第二章 商务英语翻译概述:商务英语翻译概述2.1翻译概述:翻译概述
[单选题]We wish to renew our floating policy No. 543 on the same terms as before, to cover consignments of textiles to West African ports. 从下面所给译文中选出最佳译文()

选项:[我们想按原定条件将预约保险单更改为投保运至西非港口的纺织品。, 我们想按原定条件更改浮动政策,以覆盖运至西非港口的纺织品。]
[单选题]If you see any green in his eye, you are wrong. 从下面所给译文中选出最佳译文()

选项:[如果你认为他幼稚的话,那你就错了。, 如果你能从他的眼睛里看到一点绿色的话,那你就错了。]
[单选题]There are quantities of this item here, in different weights and sizes, with varied colors and shapes. The price is very reasonable and the quotations will be given upon request. 从下面所给译文中选出最佳译文

选项:[我方现有各种不同重量、不同体积、颜色丰富、形状各异的大理石,数量甚巨,价格合理,受函报价。, 现有各种不同重量、尺寸、颜色和形状的大理石供君选择。价格绝对公道,按需报价。]
[单选题]Practice has proved all the more clearly that the APEC Approach, which responds to the reality in the region, is conducive to achieving a balance of rights, interests and needs of various members. 从下面所给译文中选出最佳译文()

选项:[符合本地区的实际的“亚太经合组织方式”有利于各成员的不同权益和需求得到较好的平衡这一点已经越来越被实践证明了。, 实践越来越证明,“亚太经合组织方式”符合本地区的实际,有利于各成员的不同权益和需求得到较好的平衡。]
[单选题]The joint venture enabled the participants to raise money to build the square and also gave them the strength to survive several unanticipated challenges and delays that might have prevented the square’s completion. 从下面所给译文中选出最佳译文

选项:[合资企业使其参与者能够募集起资金去修建广场,同时还给予他们一种力量。在遭受几次突如其来的、有可能阻止广场竣工的困难和工程延期后,这种力量使他们依然幸存下来。, 合资企业使其参与者能够募集起资金去修建广场,同时还给予他们那种使他们在遭受几次突如其来的、有可能阻止广场竣工的困难和工程延期后幸存下来的力量。]
[单选题]Our prices already make full allowance for large orders and, as I am sure you know, we operate in a highly competitive market in which we have been forced to cut our prices to the minimum. 从下面所给译文中选出最佳译文

选项:[我们的价格已经是大量批发的价格。另外,你也知道,我们所处的行业竞争十分激烈,逼得我们将价格压至最低。, 我方报价已考虑到大批量订货的因素。相信贵公司了解我们是在一个竞争十分激烈的市场上经营销售业务,因而已经不得不把利润减到最低限度。]
[单选题]Her mother is a sister in a Melbourne hospital. 从下面所给译文中选出最佳译文()

选项:[她妈妈是墨尔本一家医院里的护士长。, 她妈妈是墨尔本一家医院里的姐妹。]
[单选题]Action is equal to reaction, but it acts in a contrary direction. But buyers and sellers don’t work in the same way. 从下面所给译文中选出最佳译文()

选项:[作用力与反作用力大小相等,方向相反。但买卖双方的运作并不如此。, 作用与反作用相等,但作用的方向相反。但买卖双方的运作并不如此。, 作用与反作用相等,但它向相反的方向起作用。但买卖双方的运作并不如此。]
[单选题]That’s all Greek to me. 从下面所给译文中选出最佳译文()

选项:[那对我来说都是希腊的。, 那个我一窍不通。]
[单选题]According to Eugene A. Nida, a famous linguist and the founder of the modern discipline of translation studies, “Translating consists in reproducing in _____ the closest natural equivalence of _______message, first in terms of _____ and secondly in terms of______.”

选项:[the source-language ; the receptor language; meaning; style, the receptor language; the source-language ; meaning; style, the receptor language; the source-language ; style; meaning, the source-language ; the receptor language; style; meaning]

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