Restoration Period; (2) Main literary forms during the Renaissance and Restoration Period: poetry and drama; (3) Major writers and representative works in the Renaissance and Restoration Period: Francis Bacon and his essays, Edmund Spenser and The Fairy Queen, Christopher Marlowe and his plays, John Bunyan and The Pilgrim's Progress, as well as King James Bible.
2.2莎士比亚-1 2.2 William Shakespeare-1:2.2 莎士比亚生平简介及《十四行诗第十八首》赏析。2.2 Brief introduction of William Shakespeare's life and appreciation of his "Sonnet 18."
2.3莎士比亚-2 2.3 William Shakespeare-2:2.3 莎士比亚戏剧名篇及《哈姆雷特》选段赏析。2.3 Overview of William Shakespeare's plays and appreciation of an excerpt from his Hamlet.
2.4莎士比亚-3 2.4 William Shakespeare-3:2.4 《威尼斯商人》情节介绍、人物简析与选段赏析。2.4 Introduction of the plot of The Merchant of Venice, as well as a brief analysis of its major characters and an appreciation of an excerpt.
2.5培根 2.5 Francis Bacon:2.5 培根作品简介及《论读书》选段赏析。2.3 Overview of Francis Bacon's works and appreciation of an excerpt in "Of Studies".
2.6弥尔顿 2.4 John Milton:2.4 弥尔顿主要作品介绍和《失乐园》选段赏析。2.4 General introduction of John Milton's major works and appreciation of an excerpt from Paradise Lost.
2.7邓恩 2.5 John Donne:2.5 “玄学派诗歌”特点与邓恩诗歌《去吧,去抓住一颗流星》赏析。2.5 Characteristics of Metaphysical Poetry and appreciation of John Donne's "Go and Catch a Falling Star."
2.8班扬 2.8 John Bunyan:2.8 班扬作品简介与《天路历程》情节介绍。2.8 Overview of John Bunyan's major works and introduction of the plot of The Pilgrim's Progress.
[判断题]The Faerie Queene, fusing adroitly the strands of legend, fable, and praise of Elizabeth  I's England in iteself, is a masterpiece written by Thomas Wyatt, who introduced sonnet into English poetry.

[判断题]“University Wits” were all graduates from Oxford or Cambridge during the 1580s; Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, George Peele, Thomas Lodge, Thomas Nash, and Ben Jonson were outstanding representatives of this school.

[判断题]Tamburlanine the Great, The Jew of Malta, and The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus are great tragedies written by Christopher Marlowe, the most prominent figure among the "University Wits."

[判断题]William Shakespeare had produced 154 sonnets in total, and the first 126 sonnets seem to be addressed to a young woman, who possesses extreme beauty. 

[判断题]All Shakespeare's plays take place in England. 

[单选题](   ) is a nine-line stanza of eight lines of iambic pentameter plus an iambic hexameter. 
Spenserian stanza
Italian sonnet
English sonnet
Spenserian sonnet
答案:Spenserian stanza
[单选题]Who coined the term "Metaphysical Poets"?
John Donne
Samuel Johnson
George Herbert
Andrew Marvell
答案:Samuel Johnson
[单选题]Who is the most popular and most widely respected writer in all English literature?
William Shakespeare
John Milton
John Bunyan
John Donne
答案:William Shakespeare
[多选题]Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe Francis Bacon's essays?
[多选题]Who were dramatists during the Elizabethan Age?
Robert Greene
Thomas Nash
Ben Jonson
Thomas Kyd
答案:Ben JonsonRobert GreeneThomas NashThomas Kyd

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