1.  Read the beginning of a student essay and identify which of the four organizational patterns the student used in writing.


Class, Mobility, and the Lai Family in Three Societies

     In “Social Mobility in Industrial Society”, Lipset and Bendix describe and explain mobility in social terms and go on to analyze the importance of mobility opportunities to the well-being and stability of a society. They see a balance in every society between the tendency of those who have wealth and power to keep these things for themselves and their relatives and the society's need for new talents, skills, and energy. When power and wealth are held too tightly by closed classes, the society becomes stagnant and those without wealth and power may become so disenchanted that they may pose a revolutionary threat to the social order. My family's experience and my own personal experience in three different societies show exactly the kinds of differences Lipset and Bendix describe, with precisely the political consequences they predict.

The pattern used in the essay is most probably _____.
A:Traditional comparison B:Explanation of the experience. C:  Pattern of contradiction D: Exemplification.

After you have written your summary , which demonstrates your full _____ of the text, you are ready to write a response . Because your essay cannot discuss every feature of a text or every idea the text has evoked.

A:understanding B:understanded C:understand D:understood 3.

In source-based writing, we need to decide the points of agreement and disagreement.

A:错 B:对 4.

When writing essays of comparing reading and experience, we can follow some fixed patterns.

A:对 B:错 5.

 Complete the following sentences by filling the blanks.

Basically a response essay consists of two parts: summary and response. The more important part is _____, which is about two-thirds of the total length.

A:summary B:response C:two-thirds

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