1.________ is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
A:Internal marketing B:Marketing planning C:Marketing communications D:Marketing research E:Market segmentation
2.When American Airlines decided to review new ideas aimed at first-class passengers on very long flights, like an ultra high-speed Wi-Fi service and 124 channels of high-definition satellite cable TV, their first step in the marketing research process was to ________.
A:make the decision B:define the problem and research objectives C:collect the information D:analyze the information E:develop the research plan 3.

Which of the following is considered to be the last step in the marketing research process?

A:drafting the report B:arriving at a decision C:analyzing information D:controlling the environment E:presenting findings 4.If the goal of marketing research is to shed light on the real nature of a problem and to suggest possible solutions or new ideas, the research is said to be ________.
A:quantitative B:secondary C:exploratory D:primary E:descriptive 5.Before Sandra opened her florist shop she read all she could about the floral industry. She also consulted several published research reports to understand growth patterns in the local area with particular interest in the location of florists throughout the city. This ________ helped her to decide on the location of her store.
A:primitive data B:secondary data C:licensed information D:primary data E:tertiary information 6.Why must researchers avoid generalizing from focus group participants to the whole market?
7.Which of the following is used to assess people's knowledge, beliefs, preferences, and satisfaction and to measure these magnitudes in the general population?
A:quantitative research B:descriptive research C:survey research D:experimental research E:observational research 8.If a marketing researcher chooses to use word associations, the researcher is using ________ questions.
A:open-end B:semantic differential C:closed-end D:Likert scale E:rating scale 9.After collecting the relevant information, the next step in the marketing research process is to ________.
A:define the problem and research objectives B:make the final decision C:develop the research plan D:analyze the acquired data E:present the project report 10.When companies engage students to design and carry out projects, the payoff to the students is experience and visibility; the payoff to the companies is a fresh sets of eyes to solve problems at a fraction of what consultants would charge.
A:对 B:错 11.A dichotomous question is a question with three or more answers.
A:错 B:对 12.Safeway supermarket's scanner data shows that high-income people don't necessarily buy the more expensive brands. This is an example of survey research.
A:错 B:对 13.When Bank of America followed female baby boomers at home and while they shopped to observe things the shoppers might not have been able to articulate, they were using ethnographic research.
A:对 B:错 14.Marketers can collect primary data in the following main ways( ).
A:behavioral data B:focus groups C:observation D:surveys

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