  1. Where does the thesis usually locate in an essay?( )

  2. A:Anywhere.
    B:In the introduction.
    C:In the main body.
    D:In the conclusion.

    答案:In the introduction.
  3. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate way to paraphrase a source? ( )

  4. A:Changing the word order of the original text B:Copying and pasting the original text without quotation marks C:Using synonyms to replace words in the original text D:Changing the tense of the original text
    答案:B: Copying and pasting the original text without quotation marks
  5. What is a good way to end a conclusion? ( )

  6. A:By providing a personal opinion B:By introducing new information C:By making a final statement that reinforces the thesis D:By apologizing for any weaknesses in the paper
    答案:C: By making a final statement that reinforces the thesis.
  7. What is the good conclusion presentation phrase? ( )

  8. A:Well, that is it from me. B:I’ll start with some general information on... C:I’d like to introduce myself. D:I’d like to conclude by...
    答案:D: I’d like to conclude by...
  9. What should not be written in the conclusion of an essay?( )

  10. A:The conclusion.
    B:The concrete data.
    C:Gaps and limits.
    D:The main findings.

    答案:B: The concrete data.
  11. Which of the following is an appropriate way to cite sources in an academic paper? ( )

  12. A:Including a list of sources without any citation information B:Using in-text citations to identify the source of information C:Including a bibliography at the beginning of the paper D:Using direct quotes without attribution
    答案:Using in-text citations to identify the source of information
  13. Choose the best thesis statement for the essay titled with “What are the benefits of participating in sports?” ( )

  14. A:Some benefits of participating in sports include having good healthy, the ability to working on a team, and a competitive spirited. B:Some benefits of participating in sports include having good health, the ability to work on a team, and a competitive spirit. C:Some benefits of participating in sports include good health, working on a team, and a competition.
    答案:Some benefits of participating in sports include having good health, the ability to work on a team, and a competitive spirit.
  15. Read a lecture excerpt, and choose the lecturer’s focus. Good morning and welcome to the University of Westland. My name is Marcia Jones and I’m the coordinator of the Bachelor of Social Science degree. This morning I’d like to tell you about the structure of the university and about some of the requirements of the degree that you’re about to enter. ( )

  16. A:Welcoming the students.
    B:The speaker’s name and job responsibilities.
    C:Introduction of the University of Westland.
    D:The university structure and course requirements.

    答案:The university structure and course requirements.
  17. Which one you should NOT do when you give an academic presentation? ( )

  18. A:Read from the screen. B:Give hand out to your audience. C:Keep eyes contact with your audience. D:Dress formal and be professional.
    答案:Carry only item that needed for presentation.
  19. What is academic listening? ( )

  20. A:Listening to music B:Listening to lectures, presentations, and discussions in an academic setting C:Listening to audio books D:Listening to news reports
  21. What is a good way to end a presentation? ( )

  22. A:Asking the audience if they have any questions B:Thanking the audience and summarizing the main points C:Running out of time and abruptly stopping D:Leaving the stage without saying anything
  23. What is the purpose of an abstract in an academic paper? ( )

  24. A:To critique the work of others B:To introduce the research question and methodology C:To provide a summary of the author's personal opinions D:To highlight the main findings and conclusions
  25. How can you avoid plagiarism? ( )

  26. A:Use only one source for your research B:Always use direct quotes instead of paraphrasing C:Use images and graphs without permission from the source D:Keep track of your sources and cite them properly
  27. Which of the following is an example of effective paraphrasing? ( )Original sentence: "The study found that there was a significant relationship between exercise and reduced risk of heart disease."Paraphrase:

  28. A:The research discovered that exercise was significantly linked to a decrease in the danger of heart illness. B:The study found that exercise was a significant factor in reducing the risk of heart disease. C:The study found that exercise was associated with a decrease in heart disease risk. D:The research demonstrated that exercise and reduced risk of heart disease had a significant correlation.
  29. Read a lecture excerpt. Which phrase can help you predict the information that follows? Many adult Americans, particularly males, do not have especially close friends. This is unfortunate for a number of reasons.( )

  30. A:do not have especially close friends
    B:this is unfortunate
    C:adult Americans
    D:a number of reasons
  31. Which of the following is NOT a good practice for delivering a presentation? ( )

  32. A:Speaking too fast or too slow B:Using clear and concise language C:Making eye contact with the audience D:Reading from a script word-for-word
  33. What is a topic sentence in a paragraph? ( )

  34. A:Usually the first line of the paragraph. B:Text focused on a specific issue. C:Sentence that summarizes the main idea of the paragraph. D:All the other choices are correct.
  35. What kinds of information are provided through descriptive writing?( )

  36. A:Relationships among different elements and components
    B:The possible underlying reasons why a plan fails
    C:Introductory, background and contextual information
    D:The mechanisms how things happen in a situation
  37. What is the purpose of taking notes during academic listening? ( )

  38. A:To transcribe the lecture word for word B:To write down every single detail C:To provide a record of what was heard D:To create a transcript of the lecture
  39. When preparing for your presentation, you should think of these following things EXCEPT ______. ( )

  40. A:coffee break B:audience C:subject D:purpose of your talk
  41. She completed her task, but she forgot to hand it in. Which sentence pattern does the above sentence belong to?( )

  42. A:Simple sentences
    B:Compound-complex sentences
    C:Complex sentences
    D:Compound sentences
  43. Which of the following is an appropriate way to use numbers in academic writing? ( )

  44. A:Using numerals for numbers that are less than one hundred B:Using numerals to represent percentages and decimals C:Using the percentage sign (%) instead of writing out "percent" D:Using words to write out numbers that are greater than ten
  45. The three parts of a paragraph include __________. ( )

  46. A:topic sentence, body, closing sentence B:thesis statement, introductory statement, body C:body, thesis, conclusion D:introduction, body, thesis
  47. Which of the following is an effective way to integrate sources into a research paper? ( )

  48. A:Including a list of sources at the end of the paper B:Copying and pasting entire paragraphs from sources C:Including direct quotes without attribution D:Summarizing the main ideas of the source in one sentence
  49. Which of the following is NOT a common form of hedging language? ( )

  50. A:Adverbs of probability (e.g. probably, possibly) B:Adverbs of certainty (e.g. certainly, definitely) C:Adjectives of certainty (e.g. certain, absolute) D:Modal verbs (e.g. might, may, could)
  51. Which of the following is a good way to end an introduction? ( )

  52. A:With a personal opinion B:With a detailed description of the setting C:With a summary of the main points D:With a cliffhanger
  53. Which one you should do when you give an academic presentation? ( )

  54. A:Carry only item that needed for presentation. B:Wear informal clothes. C:Speak with mono-tone. D:Carry a lot of item.
  55. Which of the following is an example of hedging language? ( )

  56. A:"This study proves that..." B:"There is no doubt that..." C:"Inarguably,..." D:"It is possible that..."
  57. Read a lecture excerpt. What method is used to help listeners understand the key point? Fifth, people spend a large amount of time doing things related to the Internet. They might, oh, read books about the Internet, for instance, or download new Internet programs, or attend Internet-related conferences.( )

  58. A:giving examples
  59. Which of the following word can be used as a shell noun?( )

  60. A:Board
  61. Mark all statements that show politeness, caution, and protect the speaker/writer from criticism if the idea is proven wrong. ( )

  62. A:He is guilty. B:Some people believe he is guilty. C:Chances are he is guilty. D:He might be guilty.
  63. Mark all statements that show politeness, caution, and protect the speaker/writer from criticism if the idea is proven wrong. ( )

  64. A:The world is getting hotter. B:It seems that the world is getting hotter. C:Evidently, the world is getting hotter. D:Evidence seems to suggest the world is getting hotter.
  65. Academic presentations highlight ___ and ____.  (       )

  66. A:structural requirement B:charming personality C:stylistic requirement D:information
  67. What are the typical types of writing in an academic essay?( )

  68. A:Descriptive writing.
    B:Argumentative writing.
    C:Evaluative writing.
    D:Analytical writing.
  69. Mark all statements that show politeness, caution, and protect the speaker/writer from criticism if the idea is proven wrong. ( )

  70. A:Eating fast food is bad and should be avoided. B:Eating fast food is believed to be bad, so it should be avoided. C:Eating fast food is likely bad and perhaps should be avoided. D:Many people say that eating fast food should be avoided.
  71. Mark all statements that show politeness, caution, and protect the speaker/writer from criticism if the idea is proven wrong. ( )

  72. A:The Internet is said to be taking away our privacy. B:The Internet is accused of taking away our privacy. C:The Internet is taking away our privacy. D:The Internet might be taking away our privacy.
  73. What are the common types of academic texts?( )

  74. A:journal articles
    B:experiment reports
    C:course essays
  75. What types of questions does evaluative writing aim to answer?( )

  76. A:So what questions
    B:What questions
    C:What next questions
    D:Why questions
  77. Communication is generally defined as having both ___ and _____ components. (       )

  78. A:gesture B:verbal C:non-verbal D:informative
  79. How to appear to be natural in presentation? (      )

  80. A:walk with shoulders back B:walk with stomach in C:put hands in the pockets D:stand erect
  81. Researchers should use appropriate transitions to show the connections between the ideas. ( )

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. Academic writing follows the same writing process as other types of texts, but it has specific conventions in terms of content, structure and style.( )

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. A good introduction should always begin with a thesis statement. ( )

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. You need cite your sources using a consistent citation style.( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. Introductions may also call for action or overview future possible research. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. Skimming is extracting the essence of the author’s main messages rather than the finer points. ( )

  92. A:对 B:错
  93. Providing references can avoid plagiarism. ( )

  94. A:错 B:对
  95. If you are writing a paper where you are conducting objective research in order to answer a specific question, the IMRaD format will most likely serve your purposes. ( )

  96. A:错 B:对
  97. Academic writing is personal. ( )

  98. A:对 B:错
  99. It is not necessary to write long and complex sentences in an academic style. ( )

  100. A:错 B:对

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