第六章 Globalization’s Dual Power:本单元主要对全球化的概念、课文及议论文结构、重难点词汇和表达、经济类术语和表达分别进行了介绍,分析了全球化正反两方面的影响,并对议论文的论据类型进行了梳理,使学生对文章主旨、背景知识和议论文写作都能有正确而全面的认识和理解。6.1A Brief Overview of Globalization:本节课主要对全球化的概念、发展历史、分类以及影响进行了介绍,以帮助学生更好的理解课文主题。
6.2Analysis of Text Structure:本节课主要对议论文结构进行介绍和分析,帮助学生理解课文主题,了解议论文写作的框架结构。
6.3Explanation of Key and Difficult Expressions:本节课主要对课文中的长难句进行句子成分分析和讲解。
6.4Economic Terms and Expressions:本节课主要对课文中讨论全球经济和国际贸易时用到的经济术语和表达进行了分析、归纳和讲解,以拓展学生的经济领域背景知识,帮助学生更好地理解课文主题。
6.5Positive Effects of Globalization:本节课主要对全球化的积极影响进行讲解。
6.6Negative Effects of Globalization:本节课主要对全球化的消极影响进行讲解。
6.7Evidence to Support an Argument:本节课通过梳理课文中议论文论据的类型并结合练习及课内课外相关学习内容,帮助学生掌握议论文论据写作方法。
[单选题]Generally speaking, there are three stages in the developmental history of Globalization. Trade of silk and china on the Silk Road belongs to the period of ________.
Archaic Globalization
Post Modern Globalization
Early Modern Globalization
Modern Globalization
答案:Archaic Globalization
[单选题]The widespread chain shops of MacDonald’s and KFC all over the world mainly indicate a trend of globalization in the fields of both _________ and __________.
culture, politics
economy, culture
economy, politics
society, culture[单选题]The international trade and other economic activities are currently guided by ________.
UNESCO[多选题]Which of the following elements are included in the structure of an argumentative writing?
A conclusion that restates the thesis and readdresses it.
An introduction to the background information.
Logic in argumentation.
Transitions to help connect each part to the next.
Clear and concise narrative skills.
Detailed analysis of supporting evidence.
Thesis statement in the first part of the essay.
Body paragraphs with supporting evidence.[单选题]According to the video, which is NOT positive effect of globalization?
raising of economic growth
booming cultural exchange
spreading of new technology
raising of living standards in both wealthy and poor countries[单选题]What happened in the world history during the period of 1929-1933?  
Westward Movement
The New Deal
Industrial Revolution
The Great Depression[单选题]How did the U. S. benefit from globalization based on the text?
unified market
M&A boom
free trade
lower living standard[单选题]In globalization, multinational companies have enjoyed the following EXCEPT ____.
worldwide production
reduction of capital flow
update of their technology
M&A binge[单选题]What can poor countries gain from globalization EXCEPT ____?
more capital flow abroad
higher living standard
reduction of national poverty
new technology[单选题]Which aspect of negative effects of globalization is not discussed in the video?

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