1.What can we do to avoid intercultural misunderstanding in Business? ( )
A:increase our self-awareness B:prepare ourselves C:do business according to our own culture D:avoid judgement
2. What are the business practices displaying cultural differences? ( )
A:interaction preferences B:the expectations regarding work and gender roles C:strategic use of interpersonal relationships D:the desired social hierarchies for decision making 3.In Chinese organizations, superiors are expected to participate in many decisions that U.S. managers might routinely delegate to subordinates. ( )
A:对 B:错 4.The intricacies of Chinese culture in business can be majorly displayed in the . ( )
A:Hierarchical Mindset B:Mianzi C:Group Mentality D:Decision-making process 5.In individualistic cultures, the manager usually empowers his employees in making decisions. However, in collectivistic cultures, it is the group which will make decisions. ( )
A:错 B:对

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