1. The modernist narrative perspective in Mansfield’s Works mainly include ( ).

  2. 答案:Multiple Perspectives###Third-person Limited Perspective###First-person Omniscient Narrative
  3. Which of the following descriptions are true about Margaret in North and South? ( ).

  4. 答案:Margaret has her own ideas about marriage###Margaret is an independent woman with strength and power###Margaret is a social activist with sympathy and philanthropy
  5. Which of the following items show Gaskell’s ideas of keeping balance between development and nature? ( ).

  6. 答案:The nature was a partner of humans. To be specific, it was a home for humans###Human development is also as important as the nature.###We have to build a harmonious human-nature relationship
  7. Cave metaphor is used to interpret the moral pilgrimage to seek “good”. Which of the following choices are correct concerning the second and the third stage? ( ).

  8. 答案:the third stage of feeling the real world under the sunshine###the second stage of worshiping the shadow
  9. Gaskell’s views on women still have enlightening impact on people today. Which of the following items show her female views? ( ).

  10. 答案:Women should have their own understandings on marriage and do not consider it as the only way of realizing self-worth###Women should fight for rights they deserve###Women should abandon the role “Angel in the House” and work harder###Women should keep attention to public affairs and undertake more duties
  11. Which of the following descriptions are true about Katherine Mansfield? ( ).

  12. 答案:She is the pioneer in feminism in the 20th century.###She is one of the most famous short story writers of the early 20th century.###She has been known as “Chekhov of England”.###She is recognized as cultural feminist.
  13. In Mansfield’s Dill Pickle,as far as the character analysis is concerned, Vera is depicted as a(n)( )girl.

  14. 答案:brave###delicate###independent###sensitive
  15. Which of following works are written by Mrs. Gaskell? ( ).

  16. 答案:The Life of Charlotte Bronte###Wives and Daughters###North and South###Mary Barton
  17. In addition to producing novels, Murdoch wrote ( ).

  18. 答案:Works of philosophy###Literary criticism###Verse###Plays
  19. Which of the following are the reasons for the evolution of African images in Lessing’s works?( )

  20. 答案:the change of the writer’s political ideals###the change of the writer’s perspective and standpoint###the change of the writer’s attitude towards the western tradition of rational thinking from the firm belief to gradual suspicion
  21. The complex relationships of The Black Prince are linked by the process of discovering. In this sense, this novel is ( ) with Julian as the center.

  22. 答案:a narrative labyrinth
  23. Gaskell used to have a deep friendship with Charlotte Bronte and she created a biography for Charlotte, which is ( )
  24. ___ is not a novel written by Jane Austen. ( )
  25. Katharine Mansfield is a master of ____ at the turn of the century.( )
  26. Pride and Prejudice’s first title is ____. ( )
  27. Which of the following groups are focused by Gaskell? ( )
  28. In the novel ( ), with severe contamination, John Barton's little son, Ben Davenport, a worker in the mill, and his twins, all came down with the scarlet fever resulting from the poor sanitation.
  29. In Mrs. Gaskell’s masterpiece Mary Barton, it is ( ) that changed Mary’s life.
  30. Which of the following is NOT the work of Doris Lessing? ( )
  31. ( ) not only exposes the conflict between labor and capital but also shows the great contrast between the south culture and the north culture.
  32. ____ is the major literary form in the Victorian Period. ( )
  33. Doris Lessing’s masterpiece is ___. ( )
  34. Jane Austen presents most of the problems of the novel, Pride and Prejudice, from the ___ viewpoint. ( )
  35. ( ) together with Charlotte, Dickens and Thackeray is regarded as the more preeminent novelist in contemporary Britain by Marx.
  36. Iris Murdoch was born in( ), Murdoch graduated from Oxford University in 1942
  37. Symbolism is the practice of representing things by means of ( ) or at tributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events or relationships.
  38. “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!—I have as much soul as you—and full as much heart!” This is an excerpt from Charlotte’s work( ).
  39. Gaskell’s works portray the polarization between the rich and the poor, the labor-capital contradictions and ( ) movement.
  40. The traditional Victorian women are faced with the following situations except ( )
  41. Some of Mrs. Gaskell’s works are set in Britain in the ( )
  42. The novel by Emily Bronte, Villette, is a realistic description of her experiences at a boarding-school in Brussels. ( )
  43. In The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Helen helps Hattersley get reformation by showing him his wife—Millicent’s sentimental letters, containing her true concern for his own health, which serves as an indicator of the affectional impact between husband and wife, and demonstrates the indispensable role women play in the Victorian marital construction. ( )
  44. As a novelist, Charlotte Bronte writes within a very narrow sphere. The subject matter, the character range, the social setting, and plots are all restricted to the provincial life of the late 18th-century England, concerning three or four landed gentry families with their daily routine life. ( )
  45. Murdoch thinks that morality is regarded as a concern about what should be done rather than what is good. ( )
  46. The two major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen and Walter Scott. ( )
  47. In Emily Bronte’s view, a good marriage should be based on money. ( )
  48. Doris Lessing’s representative African novel in the third period of her literary career is The Golden Notebook. ( )
  49. Doris Lessing was remarkable for her bold experiment in the form of writing, her deep insight into the contemporary social mores, her wide range of subject matters and her profound exploration of the relationship from different angles between the individual psyche and the political, sexual, and religious ideologies that structured it. ( )
  50. Women’s status is one of Gaskell’s major concerns in her works. ( )
  51. The first stage of the feminist thoughts is from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. ( )
  52. Referring to Plato’s picture of the cave, Plato uses the image of sun to symbolize the Good in his understanding. ( )
  53. The Black Prince breaks the limits of the narrative discourse that is characterized by the complex relationships linked by contingent temporal node. ( )
  54. Lessing’s marginal groups can be roughly divided into four categories. ( )
  55. In Gaskell’s novel Mary Barton, with severe contamination, John Barton's little son, Ben Davenport, a worker in the mill, and his twins, all came down with the scarlet fever, which reflects Gaskell’s ecological concern. ( )
  56. Pride and Prejudice mainly tells the love story between a rich, proud young man Darcy and the beautiful and intelligent girl, Elizabeth Bennet. ( )
  57. Jane Austen’s main literary concern is about human beings in their personal relationship. ( )
  58. In Mrs. Gaskell’s view, a good marriage should be based on money. ( )
  59. Gaskell’s view on women is that a woman should abandon the role “Angel in the House” and work hard. ( )
  60. Pride and Prejudice is the most delightful of Jane Austen’s works. The title tells of a major concern of the novel. ( )
  61. According to Virginia Woolf, social inequality causes gender difference, and gender difference becomes the root of gender discrimination. ( )
  62. Christian’s marriage is successful for it achieves both “away from self” and “___”. ( )
  63. In 1978 Murdoch was the winner of The Booker Prize Best Novel with her work( ).
  64. Which writer used to be awarded the title of Lady of the British Empire in 1987? ( )
  65. Murdoch is an art theorist and a ( ) professor at Oxford University.
  66. Based on the characters analysis, Christian succeeds in establishing her ethical identity by cultivating the independent personality and reconstructing her identities both at home and in society. ( )
  67. Lessing’s humanistic thoughts developed with the enlightenment of Maxism. ( )
  68. The Grass is Singing is the representative African novel in the first period of Lessing’s literary career. ( )
  69. The female relationship presented in the works of Doris Lessing does not exist as a static and planar relationship, but a chain of contradictions that is constantly developing and changing. ( )
  70. Doris Lessing’s marginal groups can be roughly divided into ___ categories. ( )
  71. Which writer used to win Nobel Prize in Literature? ( )
  72. Mutual respect contributes to a lasting relationship, but the selfish nature of the hero is doomed to an irreparable love. ( )
  73. Which of the following is not the short story written by Katherine Mansfield? ( )
  74. As one of the most famous short story writers of the early 20th century, Katherine Mansfield is known as “Chekhov of England”. ( )
  75. In the modern narrative theory, the omniscient and omnipotent narrator brings a sense of ( ) with superior perspective.
  76. The original demand of feminists is to pursue women's equality with men in education, economy and legislation. ( )
  77. In the process of forming her androgyny thoughts, Virginia Woolf first deconstructs history and literature by recognizing the truth of male hegemony’s suppression, disdain and attack on women. ( )
  78. Virginia Woolf was greatly influenced by Wordsworth’s thought about nature. ( )
  79. Stream-of-consciousness denotes a literary technique which seeks to describe an individual’s point of view by giving the written equivalent of the character’s behavior and activities. ( )
  80. Which of the following is the short story of Virginia Woolf? ( )
  81. Virginia Woolf depicts the subjective experiences and fragmented memories of the central characters in her literary works. ( )
  82. Which of the following works was written by Mrs. Gaskell? ( )
  83. Mrs. Gaskell shows her great sympathy for ( ) class.
  84. Ecological consciousness deeply permeates Mrs. Gaskell’s industrial novels. ( )
  85. In Victorian age, women cannot enjoy the equal right as men did. ( )
  86. Mrs. Gaskell is one of the important Victorian critical ( ) novelists.
  87. The origin of the gothic fiction is attributed to English author Horace Walpole, with his novel “The Castle of Otranto”, subtitled (in its second edition) “( )”.
  88. In the Victorian era of the 19th century, male writers still take it as their duty to create a gentle and obedient “( )”.
  89. Which of the following is NOT the foundation of a happy and lasting marriage? ( )
  90. The Bronte Sisters’ representative novels include ( ).
  91. The love that Catherine and Heathcliff seek to fulfill falls to the category of secular love ( )
  92. The marriage between Lydia and Wickham is based on love and affection. ( )
  93. Jane Austen’s major novels include Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park,, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. ( )
  94. The ideal female image in English patriarchal society is described as the angle in the house. ( )
  95. The sentence “You are a fine goalkeeper, allowing the other side to score six goals.”uses irony as the rhetorical device. ( )
  96. Which of the following is NOT the “round character”? ( )
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