第四章 浪漫主义时期 Chapter Four The Romantic Period:第四章主要介绍浪漫主义时期英国文学发展的历史背景、浪漫主义运动、重要作家和代表作品,重点赏析华兹华斯、雪莱、济慈和奥斯汀的经典作品。Chapter Four mainly introduces the historical background, Romanticism, major writers and representative works during the Romantic Period, focusing on the appreciation of the classics written by William Wordsworth, P. B. Shelley, John Keats and Jane Austen.4.1概况 4.1 An Overview:4.1(1)浪漫主义时期的历史背景;(2)文学思潮:浪漫主义;(3)重要作家与代表作品。4.1 (1) Historical background of the Romantic Period; (2) Literary trend: Romanticism; (3) Major writers and representative works.
4.2华兹华斯 4.2 William Wordsworth:4.2 (1)华兹华斯生平及诗歌创作主题简介;(2)《我好似一朵流云独自漫游》及《在威斯敏斯特大桥上》赏析。4.2 (1) Brief introduction of William Wordsworth's life and thematic concerns in poetry; (2) Appreciation of "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" and "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3rd, 1802."
4.3雪莱 4.3 P. B. Shelley:4.3 (1)雪莱生平及主要作品简介;(2)《西风颂》选段赏析。4.3 (1) Brief introduction of P. B. Shelley's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of an excerpt from "Ode to the West Wind."
4.4济慈 4.4 John Keats:4.4 济慈作品简介与《希腊古瓷瓮颂》选段赏析。4.4 Overview of John Keats's major works and appreciation of an excerpt from "Ode on a Grecian Urn".
4.5奥斯汀 4.4 Jane Austen:4.4 (1)奥斯汀生平及主要作品简介;(2)《傲慢与偏见》选段赏析。4.4 (1) Brief introduction of Jane Austen's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of an excerpt from Pride and Prejudice.
[判断题]The Romantic Age began with the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798 and ended with the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832. 

[判断题]The romantic poets paid great attention on reason or rationality in their poetry.

[判断题]In the preface for the first edition of Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth put forward his principles of poetry.

[判断题]The Revolt of Islam is P. B. Shelley's first long poem of importance.

[判断题]Jane Austen is the first important English woman novelist, who wrote altogether six novels.

[单选题]Who is the author of Biographia Literaria?
P. B. Shelley
William Wordsworth
Robert Southey
S. T. Coleridge[单选题]Which of the following novel by Scott has its spatial setting in England?
The Talisman
Quentin Durward[多选题]Which of the following are ideals advocated by the French Revolution?
equality[多选题]Which of the following are characters from Prometheus Unbound?
Eternal Love
Africa[单选题]Which work made Byron famous?
The Revolt of Islam
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
Don Juan
A Defense of Poetry

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