第五章 维多利亚时期 Chapter Five The Victorian Period:第五章主要介绍维多利亚时期英国文学发展的历史背景、批判现实主义、唯美主义运动、重要作家和代表作品,重点赏析狄更斯、勃朗特姐妹、哈代、萧伯纳和王尔德的经典作品。Chapter Five mainly introduces the historical background, critical realism, asetheticism,  major writers and representative works during the Victorian Period, focusing on the appreciation of the classics written by Charles Dickens, the Bronte Sisters, Thomas Hardy, G. B. Shaw, and Oscar Wilde.5.1概况 5.1 An Overview:5.1 (1)维多利亚时期的历史背景;(2)文学思潮:批判现实主义与唯美主义运动;(3)重要作家与代表作品。5.1 (1) Historical background of the Victorian Period; (2) Literary trends: Critical Realism and Aestheticism; (3) Major writers and representative works.
5.2狄更斯 5.2 Charles Dickens:5.2(1)狄更斯生平及主要作品简介;(2)《雾都孤儿》赏析。5.2 (1) Brief introduction of Charles Dickens' life and major works; (2) Appreciation of Oliver Twist.
5.3勃朗特姐妹 5.3 The Brontë Sisters:5.3 (1)勃朗特姐妹生平简介;(2)《简爱》赏析;(3)《呼啸山庄》赏析。5.3 (1) Brief introduction of the Brontë Sisters' life; (2) Appreciation of Jane Eyre; (3) Appreciation of Wuthering Heights.
5.4哈代 5.4 Thomas Hardy:5.4 (1)哈代生平及主要作品简介;(2)《德伯家的苔丝》赏析。5.4 (1) Brief introduction of Thomas Hardy's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of Tess of the D'Urbervilles.
5.5萧伯纳与王尔德 5.5 G. B. Shaw and Oscar Wilde:5.5 (1)萧伯纳生平及主要剧作简介;(2)《华伦夫人的职业》赏析;(3)王尔德及主要作品简介;(4)《道林·格雷的画像》赏析。5.5 (1) Brief introduction of G. B. Shaw's life and major plays; (2) Appreciation of Mrs. Warren's Profession; (3) Brief introduction of Oscar Wilde's life and major works; (4) Appreciation of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
[判断题]The critical realists criticised the capitalist social system from a proletarian point of view.

[判断题]Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, and John Ruskin were all eminent figures among the Victorian poets.

[判断题]Dickens took the French Revolution as the background of A Tale of Two Cities, and the two cities are Paris and London.

[判断题]Wuthering Heights, the masterpiece of Emily Brontë, narrates the tragic love story of a governess.

[判断题]Thomas Hardy is one of the representatives of English critical realism in the early part of the Victorian period.

[单选题]Which is the most popular form of all the literary art during the Victorian period?
[单选题]Who wrote the bewitching Sherlock Holmes cycle of detective stories?
Conan Doyle
Wilkie Collins
Robert Louis Stevenson
Lewis Carroll[单选题]What is an archetypal Dickensian hero like?
An orphan.
A girl.

An adult.
A boy.[多选题]Which of the following are spatial settings in Jane Eyre?
Thornfield[多选题]Which of the following characters are included in The Importance of Being Earnest?
Jack Worthing

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