  1. 请根据所给材料判断题干是否正确。材料:Educators and business leaders have more in common than it many seem. Teachers want to prepare students for a successful future. 题干:Educators help students acquire the skills needed for their future success. ( )

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. 请根据所给材料判断题干是否正确。材料:Declining mental function is often seen as a problem of old age, but certain aspects of brain function actually begin their decline in young adulthood, a new study suggest. 题干:Mental functions are closely related to physical declining and mental age. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. If Kelli stands out, it’s because she is also a gifted writer. 以下哪个选项与材料内容一致?( )。

  6. A:According to Kelli, scientific advances have not made Americans healthier, nor prolonged their life. B:Kelli was a participant in a summer course the author taught. C:Kelli differs from those seeking quick and simple solutions to America’s medical problems. D:Kelli also distinguishes herself by her literary talent.
    答案:Kelli also distinguishes herself by her literary talent.
  7. 读材料:①Everyone’s past is filled with regrets that still cause pain. ②But from an emotional energy point of view, they are obstacles thrown in our way. ③While it is rather difficult to get rid of this feeling, I do recommend you remind yourself that the past is the past, and you can do nothing to change it. ④Holding on to the sad memory only allows the damage to continue into the present. 读题干:Clinging to the regrets of the past can accomplish nothing but bringing pain to your present life. 材料中的哪句话与题干内容一致?( )

  8. A:③④ B:②③ C:①② D:①④
  9. 请根据题干的描述选择合适的词语。The hard solid substance found in the ground which is often used for construct buildings.( )

  10. A:rubber. B:stone. C:carbon dioxide. D:waterfall.

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