1.“The Way to Rainy Mountain” is an attempt by a modern American Indian to preserve the soul of his culture and to reaffirm his identity as a Kiowa. ( )
A:对 B:错
答案:"AI参考:答案是B:错。根据题干中的信息,“The Way to Rainy Mountain”是一部现代美国印第安人试图保留其文化灵魂并重申其基奥瓦人身份的作品,但这个判断题是错误的,因为该作品并非现代美国印第安人的作品,而是由白人作家创作的一部作品,描述了作者与美国印第安人生活的互动。因此,这个判断题是错误的。"

Scarlett looked about her for the little town she remembered so well. It was gone. The town she was now seeing was like a baby grown overnight into a busy, sprawling giant.

  Atlanta was humming like a beehive, proudly conscious of its importance to the Confederacy, and work was going forward night and day toward turning an agricultural section into an industrial one. Before the war there had been few cotton factories, woolen mills, arsenals and machine shops south of Maryland – a fact of which all Southerners were proud. The South produced statemen and soldiers, planters and doctors, lawyers and poets, but certainly not engineers or mechanics. Let the Yankees adopt such low callings. But now the Confederate ports were stoppered with Yankee gunboats, only a trickle of blockade-run goods was slipping from Europe, and the South was desperately trying to manufacture her own war materials. The North could call on the whole world for supplies and for soldiers, and thousands of Irish and Germans were pouring into the Union Army, lured by the bounty money offered by the North. The South could only turn in upon itself.

In Atlanta, there were machine factories tediously turning out machinery to manufacture war materials – tediously, because there were few machines in the South from which they could model and nearly every wheel and cog had to be made from drawings that came through the blockade from England. There were strange faces on the streets of Atlanta now, and citizens who a year ago would have pricked up their ears at the sound of even a Western accent paid no heed to the foreign tongues of Europeans who had run the blockade to build machines and turn out Confederate munitions. Skilled men these, without whom the Confederacy would have been hard put to make pistols, rifles, cannon and powder.

Almost the pulsing of the town’s heart could be felt as the work went forward night and day, pumping the materials of war up the railway arteries to the two battle fronts. Trains roared in and out of the town at all hours. Soot from the newly erected factories fell in showers on the white houses. By night, the furnaces glowed and the hammers clanged long after townsfolk were abed. Where vacant lots had been a year before, there were now factories turning out harness, saddles and shoes, ordnance-supply plants making rifles and cannon, rolling mills and foundries producing iron rails and freight cars to replace those destroyed by the Yankees, and a variety of industries manufacturing spurs, bridle bits, buckles, tents, buttons, pistols and swords. Already the foundries were beginning to feel the lack of iron, for little or none came through the blockade, and the mines in Alabama were standing almost idle while the miners were at the front. There were no iron picket fences, iron summerhouses, iron gates or even iron statuary on the lawns of Atlanta now, for they had early found their way into the melting pots of the rolling mills.

Here along Peachtree Street and nearby streets were the headquarters of the various army departments, each office swarming with uniformed men, the commissary, the signal corps, the mail service, the railway transport, the provost marshal. On the outskirts of town were the remount depots where horses and mules milled about in large corrals, and along side streets were the hospitals. As Uncle Peter told her about them, Scarlett felt that Atlanta must be a city of the wounded, for there were general hospitals, contagious hospitals, convalescent hospitals without number. And every day the trains just below Five Points disgorged more sick and more wounded.

The little town was gone and the face of the rapidly growing city was animated with never ceasing energy and bustle. The sight of so much hurrying made Scarlett, fresh from rural leisure and quiet, almost breathless, but she liked it.

答案:"AI参考:根据这段文字,正确选项是D. Atlanta。 这段文字描述了战争期间,亚特兰大这个城市的情况。城市经历了巨大的变化,从一个安静的小镇发展成了一个忙碌的城市,到处都是机器工厂在制造战争物资。城市充满了生机和活力,各种不同的外国工人来到这里建造机器和生产武器弹药。同时,北方也从全世界招募士兵和军需物资,而南方则只能依靠自己来制造战争物资。因此,这段文字的主要背景是亚特兰大这个城市。所以正确答案是D. Atlanta。"
3.<p><br/></p><p style="margin-left: 24px;line-height: 150%"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">在薄层色谱中定性参数</span>R</span><sub><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px;vertical-align: sub">f</span></sub><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">值的可用范围是</span></span><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">,最佳范围是</span></span><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span></span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">.</span></span></p><p><br/></p>

答案:<p><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; line-height: 24px;">&nbsp;0.2</span></span><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: 宋体; line-height: 24px;">-</span></span><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; line-height: 24px;">0.8&nbsp;</span></span></p>; <p><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; line-height: 24px;">&nbsp;0.3</span></span><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: 宋体; line-height: 24px;">-</span></span><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; line-height: 24px;">0.5&nbsp;</span></span></p>
4.<p style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; TEXT-INDENT: 32px'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>电磁波的发射由</span></span><span style='TEXT-DECORATION: underline'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;; FONT-SIZE: 16px'> </span></span><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>和</span></span><span style='TEXT-DECORATION: underline'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;; FONT-SIZE: 16px'> </span></span><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>承担,电磁波的接收由</span></span><span style='TEXT-DECORATION: underline'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;; FONT-SIZE: 16px'> </span></span><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>和</span></span><span style='TEXT-DECORATION: underline'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;; FONT-SIZE: 16px'> </span></span><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>来完成</span></span><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;; FONT-SIZE: 16px'>.</span><br/><br/>A.</span><br/>

答案:<p style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; TEXT-INDENT: 32px'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>广播电台;电视台;收音机;电视机</span></span><br/>
5.<p><br/></p><p style="margin-left: 24px;line-height: 150%"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">在薄层色谱中定性参数</span>R</span><sub><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px;vertical-align: sub">f</span></sub><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">值的可用范围是</span></span><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">,最佳范围是</span></span><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span></span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';line-height: 150%;font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">.</span></span></p><p><br/></p>

答案:<p><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; line-height: 24px;">&nbsp;0.2</span></span><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: 宋体; line-height: 24px;">-</span></span><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; line-height: 24px;">0.8&nbsp;</span></span></p>; <p><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; line-height: 24px;">&nbsp;0.3</span></span><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: 宋体; line-height: 24px;">-</span></span><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; line-height: 24px;">0.5&nbsp;</span></span></p>
6.<p style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; TEXT-INDENT: 32px'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>电磁波的发射由</span></span><span style='TEXT-DECORATION: underline'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;; FONT-SIZE: 16px'> </span></span><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>和</span></span><span style='TEXT-DECORATION: underline'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;; FONT-SIZE: 16px'> </span></span><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>承担,电磁波的接收由</span></span><span style='TEXT-DECORATION: underline'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;; FONT-SIZE: 16px'> </span></span><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>和</span></span><span style='TEXT-DECORATION: underline'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;; FONT-SIZE: 16px'> </span></span><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>来完成</span></span><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;; FONT-SIZE: 16px'>.</span><br/><br/>A.</span><br/>

答案:<p style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; TEXT-INDENT: 32px'><span style='LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-SIZE: 16px'><span style='FONT-FAMILY: 宋体'>广播电台;电视台;收音机;电视机</span></span><br/>
7.The book, published ( ), revived our interest in the author who had just died.
A:deliberately B:privately C:anonymously D:posthumously
8.“This kind of unease was an early signpost of the decline in faith in American institutions and government’s motives.” The word “signpost” in this sentence means ( ).
A:a logo B:a post bearing a sign that gives directions C:a pole at the side of a road D:an indicator or hint
答案:an indicator or hint
9.We were caught in a deluge while returning from our vacation. The word “deluge” means ( ).
A:downpour B:blizzard C:hailstorm D:sandstorm
10.“I see advancing upon all this in hideous onslaught the Nazi war machine.” The word “onslaught” means ( ).
A:fierce attack         B:surrender C:resistance     D:ambush
答案:fierce attack
11.“Familiar problems came up at once: excessive and contradictory requests from the British services, unreal plans, unfilled contracts, jumbled priorities, fouled communications.”  The word “jumbled” means ( ).  
A:chaotic             B:escaped C:blocked                 D:neat 12.“You’ve no doubt seen those TV shows where the child who has ‘made it’ is confronted, as a surprise, by her own mother and father, tottering in weakly from backstage.” The word “confronted” means ( ).
A:to be reproached B:to be face to face with C:to be challenged D:to be cross-examined 13.The drought caused escalation of prices and depletion of supplies. The word “depletion” means ( ).
A:exhaustion B:maintenance C:hoarding D:craving 14.Of all the wonders of the universe perhaps the most ( ) is the creation of life itself.
A:awful B:touching C:awesome D:fundamental 15.“…and they never understood the grim, unrelenting advance of the U.S. Cavalry.”  The word “unrelenting” means ( ).  
A:irresistible             B:obsessive C:yielding             D:relentless                 16.“As Hopkins shakily stepped aboard King’s barge from the accommodation ladder, the stern rose high on a swell, then dropped away from under him.”  The word “swell” means ( ).  
A:sneer B:bulge                 C:inflame             D:big wave                 17.All ( ) had vanished between the two, and they began to talk.
A:consultation B:constituent C:construct D:constraint 18.“On the contrary, we shall be fortified and encouraged in our efforts to rescue mankind from his tyranny.” The word “fortified” means ( ).
A:weakened             B:fortressed C:strengthened         D:multiplied by forty     19.“When I looked at her like that, something hit me in the top of my head and ran down to the soles of my feet.” The word “sole” means ( ).
A:the underside of the foot B:the lean flesh C:none of the above D:the underside of a golf club 20.“The Colonel, who is not too offensively an Empire-builder, sometimes tries to talk to me about public affairs; he says he used to read me, and is rather charmingly deferential.”  The word “deferential” means ( ).
A:respectful             B:scornful             C:undutiful D:differential             21.“I suspect also that there is quite a lot of lore stored away in the Colonel’s otherwise not very interesting mind.” The word “lore” means ( ).
A:chore                 B:affection             C:knowledge             D:boredom 22.Potential settlers of the new lands to the west were sometimes intimidated by the pioneer’s tales. The word “intimidated” means ( ).
A:inspired B:frightened C:encouraged D:attracted 23.His book was marred by the many ( ) remarks, which made us forget his main theme.
A:slanted B:humorous C:digressive D:inappropriate 24.This ( ) with the supernatural has made him unpopular with his neighbors.
A:obsession B:indulgence C:obstinacy D:observation 25.“Sometimes we follow a coastline, it may be precipitous bluffs of grey limestone rising sheer out of the sea, or a low-lying arid stretch with miles of white sandy beach.” The word “arid” means ( ).
A:fertile               B:abandoned C:riveting               D:barren               26.“Warfare for the Kiowas was preeminently a matter of disposition rather than of survival.” The word “preeminently” is similar in meaning to ( ).
A:intrinsically B:inherently C:most importantly D:dominantly 27.The article alluded to the devastation in the countryside, caused by the wind storms. The word “alluded to” means ( ).
A:referred to B:recommended C:misrepresented D:recounted 28.“In Palo Duro Canyon they abandoned their crucial stores to pillage and had nothing then but their lives.”  The word “pillage” means ( ).
A:firing                 B:loot                 C:treasure                 D:killing 29.When you do something ( ), you do it accidentally or unintentionally.
A:unwittingly B:consciously C:willfully D:deliberately 30.The feuding brothers eyed each other with ( ).
A:enmity B:generosity C:hospitality D:amiability 31.He became quite overbearing and domineering once he had become accustomed to the ( ) shown to soldiers by the natives; he enjoyed his new sense of power.
A:deference B:insolence C:caution D:domesticity 32.The ( ) of the church had often, been photographed by tourists.
A:face B:façade C:faction D:facet 33.Nearly half of the town’s inhabitants are descendants of indigenous civilizations. The word “indigenous” means ( ).
A:industrious B:backward C:indolent D:native 34.Some students are ( ) and want to take only the courses for which they see immediate value.
A:theoretical B:illusive C:opinionated D:pragmatic 35.“She stoops down quickly and lines up picture after picture of me sitting there in front of the house with Maggie cowering behind me.” The word “cower” means ( ).
A:showing submission or fear B:snickering C:looming D:intimidating 36.“She had a few (friends). Furtive boys in pink shirts hanging about on washday after school.” The word “furtive” means ( )
A:sneaky B:bold C:futile D:audacious 37.The British government would not declare war immediately on Hitler in response to Hitler’s invasion of the U.S.S.R. (from “Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R.”)( )
A:对 B:错 38.The text “Argentia Bay” is written from an omniscient third-person viewpoint. ( )
A:错 B:对 39.Henry was dispatched to escort the ship “the Prince of Wales” with two of American destroyers, disembark in Iceland, and return with the two ships. (from “Argentia Bay”)( )
A:对 B:错 40.Mother finds no difficulty in accepting the way Dee and her boyfriend dress themselves. (from “Everyday Use”)( )
A:对 B:错 41.N. Scott Momaday visited Rainy Mountain for the only purpose of mourning his grandmother Aho. (from “The Way to Rainy Mountain”)( )
A:对 B:错 42.Water vapor is the primary cause of the “noctilucent clouds”. (from “Ships in the Desert”)( )
A:对 B:错 43.The solution to environmental crisis asks from transformation in how we relate to the earth. (from “Ships in the Desert”)( )
A:错 B:对 44.Edmund Carr was an authority in news about sports and recreation. (from “No Signposts in the Sea”) ( )
A:对 B:错 45.Edmund Carr used to devote most of his time and energy to his work. (from “No Signposts in the Sea”) ( )
A:错 B:对 46.During the last great moment in the history of the Kiowas, they defeated the U.S. soldiers at Fort Sill. ( )
A:错 B:对 47.In the short story “Everyday Use”, Dee takes a condescending attitude towards Mama and Maggie. ( )
A:错 B:对 48.Mother decides to give the quilts to Maggie because she believes Maggie is the one who truly understand their value. (from “Everyday Use”) ( )
A:错 B:对 49.The speech was collaboratively composed by Churchill and his cabinet. (from “Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R.”)( )
A:对 B:错 50.Churchill believed that the Nazi regime was brutal and wicked. (from “Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R.”) ( )
A:对 B:错 51.Al Gore entitles the article “Ships in the Desert” to symbolize the damaged environment of the Aral Sea. (from “Ships in the Desert”)( )
A:错 B:对 52.The extent to which a Kiowa is respected is decided by how far he can see. (from “The Way to Rainy Mountain”)( )
A:对 B:错 53.The protagonist Edmund Carr in “No Signposts in the Sea” is very regretful that he had failed to seize the day when he had good health. ( )
A:对 B:错 54.A merry mood permeates the excerpts from the novel No Signposts in the Sea. ( )
A:错 B:对 55.The protagonist Edmund Carr in “No Signposts in the Sea” was once a hard materialist, but the impending death has transformed him into a nature-lover. ( )
A:对 B:错 56.“The Way to Rainy Mountain” is an attempt by a modern American Indian to preserve the soul of his culture and to reaffirm his identity as a Kiowa. ( )
A:对 B:错 57.“Passing from the Augusta to the Prince of Wales in King's barge, . . . Victor Henry went from America to England and from peace to war.”  What rhetorical device is used in “from America to England and from peace to war”? ( )  
A:Simile                 B:Personification         C:Metonymy D:Metaphor             58.“I’ve got a millions things to do every day.” What rhetorical device is used? ( )
A:Hyperbole B:Antithesis C:Personification D:Metaphor 59.They made loud and elaborate talk among themselves, full of jest and gesture, fright and false alarm. What rhetorical device is used in “jest and gesture, fright and false”? ( )
A:Anti-climax B:Pun C:Transferred epithet D:Alliteration 60.“The rain fell hard on the tin roofs. The rain was cold and wet. The rain kept on for days.” What rhetorical device is used? ( )
A:Repetition B:Transferred epithet C:Metaphor D:Synecdoche 61.And then I like all the small noises of a ship: the faint creaking, as of the saddle-leather to a horseman riding across turf, the slap of a rope, the hiss of sudden spray. What rhetorical device is used in “creaking”, “slap” and “hiss”? ( )
A:Onomatopoeia B:Pun C:Transferred epithet D:Periphrasis 62.“She seemed beyond the reach of time.” What rhetorical device is used in “beyond the reach of time”? ( )  
A:Antonomasia         B:Synecdoche         C:Hyperbole D:Euphemism         63.“Gray peace pervaded the wilderness-ringed Argentia Bay in Newfoundland.” What rhetorical device is used in “Gray peace”? ( )  
A:Transferred epithet B:Synecdoche         C:Antonomasia         D:Euphemism             64."In fact, it appears that the teachers of English teach English so poorly largely because they teach grammar so well." What rhetorical device is used in the sentence? ( )
A:Contrast B:Allusion C:Inversion D:Paradox 65.“At 5 o’clock the suits streamed out of their offices.” What rhetorical device is used? ( )
A:metonymy B:litotes C:Allusion D:Metaphor 66.So do I let my imagination play over the recesses of Laura’s character, so austere in the foreground but nurturing what treasures of tenderness, like delicate flowers, for the discovery of the venturesome. What rhetorical device is used in “like delicate flowers”? ( )
A:Personification B:Metonymy C:Simile D:Metaphor

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