

  1. At the end of the story in Dill Pickle, Vera chooses to be alone because she would not easily compromise to men. ( )

  2. A:对 B:错
    答案:both b.and c.AI参考:正确答案是B:错。在故事《Dill Pickle》的结尾,Vera选择独处是因为她不愿意轻易妥协于男人,但这并不意味着她选择独处是因为她不愿意与他人建立关系。因此,这个判断题是错误的。'
  3. Doris Lessing’s representative African novel in the third period of her literary career is The Golden Notebook. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
    答案:CATAI参考:正确答案是B,对。Doris Lessing的代表作是她的第三阶段文学事业中的《金色笔记本》。'
  5. Referring to Plato’s picture of the cave, Plato uses the image of sun to symbolize the Good in his understanding. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. The first stage of the feminist thoughts is from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. ( )

  8. A:对 B:错
    答案:BAI参考:答案:B解释:本题考查历史背景对某个思想和运动的影响。根据题干所给出的时间信息“the first stage of the feminist thoughts”可知,女性主义思想的第一阶段始于19世纪末20世纪初。因此,这个说法是错误的,选项B为正确答案。'
  9. Generally speaking, Lessing’s literary career began from 1950 until she died and was roughly divided into three periods. However, these three periods were overlapped in some sense. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. The Bronte sisters focused on the life of bourgeois men and women with romanticism and unique cultural mood. ( )

  12. A:对 B:错

  13. Margaret in North and South does not undertake any social duty. ( )

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. The two major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen and Walter Scott. ( )

  16. A:错 B:对

  17. Doris Lessing’s “marginal man” have the features like alienation from the surrounding environment, dissociation from social responsibilities, subversion of love and marriage, resistance to family ethics, etc. ( )

  18. A:错 B:对

  19. Woolf expressed her great condemnation of nature’s indifference towards man, and at the same time she also had the desire of man to blend in with nature and live in harmony. ( )

  20. A:错 B:对

  21. Mrs. Gaskell wrote The Life of Charlotte Bronte. ( )

  22. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:A。这是关于作者和作品的关系的问题。根据常识和题干所给的信息,可以确定这是正确的。Gaskell是作者,The Life of Charlotte Bronte是她的作品。因此,答案是A。B选项是错误的,因为题目中没有提到任何关于Bronte的作品。'
  23. The protagonist of At the Bay is undoubtedly the image of submission. ( )

  24. A:错 B:对

  25. Mrs. Gaskell is the forerunner of the “stream of consciousness” literature. ( )

  26. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。Mrs. Gaskell并不是“意识流”文学的先驱。意识流文学是20世纪初兴起于欧美的一种现代主义文学流派,而Mrs. Gaskell是19世纪英国维多利亚时代的小说家,她的作品风格与意识流文学的现代主义风格不同。因此,Mrs. Gaskell并不是“意识流”文学的先驱。'
  27. Murdoch thinks that morality is regarded as a concern about what should be done rather than what is good. ( )

  28. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。根据句子意思和语法,句子中的“rather than”表示对比关系,说明“morality”与“good”是两个不同的概念,而选项A中的“对”与句子意思不符。因此,该句子的正确答案是B:错。'
  29. Women’s status is one of Gaskell’s major concerns in her works. ( )

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. The female relationship presented in the works of Lessing exists as a static and planar relationship. ( )

  32. A:对 B:错

  33. Pride and Prejudice mainly tells the love story between a rich, proud young man Darcy and the beautiful and intelligent girl, Elizabeth Bennet. ( )

  34. A:对 B:错

  35. Emma was written by Jane Austen.( )

  36. A:错 B:对

  37. In The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Helen helps Hattersley get reformation by showing him his wife—Millicent’s sentimental letters, containing her true concern for his own health, which serves as an indicator of the affectional impact between husband and wife, and demonstrates the indispensable role women play in the Victorian marital construction. ( )

  38. A:对 B:错

  39. Murdoch's writing career spanned the first half of the 20th century and she began to write novels after World War I. ( )

  40. A:错 B:对
  41. Mrs. Gaskell was born in a ( ) class family.

  42. A:upper B:middle C:lower D:ruling
    AI参考:正确答案是C:lower class family。Mrs. Gaskell出生在一个社会地位较低的家庭,所以选项C“lower class family”符合题意。其他选项A、B、D分别表示上层、中层和统治阶级家庭,与题意不符。'
  43. The story of love among Margaret and Thornton in North and South tell us that ( ).

  44. A:the cause of true love never did run smooth. It need the couple’s mutual efforts B:fame and fortune are the priority in a marriage C:wives and husbands need communication everyday D:we should be faithful to our partners
    AI参考:A. the cause of true love never did run smooth. It need the couple’s mutual efforts《南北岛的南与北》中的玛格丽特和桑顿之间的爱情故事告诉我们真正的爱情之源并不平坦,需要夫妻双方的共同努力。其他选项中,B选项“名望和财富是婚姻的首要任务”与故事情节不符;C选项“夫妻需要每天沟通”过于片面;D选项“我们应该对伴侣忠诚”虽然正确,但不是故事想要传达的主要信息。因此,正确答案是A。'
  45. Some characters like Mrs. Hale in Mrs. Gaskell’s works died on the account of ( ).

  46. A:environmental pollution B:virus C:war D:poverty
  47. Some of Mrs. Gaskell’s works are set in Britain in the ( )

  48. A:Middle Ages B:modern C:Renaissance D:Industrial Revolution
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Industrial Revolution。根据题目中的信息Some of Mrs. Gaskell’s works are set in Britain in the,可知选D。有些卡斯尔夫人的一些作品设定在英国工业革命时期,而A选项指的是中世纪,B选项指的是现代,C选项指的是文艺复兴时期,均与原文不符。因此D选项为正确答案。'
  49. In order to protect environment and to keep ecological balance, our government takes many measures and issues many policies. Which of the following slogan describes our great determination to protect environment? ( )

  50. A:Science and technology constitute the primary productive force. B:Roll up sleeves to work harder. C:Lucid water and lush mountains are invaluable assets. D:Stay true to our original aspiration and keep our mission in mind.

  51. They were among the first writers who examined women’s struggle and conveyed their probe to the psychology with female experience , also among the first English women to break the male monopoly of novel writing.
    They were called “( )”, and formed a peak in the history of British fiction in the 19th century.

  52. A:Angel Ladies B:Bronte Cliff C:Gallant Soldiers D:Bronte Escarpment
    AI参考:正确选项是B:Bronte Cliff。根据文章内容,这些作家是第一批探讨女性挣扎并从女性经验中传递心理探索的作家,也是第一批打破男性小说写作垄断的英国女性。他们被称为“勃朗特悬崖”,并在19世纪英国小说史上形成了一个高峰。因此,选项B“勃朗特悬崖”是正确答案。选项A“天使女士”和选项C“勇敢的士兵”与文章内容不符,选项D“勃朗特分水岭”也与文章内容不相关。'
  53. Modernism is, in many aspects, a reaction against ___. ( )

  54. A:Romanticism B:Post-Modernism C:All the above D:Realism

  55. In The Wind Blows, The chrysanthemum symbolized a youth( ) in their adolescence.

  56. A:panic B:amazement C:surprise D:excitement
  57. The success of Jane Eyre is not only because of its sharp criticism of the existing society, but also due to its introduction to the English novel the first ______ heroine. ( )

  58. A:explorer B:governess   C:worker D:peasant

  59. Which of the following is NOT the work of Doris Lessing? ( )

  60. A:The Golden Notebook B:The Wave C:The Grass is Singing D:The Good Terrorist
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The Good Terrorist。选项中前三部作品:《金色笔记本》(A)、《海浪》(B)和《草之歌》(C)都是Doris Lessing的作品,只有《好的恐怖分子》(D)不是。因此,D选项不是Doris Lessing的作品。'
  61. Virginia Woolf is renowned for adopting the ___ technique, which displays the sequence of thoughts and impressions in a person’s mind. ( )

  62. A:mind-reading B:third-person narration C:stream-of-consciousness D:feminist
    AI参考:正确答案是C: stream-of-consciousness。Virginia Woolf是意识流文学的代表人物,所以选C,stream-of-consciousness意识流写法,主要表达人物的意识流动,注重展示人物意识流中的内在世界,直接把观察的焦点对准人物的意识世界。A mind-reading读心术,B third-person narration第三人称叙述,D feminist女性主义,这三个选项与题干无关。因此,答案为C。'
  63. Who of the following is NOT the character of The Diaries of Jane Somers? ( )

  64. A:Jane B:Polly C:Mary D:Joyce

  65. ( ) together with Charlotte, Dickens and Thackeray is regarded as the more preeminent novelist in contemporary Britain by Marx.

  66. A:Byron B:Shakespeare C:Gaskell D:Maugham

  67. “She likes this room. It smells of art serge and stale smoke and chrysanthemums… There is a big vase of them on the mantel piece behind the pale photograph of Rubinstein.” This is the quotation from the novel ( ).

  68. A:Gone with the Wind B:Garden Party and Other Stories C:In a German Pension D:The Wind Blows
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The Wind Blows。根据题干中的描述,这个房间充满了艺术香水和陈旧的烟味以及菊花,照片后面有一个大花瓶,而选项D《风之语》正是与此描述相符。因此,选项D是正确答案。选项A《乱世佳人》、选项B《花园聚会和其他故事》、选项C《在德国疗养院》均与描述不符。'
  69. Jane Austen’s main literary concern is about human beings in their ___ relationships. Because of this, her novels have a universal significance. ( )

  70. A:natural B:satisfied                         C:personal                         D:Private

  71. Which of the following is not the feature of “soft violence”?( )

  72. A:indirect method B:destructive power C:direct assault D:stealthy result
    AI参考:正确答案是C:direct assault。“soft violence”的特点是间接方法、破坏性、隐蔽结果,而直接攻击不是它的特点。因此,选项C不是“soft violence”的特征。'
  73. Which of the following is Gaskell’s view on women? ( )

  74. A:A decent woman is supposed to keep close attention to public affairs and undertake more duties. B:Women should rely on their husbands and needn’t work. C:Women should marry wealthy men. D:Women are not intelligent so that they should not be engaged in complex work.
    AI参考:正确答案是A:A decent woman is supposed to keep close attention to public affairs and undertake more duties. Gaskell在小说中多次强调,一个有尊严的女性应该关注公共事务并承担更多的责任,这与选项A相符。其他选项B、C、D都与Gaskell对女性的观点不符。B选项“女人应该依靠丈夫,不需要工作”与Gaskell强调女性独立自主的观点相悖;C选项“女人应该嫁给有钱人”与Gaskell对女性经济独立的观点相悖;D选项“女人不聪明,不应该从事复杂的工作”与Gaskell对女性智力平等和参与社会工作的观点相悖。因此,正确答案是A。"
  75. ___ is the climax of Virginia Woolf’s experiments in novel form. ( )

  76. A:To the Lighthouse B:Time Passes C:The Waves D:The Window
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The Waves。《浮世绘》是弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫小说形式实验的高潮,因此正确答案是C。'
  77. In North and South written by Mrs. Gaskell, the heroine ( ) takes more social duties than other ordinary women.

  78. A:Alice B:Mrs. Boucher C:Mary D:Margaret
  79. Like Dickens, Charlotte Bronte believed in the reform of ( ) as the key to all social problems and most of the evils of the capitalist society.

  80. A:economy B:education C:politics D:culture
  81. Cave metaphor is used to interpret the moral pilgrimage to seek “good”. Which of the following choices are correct concerning the second and the third stage? ( ).

  82. A:the third stage of feeling the real world under the sunshine B:the second stage of worshiping flame C:the third stage of struggling in the moonlight D:the second stage of worshiping the shadow
    AI参考:从问题中提到的“洞穴隐喻”这个比喻来理解,这个隐喻主要是用来解释人们在道德上的探索之旅,寻找“善”。考虑到选项,正确的答案应该是D:the second stage of worshiping the shadow。这是因为选项D描述的是人们寻求道德的第二个阶段,即崇拜影子,这可以象征人们在追求“善”的过程中,对于善的表现形式和含义的理解和追求。而其他选项并未直接或间接地与道德探索和寻找“善”的主题相关联。因此,正确答案是D:the second stage of worshiping the shadow。'
  83. A joint collection of poems by Charlotte, Emily, and Anne was published pseudonymously as Poems by( ).

  84. A:Action Bell B:Ellis Bell C:Barton Bell D:Currer Bell

  85. Which of the following are the reasons for the evolution of African images in Lessing’s works?( )

  86. A:the change of the writer’s perspective and standpoint B:the change of the social environment C:the change of the writer’s political ideals D:the change of the writer’s attitude towards the western tradition of rational thinking from the firm belief to gradual suspicion
    AI参考:正确选项为:A:the change of the writer’s perspective and standpoint在莱辛的作品中,非洲形象演变的原因是作者视角和立场的改变。莱辛的作品中,非洲形象经历了从正面描绘到负面描绘的变化,这与作者视角和立场的转变密切相关。其他选项B、C、D虽然也与非洲形象演变有关,但不是最主要的原因。B选项提到了社会环境的变化,但并非直接导致非洲形象演变的原因;C选项涉及作者政治理想的改变,但并非直接导致非洲形象演变的原因;D选项涉及作者对西方理性思维传统的态度变化,虽然与非洲形象演变有一定关系,但不是主要原因。因此,只有A选项是正确的原因。'
  87. In The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, When Helen learned that her husband was seriously ill and soon died, she returned to him decisively and served him until the end. What do you think about it? ( ).

  88. A:It is a higher level of female realm. B:It is a conscious choice of Christian humanitarianism. C:It is actually the sublimation of feminism. D:It is a setback of feminist consciousness.
    AI参考:在这部作品《荒野别墅的房客》中,海伦得知自己的丈夫病重将不久于人世,她决然地回到了他身边,服侍他直到最后一刻。我认为这是一个:B: 它是一个有意识的基督教人道主义的选择。这个选择表现出了女性意识的提升和觉醒,不再是被动的接受命运,而是主动的去改变自己的人生,具有积极的进步意义。其它选项A、C、D都有些片面或者误解了文本的含义。'
  89. Gaskell’s views on women still have enlightening impact on people today. Which of the following items show her female views? ( ).

  90. A:Women should keep attention to public affairs and undertake more duties B:Women should have their own understandings on marriage and do not consider it as the only way of realizing self-worth C:Women should fight for rights they deserve D:Women should abandon the role “Angel in the House” and work harder
    AI参考:正确选项为 B:Women should have their own understandings on marriage and do not consider it as the only way of realizing self-worth。Gaskell的观点在女性对婚姻的理解方面仍有启示作用,她并不认为婚姻是实现自我价值的唯一途径,这显示了她的女性观点。选项A强调女性应该关注公共事务并承担更多责任,但并不是针对女性的独特观点;选项C强调女性应该为自己争取应得的权利,这涉及到性别平等的问题,但并非仅限于女性观点;选项D则建议女性放弃“家庭天使”的角色,更努力工作,这涉及到女性在职场中的角色和地位,也并非仅限于女性观点。而选项B明确提到了女性应该有自己的婚姻观,并且不认为婚姻是实现自我价值的唯一途径,这正是Gaskell的女性观点的体现。'
  91. Murdoch illustrates her concept of the Good on two levels both ( ) .

  92. A:immanence B:transcendence C:ubiquity D:almighty
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:transcendence。Murdoch在两个层面上说明了她的“善”的概念,即超越性(transcendence)。她认为,善超越了个人和社会的界限,是一种超越物质和现实的东西。因此,选项B“超越性”是正确的答案。其他选项A的“内在性”、C的“普遍性”、D的“全能”都与Murdoch的观点不符。'
  93. Gaskell has two major concerns in her works. They are ( ).

  94. A:women’s status and self-choice B:romantic love between men and women C:social contradiction in Industrial Revolution D:corruption in government
    AI参考:Gaskell has two major concerns in her works. They are ( A:women’s status and self-choice ).Gaskell是一位英国小说家,她的作品主要关注女性地位和自我选择的问题。在工业革命时期,女性往往受到社会和家庭环境的限制,缺乏自由和权利,这是Gaskell所关注的重要问题之一。她通过小说中的角色和情节,揭示了这些问题,并呼吁社会变革。其他选项中,浪漫爱情、社会矛盾和政府腐败并不是Gaskell作品中的主要关注点。因此,答案为A选项:women’s status and self-choice。'
  95. In addition to producing novels, Murdoch wrote ( ).

  96. A:Works of philosophy B:Plays C:Verse D:Literary criticism
    AI参考:答案为 B:Plays。根据题目中的句子“除了小说以外,默多克还写了戏剧。”可知,他除了写小说之外还写了戏剧。所以答案是B,他写的另外一项内容是戏剧。选项ACD均没有提到。因此,答案为B、C和D都不对。'
  97. Gaskell expresses her deep ecological concerns in novels North and South and Mary Barton. Which of the following contents display her ecological consciousness? ( ).

  98. A:She seeks balance between civilization development and environmental protection B:She implies the strong thirst for lucid water and lush mountains C:She depicts the negative impacts such as characters’ worsening diseases brought by environmental pollution D:She thinks that economy should develop at the cost of environment
    AI参考:正确选项是A:She seeks balance between civilization development and environmental protection。在Gaskell的小说《North and South》和《Mary Barton》中,她表达了对生态的深深关切。选项A表示她寻求文明发展和环境保护之间的平衡,这是她生态意识的体现。其他选项B、C、D并没有直接表达她的生态意识。B选项暗示了对清澈的水和茂盛的山林的渴望,但并没有直接表达对环境的关注;C选项描述了环境污染物对角色疾病的负面影响,但并没有直接表达对环境保护的关注;D选项认为经济发展应该以环境为代价,这是一种错误的经济发展观,但并没有直接表达对环境的关注。因此,只有选项A符合题意。'
  99. In North and South, Gaskell seems to seek reconciliation to deal with labor-capital conflict. Which of the following items can explain the reason she makes two classes finally reach a compromise? ( ).

  100. A:Gaskell’s positive attitude toward self-consciousness of bourgeois B:Gaskell’s Unitarian belief: fraternity C:Gaskell’s middle class background D:Gaskell’s experiences of early life
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Gaskell’s middle class background。在南北两部小说中,Gaskell似乎寻求调和劳资冲突,以达成妥协。她之所以能够让两个阶级最终达成妥协,是因为她具有中产阶级背景。中产阶级通常具有更宽广的视野和更包容的态度,能够从更全面的角度看待问题,从而更容易达成妥协。因此,C选项是正确答案。A选项的“Gaskell对资产阶级自我意识的积极态度”虽然与Gaskell的写作风格有关,但并不是她能够让两个阶级达成妥协的原因;B选项的“Gaskell的泛爱主义信仰:博爱”与Gaskell的主观信仰有关,但不是她写作时能够达成妥协的客观因素;D选项的“Gaskell早年经历”与她对问题的理解和看法有一定关系,但不是促成两个阶级最终妥协的决定性因素。'

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