1. effective的中文意思是:( )
A:有效的 B:遗传的 C:提取物 D:上瘾的
2.antibiotic 的中文意思是:( )
A:毒理学者 B:抗生素 C:抗疟疾的 D:致癌物
3. pharmacopoeia 的中文意思是:( )
A:分子的 B:微生物 C:低血糖 D:药典
4. which food is effective in reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer particularly? ( )
A:tomato products B:Citrus fruits C:Green vegetables D:Cruciferous vegetables
答案:AI参考:答案是D:Cruciferous vegetables (蔬菜)\n十字花科蔬菜,如西兰花、菜花、卷心菜等,富含抗氧化剂和多种维生素,具有很强的抗癌作用,尤其是降低胰腺癌的风险。因此,选项D是正确答案。其他选项中,西红柿产品、柑橘类水果和绿色蔬菜也具有一定的抗氧化和预防癌症的作用,但不如十字花科蔬菜效果显著。'
5. For antibiotics, which of the following statements is wrong? ( )

答案:AI参考:选项A: 抗生素能够治疗感冒和流感\n\n选项A是错误的,因为抗生素主要是用来治疗细菌感染,而不是病毒引起的感冒和流感。抗生素对于病毒性疾病没有治疗效果。'
6.cardiac 的中文意思是:( )
A:抗生素 B:毒理学者 C:致癌物 D:心脏的
7. flavonoid的中文意思是:( )
A:类黄酮 B:植物化学的 C:新陈代谢 D:生物学的
8. During experimental pharmacology, which one of the following attention must be paid to? ( )
A:mood B:carcinogenicity C:language D:behavior
9. broad-spectrum ( )
A:光谱的 B:光谱 C:分子生物学 D:窄谱的
10.Which of the following models are not employed in experimental pharmacology? ( )
A:Cell cultures or bacteria B:Isolated tissues C:Partially purified enzymes or subcellular particles D:Pig
11. acidification 的中文意思是:( )
A:生物学的 B:酸化 C:植物化学的 D:新陈代谢

12. Some of the food, drug, and cosmetic ingredients are pure chemicals ________from plants, animals or microbes. ( )
A:isolated B:facilitated C:contained D:duplicated 13. What is the first stage of human evaluation? ( )
A:clinical trials B:Application for product licence C:A small study of normal volunteers D:Determine the expected effect of the new drug 14. hypoglycemia 的中文意思是:( )
A:类黄酮 B:低血糖 C:生物学的 D:新陈代谢 15. Which of the following does not belong to the aims of drug development? ( )
A:produce a novel therapeutic agent which is superior in efficacy to existing remedies B:much cheaper C:cause less frequent adverse effects D:cause less severe adverse effects 16.the dose causing 50 maximum pharmacological response is called ( ).
A:ED50 B:RI C:EL50 D:LD50 17.metabolism 的中文意思是:( )
A:植物化学的 B:抗氧化剂 C:类黄酮 D:新陈代谢 18. Below these layers of prejudice and ignorance, there runs a much deeper and more violent objection to the use of herbs which can be summed up in one word: . ( )
A:ineffective B:unscientific C:cheap D:expensive 19. From the responses a second consensus of minimum information was prepared for each medicine, together ____ draft suggestions for additional information. ( )
A:to B:with C:or D:of 20. Which of the following is not true? ( )
21. Which of the following techniques are not used for identification of unknown products? ( )
A:infrared spectroscopy (IR) B:nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) C:thin layer chromatography D:mass spectroscopy (MS) 22.antimalarial 的中文意思是:( )
A:致癌物 B:毒理学者 C:抗疟疾的 D:抗生素 23. Today, we can count many valuable drugs derived _ ancient remedies, such as digitalis, quinine and atropine. ( )
A:from B:for C:of D:up 24. microbe 的中文意思是:( )
A:分子的 B:酸化 C:抗氧化剂 D:微生物 25. Most natural products are in the form of ( )
A:volatile oils B:fixed oils C:oleoresins D:extracts 26. Which of following technique is frequently used to separate trace impurities? ( )
A:Gas chromatography (GC) B:high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) C:IR D:NMR 27. Which of the following methods are all capable of adequate precision? ( )
A:titrimetric B:high pressure liquid chromatography C:gas chromatography D:spectrophotometric 28.The intensive investigations of the past century have nearly exhausted the plant kingdom as a potential source for new drugs and that future work in this area is unlikely to be rewarding. ( )
A:对 B:错 29. It's ironic that millions of people who wouldn't dream of using illegal drugs could, by abusing a prescription medicine, cause a public - health crisis of harrowing proportions. ( )
A:对 B:错 30.Carotene not only has a direct toxic effect onr cells taken from malignant tumors, but also reduce the growth of lung-cancer cells and altered the protein needed for tumor to grow. ( )
A:错 B:对 31.Those diseases about which the sum of medical knowledge is greatest will be most curable. ( )
A:对 B:错 32. The fundamental basis for the development of new drugs should be to provide better drugs, that is, to be more effective, safer or cheaper. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 33. The government of the People's Republic of China encourages not only the collection of old and new herbs but also the extended cultivation of medicinal plants. ( )
A:对 B:错 34. The widespread use of antibiotics has led to the development of resistance to natural pathogenic strains. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 35. Drug affects not only the health of the individual, but also that of the public. Drug use has obvious and serious negative effects on the brain and physical health. ( )
A:错 B:对 36. Acupuncture is the only branch of Chinese traditional medicine. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 37.Herbal medicine is damned by association in medical eyes because it was often ineffectual. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 38.the number of natural products used in drugs is still sizable, comprising nearly all prescriptions written. ( )
A:错 B:对 39.The discovery of other alkaloids in opium quickly followed that of morphine, and the use of crude preparations rather than pure alkaloids soon spread throughout the medical world. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 40. Many varieties of plants are grown throughout the country and up to the present time, more than 2,000 medicinal herbs have been identified and collected. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 41. Toxicology is that aspect of pharmacology that deals with the adverse effects of drugs. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 42. In general, processing consists of the following steps: sorting, washing, slicing and drying. ( )
A:错 B:对 43. Seventy years ago, adverse reactions were accepted more readily than they are today. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 44.Most experts believe that an abroad -spectrum antibiotic is preferable to narrow -spectrum one. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 45. Anyone who wants to use a medicine needs certain information to enable him to use it to the best effect and to eliminate the risk of harm. ( )
A:错误 B:正确

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