1. the number of natural products used in drugs is still sizable, comprising nearly all prescriptions written. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Reserpin and vincaleukoblastine represent the most important plant-derived medicinals introduced into medicine by our generation. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Since different parts of a given plant mature at different seasons, collecting the medicinal part at the right time requires no attention. ( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. For physical dependence, once the drug is withdrawn, unpleasant symptoms and signs of a physical nature develop which may last for a period and won’t disappear. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. As we look to the past, morphine and quinine represent classic examples of early plant-derived medicinals. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Since many drug plants have rather complicated chemical compositions and analytical technology has not been adequate in determining their identities and qualities once extracts are made from them, adulteration, sophistication, or substitution has been common. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. Most experts believe that an abroad -spectrum antibiotic is preferable to narrow -spectrum one. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Many varieties of plants are grown throughout the country and up to the present time, more than 2,000 medicinal herbs have been identified and collected. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Fruits and vegetables are rich in various antioxidants, which can kill oxygen free radicals thought to induce cell carcinogenesis. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Toxicology is that aspect of pharmacology that deals with the adverse effects of drugs. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Organic chemists and biochemists derive natural products from plant and animal sources. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Those diseases about which the sum of medical knowledge is greatest will be most curable. ( )
  24. Acupuncture is the only branch of Chinese traditional medicine. ( )
  25. Careful control of the use of antibiotics can also help slow the progress of bacterial resistance. ( )
  26. Anyone who wants to use a medicine needs certain information to enable him to use it to the best effect and to eliminate the risk of harm. ( )
  27. Cancer develops over a long time, which means that you have years-typically decades-in which to hinder or promote it. Researchers found that what you eat may not interfere with cancer growth at any stages. ( )
  28. Sales representatives of pharmaceutical manufacturers have received special training to promote a new product. ( )
  29. FDA took action on petitions and applications for approval of drugs and food additives, not on medicated feeds. ( )
  30. It’s ironic that millions of people who wouldn’t dream of using illegal drugs could, by abusing a prescription medicine, cause a public-health crisis of harrowing proportions. ( )
  31. Seventy years ago, adverse reactions were accepted more readily than they are today. ( )
  32. What are the merits of HPLC or GC methods? ( )
  33. Most natural products are in the form of ( )
  34. ( ) are used almost exclusively for identification of unknown products.
  35. Drug development strategies include ( ).
  36. Drug development aims to produce a novel therapeutic agent which is ( )?
  37. addictive的中文意思是:( )
  38. carcinogen 的中文意思是:( )
  39. metabolism 的中文意思是:( )
  40. During experimental pharmacology, which one of the following attention must be paid to? ( )
  41. biologically-active ( )
  42. From the responses a second consensus of minimum information was prepared for each medicine, together ____ draft suggestions for additional information. ( )
  43. toxicologist 的中文意思是:( )
  44. Some of the food, drug, and cosmetic ingredients are pure chemicals ________from plants, animals or microbes. ( )
  45. Medications for food-producing animals, often mixed with feeds, are closely ___because remaining drug residues in the animal tissue are ultimately consumed at dinner tables. ( )
  46. What were drugs derived from in the past? ( )
  47. What is the first stage of human evaluation? ( )
  48. molecular biology ( )
  49. genetics的中文意思是:( )
  50. Which of the following is not true? ( )
  51. H ow many stages can clinical evaluation of a new drug be divided into? ( )
  52. Which of the following models are not employed in experimental pharmacology? ( )
  53. _______the method of measurement, the procedure must be carefully designed to avoid chemical interferences. ( )
  54. Which of the following techniques are not used for identification of unknown products? ( )
  55. hypertension ( )
  56. antimalarial 的中文意思是:( )
  57. hypoglycemia 的中文意思是:( )
  58. What species can be studied in order that chronic toxicity testing is more relevant to clinical applications? ( )
  59. In order to detect small changes reliably with a limited number of replicate assays at each time point, the analysis must be( )?
  60. In the past three ___the biological sciences have undergone a major redirection toward molecular understanding of biological systems. ( )
  61. Below these layers of prejudice and ignorance, there runs a much deeper and more violent objection to the use of herbs which can be summed up in one word: . ( )
  62. For centuries the natives of India chewed Rauwolfia for its _ _ effect. ( )
  63. the dose causing 50 maximum pharmacological response is called ( ).
  64. molecular structures ( )
  65. herbal medicine的中文意思是:( )
  66. acidification 的中文意思是:( )
  67. Who plays a vital role in understanding the underlying biological mechanisms? ( )
  68. Morphine, quinine, digitalis, ergot and atropine were derived from plant sources, and their therapeutic uses were based on ancient serendipitous discoveries.( )
  69. Today’s useful drugs arise from ( )
  70. Organic chemists and biochemists derive natural products from ( ).
  71. As the abilities of chemists to synthesize, isolate, and characterize new compounds grew and as biologists learned more about the action of drugs and about biological mechanisms in health and disease, the search for new drugs gradually took on a more rational basis.( )
  72. What’s the reason for the search for new drugs gradually took on a more rational basis? ( )
  73. In the past three decades the biological sciences have undergone a major redirection toward molecular understanding of biological systems.( )
  74. Because of the awesome complexity of biological macromolecules, progress in quantitative understanding of physical or electronic interactions of drugs with key biological systems has been slow and tortuous.( )
  75. Organic chemists in the pharmaceutical industry synthesize hundreds of new compounds every day.( )
  76. The main limitation to the rational design of new drug entities is ( ).
  77. The relative emphasis which the Agency places on the voluntary route versus the enforcement route varies greatly from time-to-time.( )
  78. This voluntary compliance is encouraged by a parallel program of regulatory enforcement via product sampling, batch testing, marketplace surveys, plant inspections, and so on.( )
  79. FDA’s goal include ( ).
  80. Only part of the establishments in the United States are inspected by FDA at one time or another.( )
  81. we expect that the police force will behave in a manner that warrants the trust and respect of both children and adults.( )
  82. Among the many Federal regulatory agencies, no other touches the day-to-day life of citizens so directly as FDA.( )
  83. FDA has responsibility to oversee the purity, quality, identity, safety, usefulness, and related characteristics of the nation’s food, drug, and cosmetic supply.( )
  84. FDA must rely on the voluntary compliance of those who operate within the professions and industries that are responsible for the products over which the FDA has jurisdiction.( )
  85. The Food and Drug Administration has been described as the principal consumer protection agency of the Federal Government.( )
  86. What’s the nature and uses of Aspirin? ( )
  87. For the project, the outline plan include ( ).
  88. What’s the Unwanted effects of Aspirin? ( )
  89. Nature and uses: a few words about the nature of the medicine, the purposes for which it is suitable, and (if considered necessary) certain purposes for which it should not be used. Categories of people who should not use it need not be included.( )
  90. What information is essential depends primarily on the cultural setting of its use and the educational attainment of the user.( )
  91. The minimum-information approach could help considerably in attempts to develop package inserts for patients.( )
  92. Not everyone wants to use a medicine needs certain information to enable him to use it to the best effect and to minimise the risk of harm.( )
  93. It is highly desirable that the same or similar medicines available in different places should be accompanied by the same or similar information, whoever the manufacturer may be.( )
  94. Package leaflets be written in medical jargon and may put special emphasis on protecting the user by warning him about all the possible harmful effects, including not only those that are serious or common but also the less serious and the rare.( )
  95. This exercise would be similar in principle but more difficult in detail, mainly because the demarcation of responsibilities between doctor and patient can be intricate, varies greatly, and is often unclear.( )
  96. the correlation of biological activity with chemical structure is usually of interest to the physician only when it provides the basis for summarizing other pharmacological information.( )
  97. Structure-activity relationships is a ramification of pharmacodynamics.( )
  98. Pharmacokinetics deals with ( ) of drugs.
  99. ( ) deals with the use of drugs in the prevention and treatment of disease.
  100. Fewer drugs are now obtained from natural sources, and, more importantly, most of these are highly purified or standardized and differ little from synthetic chemicals.( )
  101. The preparing, compounding, and dispensing of medicines at one time lay within the province of the physician, but this work is now delegated almost completely to the pharmacist.( )
  102. A drug is broadly defined as any chemical agent that affects living processes.( )
  103. Pharmacology include ( ).
  104. The clinician is interested mainly in drugs that are useful in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human disease, not in the prevention of pregnancy.( )
  105. Pharmacokinetics study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action.( )
  106. To write intelligent prescription orders, the physician must have some knowledge of ( )
  107. 药理学英文拼写( )?
  108. In South Africa the leaves of the coca tree which contain cocaine are chewed by the inhabitants.( )
  109. Drug dependence may be defined as a state resulting from the interaction of a person and a drug in which the person has a compulsion to continue taking the drug in order to experience pleasurable psychic effects and sometimes avoid discomfort due to its withdrawal.( )
  110. Cocaine dependence is largely psychic and withdrawal symptoms are depression, sleepiness and increased appetite.( )
  111. Most members of the opium group of drugs are to a greater or lesser extent drugs of dependence. ( )
  112. Heroin may be injected intravenously, taken orally or smoked.( )
  113. Drug dependence include ( )
  114. For many years amphetamines were used as appetite suppressors and to treat mild depression.( )
  115. Cannabis is a volatile oil, obtained from a plant which is widely grown in America, Africa and Asia, usually smoked but can be taken by mouth.( )
  116. Cocaine produces a feeling of elation and appears to temporarily increase physical capacity.( )
  117. How to manage opium and its derivatives? ( )
  118. Modify the interests and attitudes of persons at high risk of using dependence-producing drugs in a manner likely to be associated with personal and social problems, so as to reduce the probability of such use.( )
  119. Addiction is the body’s continued need for drugs because of their physiological effects after they are first taken.( )
  120. Injection into a vein is usually the most direct, potent means of drug administration. ( )
  121. World Health Organization (WHO) means( )?
  122. Eliminate ignorance and misconceptions about drug effects couldn’t decrease drug abuse.( )
  123. Strategies worldwide to control of drug abuse include ( ).
  124. The majority of legal drugs used now and then for minor illnesses without medical prescription are probably not necessary.( )
  125. certain other drugs affect the nervous system in different ways, often producing a variety of pleasurable feelings: a mood of joy; drowsiness or sleep, or even pleasurable visions or hallucinations.( )
  126. To limit the availability of specified dependence-producing drugs is a good strategy to control of drug abuse.( )
  127. Certain migrants, emotionally or socially disadvantaged and/or unstable persons are high risk groups of drug abuse.( )
  128. Phase one studies determine whether the drug can be given to man without serious symptoms or toxicity, and whether it has the desired pharmacological effects.( )
  129. Phase 2 studies initially may be open, uncontrolled, dose-ranging experiments and don’t include controlled studies.( )
  130. When drugs with specific actions on enzymes or receptors are being studied, relatively simple cell free systems or isolated tissue preparations can be used.( )
  131. Only after animal studies have proved efficacy, and toxicological studies have provided a measure of the possible risk, can new drugs be given to humans. ( )
  132. Phase 2 studies determine whether the new drug has the desired effect on patients with the appropriate disease.( )
  133. Post-marketing surveillance is increasingly undertaken to assess efficacy and toxicity of new drugs on a larger scale.( )
  134. Phase 3 studies determine how the new drug compares in clinical practice with existing remedies, and to establish its profile of action and frequency of adverse effects.( )
  135. The physician needs guidance on critical assessment of what represents an important advance.( )
  136. Phase 1 involves small scale studies in normal volunteers.( )
  137. Routine toxicology testing should be canceled because there is no relevance of some animal carcinogenicity studies to man.( )
  138. Experimental pharmacology determine whether the drug has the desired profile of action in model systems.( )
  139. During experimental pharmacology, attention must be paid to: ( )
  140. Chronic toxicity testing is more relevant to clinical applications.( )
  141. Which of the following strategies have been used in the development of new drugs? ( )
  142. Usually toxicity studies are undertaken over a period of ( ).
  143. The aims of drug development are ( ).
  144. Extensive formal toxicological tests are now required in most countries before drugs can be used on patients.( )
  145. Which of the following models are usually employed in experimental pharmacology? ( )
  146. The purity value of the standard must be derived from absolute methods. ( )
  147. The preferred solution to the problem of quantitative control assays is to use HPLC or GC methods which afford ( ).
  148. Pharmaceutical analysis means( )?
  149. Control limits on both the purity of the drug substance and the drug content of the finished formulation are usually very tight, thus requiring very precise quantitative procedures for testing compliance. ( )
  150. Which of the following techniques are used for identification of unknown products? ( )
  151. This separation is frequently accomplished by extraction, solvent partitioning, filtration, or column chromatography, but many other techniques find occasional application.( )
  152. Stability studies are especially demanding of analytical precision and accuracy because changes of a few percent over a period of 3 to 5 years are significant and must be accurately quantitatted.( )
  153. A reference standard is required whenever a relative technique such as GC, HPLC, ultraviolet, visible or infrared spectrophotometry, fluorometry, or polarography is used for the analysis.( )
  154. Which of the following techniques are used to separate trace impurities? ( )
  155. The procedures used during product development can not be simplified.( )
  156. The primary function of inactive ingredients is to facilitate the ultimate intake or utilization of the active ingredients.( )
  157. Since the advent of the Synthetic Era several decades ago, many natural drugs have been replaced by synthetic ones.( )
  158. A natural product is defined as a product that is derived from ( ) through physical processing.
  159. Natural flavors and fragrances have been duplicated or simulated by manufactured chemicals.( )
  160. The present trend points to an increasing interest in the use of synthetic products, particularly in foods and cosmetics.( )
  161. Physical processing for natural product including ( ).
  162. natural products it is generally meant that products are not made by chemical synthesis.( )
  163. Inactive ingredients are substances which do not exert physiological actions when ingested or applied to the body.( )
  164. Which one is the function of active ingredients ( ).
  165. The package containing the drugs is taken home and boiled in a metal utensil for a specified length of time in a prescribed amount of water.( )
  166. Acupuncture is a technique in which all of the points were elaborated over a period of 2000 years.( )
  167. Which book said that blood flows through the blood vessels in a regular course and that the function of the blood is to distribute nutrition? ( )
  168. Proper cleaning methods eliminate or reduce toxicity, thus enhancing the efficacy and safety of the product.( )
  169. Chinese physicians continue to treat acute appendicitis without surgery, using the ancient prescriptions, because of economy.( )
  170. The government of China encourages not only the collection of old and new herbs but also the extended cultivation of medicinal plants.( )
  171. What kinds parts of medicinal plants can be used for therapeutic purposes? ( )
  172. Different medicinal part of the plant can be collected at the same time.( )
  173. Chinese traditional medicine belong to folk medicine.( )
  174. The processing of medicinal plants isn't concerned with the efficacy of the drug.( )
  175. Physiology means ( ).
  176. Extensive active studies led to elucidation of morphine’s structure.( )
  177. Quinine is the model for all antimalarials.( )
  178. Phytochemical means ( ) .
  179. Digitalis is a very important cardiac drug.( )
  180. ( ) of prescribed drugs sold in U.S. pharmacies contain constituents derived directly from real green plants.
  181. Reserpin and vincaleukoblastine 长春碱 represent the most important plant-derived medicinals introduced into medicine by our generation.( )
  182. Reserpin was used in primitive Hindu medicine for a variety of diseases, including snake bite, hypertension and insomnia.( )
  183. Herbal medicine is damned by association in medical eyes because( ).
  184. Vincaleukoblastine is a kind of alkaloids isolated from Vinca rosea.( )
  185. Which one belongs to the plant-derived drugs( )?
  186. Morphine is the major ( ) of opium.
  187. More than half of all antibiotic use in the United States is unnecessary or inappropriate.( )
  188. By affecting more kinds of bacteria, the narrow-spectrum drugs simply offer more opportunities for resistant mutations to develop.( )
  189. We still need variations of existing antibiotics to protect us from resistance over the long term.( )
  190. Penicillin drugs, which cured nearly all bacterial urinary-tract infections several decades ago, are now much less effective against them.( )
  191. Faced with many penicillin-resistant infections, doctors may opt to prescribe ( )
  192. Taking antibiotics when you don’t need them won’t do you any good, and it can do harm. ( )
  193. The responsibility of drug abuse rests with ( ).
  194. It is the responsibility of doctors to cause public health crisis due to the abuse of prescription drugs.( )
  195. If only enough medicine is taken to kill the most susceptible germs, the hardy handful may survive to grow a new colony; this new breed of bacteria will be more resistant to the medication.( )
  196. Feeding animals cabbage and collard greens 羽衣甘蓝, along with a high-fat diet, reduced the incidence of mammary cancers.( )
  197. Epidemiologist means( ).
  198. β-carotene had an indirect toxic effect on cells taken from malignant tumors.( )
  199. Antioxidants can snuff out oxygen free radicals and can even repair some of the cellular damage that has been done. ( )
  200. Garlic can not antagonize existing cancer.( )
  201. β-carotene, concentrated in ( ) vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach.( ).
  202. Certain foods can block the chemicals that initiate cancer.( )
  203. Research suggests that frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables can cut the risk of lung cancer even in smokers. ( )
  204. Citrus fruit an all-around cancer package because it possesses every class of natural substances. ( )
  205. According to the text, those who eat more onion and garlic are less prone to gastrointestinal cancer. ( )
  206. Most cruciferous vegetables had a 70 percent lower risk of ( ) cancer than those who ate the least of such vegetables.
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