1. Listening is a ability to perceive sounds automatically.

  2. 答案:错
  3. All Chinese people know Kung Fu.

  4. 答案:错
  5. If you understand the speaker’s meaning, interrupt him/her immediately for saving time.

  6. 答案:错
  7. Usually, same-day laudry service is more expensive than express service.

  8. 答案:错
  9. Complaints can be used as learning experiences. They can teach you how to give better service and avoid situations that may lead to complaints in the future.

  10. 答案:对
  11. Housekeeping is to see to the cleanliness and good order of all rooms and public areas in the hotel.

  12. 答案:对
  13. “He is not available now.” means “He can’t answer the phone now”.

  14. 答案:对
  15. The waiter should show the label to the guest before pouring the wine.

  16. 答案:对
  17. One of the main reasons we quality check in service is because complaints people have are rarely voiced.

  18. 答案:对
  19. After taking the order, the waiter need to repeat the order back to guest.

  20. 答案:对
  21. Why should we ask customers more questions?

  22. 答案:Give them a opportunity to vent their anger.###So we can make clear the problems and what they wants.
  23. Hotel usually provides a long-term accommodation for guests.
  24. When will compliant happen?
  25. What topics could the hotel attendant talk about when picking up the guest from the airport?
  26. What are the challenges that people face when dealing with upset customer?
  27. Price is relatively lower in the peak season.
  28. Body language can have an effect on how you sound on the phone.
  29. Express service—laundry can be done in three hours.
  30. Room reservation is usually the first connection between guests and the hotel.
  31. The main tasks of the executive chef are.
  32. What should maintenance staff pay attention to when entering the room for repairing?
  33. If a hotel guest wants to settle his bill, which ways of payment could be used?
  34. Stereotypes lead to.
  35. Mobile payment may include the following:
  36. Why is it necessary to listen to the customers?
  37. Which are the unacceptable topics.
  38. What questions should a hotel attendant ask if there is a wallet lost report from the guest?
  39. Which hotel brand belongs to Marriott?
  40. There are three methods to raise cultural awareness.
  41. Furniture could include.
  42. When requesting, offering, or recommending things, you should.
  43. When dealing with complaints, what is more important?
  44. Language, food, greetings & dress are.
  45. Talking with a shaky trembling voice, what does it imply?
  46. Please ( )an umbrella and ( ) warm when you are going out.
  47. Sitting slumped or hunched, what does it mean?
  48. What is the best way to answer an external guest call .
  49. 有人在服务您吗?
  50. 请问您有预订吗?
  51. 您介意我现在收拾房间吗?
  52. I’d getting ice from the machine on your floor. It’s by the elevators.
  53. is a kind of preconceptions, which is about a guest who can lead to judgments. Judgments and feelings build up into bits of knowledge you “know’ about your guests. These are called Stereotypes.
  54. L.E.A. F. stands for.
  55. The title of Mrs. Means.
  56. is the primary leader of the property of hotel.
  57. The housekeeping is responsible for ( ) of all guestrooms in a hotel.
  58. Places, towns, facilities that provide recreation and relaxation over and above accommodation, meals and basic amenities.
  59. The two main types of anger are.
  60. I’ d like to have a ( ) at 6:30 tomorrow morning by operator.
  61. Which adjective is NOT used correctly?
  62. ( ) is the series of stages a guest goes through before they arrive at a hotel, during their stay, and after they leave.
  63. Which word set best fits with: "Using certain modal verbs are excellent ways to soften a request or give an instruction. ( )
  64. What department has contact with the guest during all four stages? ( )
  65. The front office staff will deal with many guest requests, and have big influence on the guest's enjoyment during the departure stage. ( )
  66. What are the three requirements for dealing with questions? ( )
  67. Most people make a reservation Online or by phone before they arrive at a hotel, so they don't have to walk around to find a hotel with rooms available. ( )
  68. ( ) is the first place people will go if they have questions or concerns.
  69. Softeners are usually at the beginning of a sentence.( )
  70. To be polite, negative sentences (verb +not) should always contain the words “I'm sorry” .( )
  71. During the arrival stage, the guest will check in and receive their keys and any important information about their room and the hotel. ( )
  72. A ( ) is a place of interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or an exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure and amusement.
  73. People generally travel for a specific purpose. That purpose will determine where they'll stay and how they'll spend their time when away from home. As such ( ).
  74. Using landmarks can make it more difficult to give directions.( )
  75. No matter what job you have in a hotel, you are a salesperson.( )
  76. Typical amenities at a hotel, inside the room include ( ).
  77. When offering directions in a hotel, many times it is polite to lead guest to their destination.( )
  78. Rating systems are used to let people know what a hotel generally offers.( )
  79. ( ) assists guest with restaurant reservations, tickets for entertainment venues and arranging transportation.
  80. If your guest wants to go somewhere in the city, you can give them a map or even draw one with a few locations they may want to visit. Make sure to: ( ).
  81. You can add meaning to your message by placing the stress on an adjective.( )
  82. On Average, you have only 7 seconds to make a good first impression. Most times, people have positive or negative impression of you within 3 seconds.( )
  83. We are looking forward to ( ) you again.
  84. Excuse me, sir. You need to ( ) the form.
  85. Europeans and North Americans cultures often use small talk to break uncomfortable silences when someone is in their social or persona zones. ( )
  86. Asking about how much a person makes is acceptable small talk. ( )
  87. Asking someone's age is acceptable small talk on their birthday.( )
  88. ( ) is a list of food and beverage items.
  89. Shifting the focus of a statement from someone back onto yourself can make you seem more polite. ( )
  90. What are NOT acceptable “small talk” topics? ( )
  91. What elements are NOT part of a good first impression? ( )
  92. Active listening allows the listener to understand and evaluate they hear using both verbal and non-verbal messages.( )
  93. As a Room Attendant, what is a good way to announce yourself when you knock on a guest room door? ( ).
  94. Laundry service 是指( ).
  95. One way to maintain mental focus while listening to a speaker is to mentally repeat words they are saying as they say them.( )
  96. You should try to guess what a speaker will say next and formulate your response while they are talking.( )
  97. Providing feedback to the speaker does NOT include ( ).
  98. The first step in active listening is to ( ).
  99. Respond to the statement: “I need more towels.” ( )
  100. Critical thinking means ( ).
  101. Maintaining eye contact and mirroring expressions are ways to show interest in what the speaker is saying.( )
  102. People will avoid ( ) in lineups or elevators because they feel insecure about other people in their personal space.
  103. Touch is the least powerful form of non-verbal communication.( )
  104. A message will seem insincere if the verbal and non-verbal messages inconsistent. ( )
  105. A line cook's main responsibility is to prepare salads and desserts.( )
  106. When in conversation, a good amount of personal space would be ( ).
  107. A simple technique to improve eye contact is to look into a person's eyes long enough to notice what color they are.( )
  108. When meeting someone, you should make ( ) seconds of eye contact, and 4-5 seconds at a time during conversation.
  109. A good handshake means hands connect web to web, is firm but not too strong, goes in an up down motion lasting 3-4 seconds, all while making eye contact. ( )
  110. Over half of how we communicate is through body language.( )
  111. Signals that someone is “strong and confident” are ( ).
  112. Most Germans demand good manners, so use their title and last name unless invited to use their first names.( )
  113. In the Triple A's of global service, “Adaptability” means ( ).
  114. When greeting a guest ( ).
  115. If someone has waited for you to help them, you should ( ).
  116. Using titles and surnames to call your guests.( )
  117. When serving people from other countries, you should ( ).
  118. Anytime a guest comes within ( ) of a staff member, the staff member should add a sincere greeting or gesture to the smile and eye contact.
  119. Usually, Russians take great pride in their country, love the arts, and place a high value on their families. ( )
  120. Anytime a guest comes within ( ) of a staff member, the staff member should make friendly eye contact and give them a warm smile to acknowledge them.
  121. People will feel comfortable when ( ).
  122. All teenagers like punk music and smoke.( )
  123. Before the interview, please ensure ( ).
  124. Some women travelers may be interested in the Spa and the gift shop.( )
  125. Stereotypes are ideas and opinions we believe are true about ( ).
  126. Interview questions are generally ( ) questions.
  127. Americans only like to eat hamburgers and pasta.( )
  128. Your attitude shows through in your tone of voice. To show you are interested, you should ( ).
  129. During the interview, you may ( ).
  130. There’s a new ( ) restaurant in the hotel.
  131. That guy has a old suit, so he must be poor.( )
  132. I would like ( ) your reservation.
  133. The best way to develop cultural awareness is to step back and take a look at yourself. This means ( ).
  134. Seeing something from another point of view is the same as seeing it from their ( )。
  135. Having good customer service skills can help you communicate in a sensitive and flexible manner with people from other cultures. ( )
  136. ( ) is a kind of services or items offered to guests or placed in guest rooms for convenience and comfort and at no extra cost.
  137. Resorts are generally in a vacation setting centered around a recreation or attraction such as skiing, golf, theme park, or beach getaway. ( )
  138. You should always address adults from other cultures by their ( ).
  139. What is NOT an example of cultural differences? ( )。
  140. After greeting a new guest, the receptionist’s first action should be to ( ).
  141. Good Morning, ( ) I help you?
  142. Chinese breakfast is all the same from one province to other provinces.
  143. Do not knock or enter rooms displaying “Do Not Disturb”.
  144. As a attendant, you can wear accessories as you want to.
  145. Smoke alarm is very important.
  146. The menu is useless for the waiter to recommend dishes to guests.
  147. 95% of complaining customers will do business with you again if resolve the complaint immediately.
  148. Butler need to make sure the guest departure time before guest living.
  149. The executive housekeeper is a member of the management team, in charge of all aspects of food production, from menu planning to purchase costing.
  150. When saying no to someone, your goal is to say yes to the person while saying no to the request.
  151. Don't use the pronoun “we” when talking to guest to show you represent the company.
  152. American travelers will want to shop for big brands.
  153. Guests can print, fax and ship from the hotel business center.
  154. Small talk is the conversation which can break the ice. Which of the following sentences are small talks when picking up a guest?
  155. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
  156. Chinese cuisine can be classified into different styles by region.
  157. Which of sentence can be used to praise others?
  158. The executive Housekeeper should be management of equipment, and supplies, and.
  159. Why do we need to solve the problem quickly?
  160. The “guest stay cycle” is including.
  161. Which hotel brand belongs to high-end hotel?
  162. Which sentences are used to giving suggestions?
  163. Where should you drop the bill?
  164. Hotels and restaurants are also known as the ( ) Industry.
  165. Which is an example of the “Active voice”?
  166. ( ) is a polite way of saying "You go first."
  167. 您想住几晚?
  168. Which room type shares a wall with another room and is usually connected by a private door?
  169. Once complaint happens, when should we contact the customer?
  170. is responsible for seeing that all the equipment and kitchen utensils necessary for service are available in the right quantities.
  171. In hotels the ‘DND’ sign stands for ( )
  172. The ( )take care of the cleaning, reparing and laundering of guests’ clothing.
  173. performs deep-cleaning inspections, prepare work orders and conduct daily operations.
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