  1. Quze(PC3) is in the antecubital region, on the transverse cubital crease, on the ulnar side of the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle.

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. Xuehai (SP 10) is located on the anterior region of thigh,when the knee is flexed,2 cun above the medial superior border of the patella on the bulge of the medial portion of the quadriceps femoris?

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. Tianshu(ST 25),the Front-Mu point of the large intestine,belongs to LI.

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. The jueyin meridian is anterior to the taiyin meridian of the foot under 8 cun above the medial malleolus.

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. Neiguan (PC6) is Luo-Connecting point of the meridian of handjueyin.

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. Daling(PC7) is the yuan-source point of The pericardium meridian of hand jueyin.( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. Largr Intestine meridian大肠经 of hand-yangming enter the gums of the lower teeth?

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. Tianfu (LU 3) is located on the upper lateral chest,at the same level with the first intercostal space肋间隙 and 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline?

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. In Lingshu·Jingmai《灵枢·经脉》,which zang-fu organs脏腑 does The liver meridian of foot jueyin pass through?

  18. A:lung B:gallbladder C:stomach D:liver
    答案:gallbladder###lung###lower abdomen###eye system
  19. Which meridians pass through the"Eye System"目系in Lingshu·Jingmai《灵枢·经脉》?

  20. A:the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang B:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang C:The liver meridian of foot jueyin D:the stomach meridian of foot yangming E:the heart meridian of hand shaoyin
  21. In Lingshu·Jingmai《灵枢·经脉》,where does the pericardium meridian of hand jueyin pass through?

  22. A:chest B:three energizers C:upper arm D:the pericardium
  23. In the following meridians, which meridians curve around the lips唇?

  24. A:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin B:The liver meridian of foot jueyin C:The stomach meridian of foot yangming D:the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang E:the heart meridian of hand shaoyin
  25. Which is the starting and stopping point of the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang?

  26. A:Tongziliao(GB1) B:ZuQiaoyin(GB44) C:SiZhukong(TE23) D:Tinggong(SI19) E:LiDui(ST45)
  27. Which of the following meridians’pathological manifestations are related to diarrhea泄泻?

  28. A:the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin B:The liver meridian of foot jueyin C:the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang D:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin
  29. In Lingshu ·Jingmai《灵枢·经脉》,Where does the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang pass through?

  30. A:the ear B:the outer canthus C:floating ribs D:the gallbladder E:the lateral side of the tip of the fourth toe
  31. In the following meridians, which meridian “enters the brain”入络脑?

  32. A:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin B:Governor Vessel C:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang D:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang
  33. Which of the following acupoints belong to the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang and should not be too deep when needling?

  34. A:Jianjing(GB21) B: Qimen(LR14) C:Fengchi(GB20) D: Riyue(GB24)
  35. In Lingshu·Jingmai《灵枢·经脉》, which zang-fu organ脏腑 is connected by the spleen meridian of foot taiyin and The liver meridian of foot jueyin?

  36. A:stomach B:lung C:heart D:spleen E:kidney
  37. In the following acupoints,which is the Xi-Cleft points of the meridian of foot-yangming?

  38. A:Futu (ST32) B:Shangjuxu (ST37) C:Zusanli (ST36) D:Liangqiu (ST34) E:Tiaokou (ST38)
  39. 足厥阴肝经与手太阴肺经交接于( )Where is the liver meridian of foot-jueyin connected with lung meridian of hand-taiyin?

  40. A:Heart B:Lung C:Chest D:Stomach E:Abdomen
  41. Which of the following two meridians connect at the outer canthus目锐眦?

  42. A:the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang, the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang B:the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang, the bladder meridian of foot taiyang. C:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang,the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang D:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang,the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang
  43. ( )Which acupoint is located on the wrist, on the transverse crease of the radial side of the wrist,between the hollow of the tendons of the extensor policis longus and brevis拇短伸肌腱与拇长伸肌腱之间凹陷中?

  44. A:Wangu (SI4) B:Yangchi (TE4) C:Jingqu (LU8) D:Yangxi (LI5) E:Hegu (LI4)
  45. In the following acupoints, which is the yuan-source point of the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang ?

  46. A:Qiuxu(GB40) B:Xiaxi(GB43) C:Shenmai(BL64) D:Zulinqi(GB41)
  47. Which acupoint is located on the face,with the eye,looking straight forward,the points vertically below the pupil瞳孔直下,from the angle of the mouth 0.4 cun?

  48. A:Jiache (ST6) B:Dicang (ST4) C:Yangbai (GB14) D:Yingxiang (LI20) E:Quanliao (SI18)
  49. In the following meridians, which meridian passes through" pericardium心包"?

  50. A:the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang B:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang C:the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang D:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang
  51. Which meridian is located on"the first lateral line of the chest and abdomen, 0.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline"在胸腹部第一侧线,在腹部距前正中线0.5寸?

  52. A:The liver meridian of foot jueyin B:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin C:the stomach meridian of foot yangming D:the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin
  53. In the following acupoints, Which can use moxibustion for malposition of fetus?

  54. A:ZuTongguBL66 B: ZhiyinBL67 C:Jinggu(BL64 D:ShuguBL65
  55. Which kinds of specific points does Houxi (SI 3) belongs to?

  56. A:Shu-Stream,Yuan-Primary points, Eight Converging(Influential) points B:Shu-Stream, Eight Confluent Points C:Luo-connecting points, Eight Confluent Points D:Eight Converging(Influential) points, Front-Mu points E:Lower He-Sea points, He-Sea
  57. The meridian which connected between the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin and the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang is ().

  58. A:the heart meridian of hand shaoyin B:the lung meridian of hand taiyin C:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin D:The pericardium meridian of hand jueyin
  59. In Lingshu·Jingmai (灵枢·经脉 ) ,which meridian starts from the lateral side of the nose,travels upward to the root of the nose交頞中?

  60. A:the meridian of foot-yangming B:the meridian of foot-shaoyin C:the meridian of hand-yangming D:the meridian of foot-taiyin E:the meridian of foot-taiyang
  61. Which group of points belongs to Yuan-Primary(Source) points and Luo-connecting points(原络配穴法)?

  62. A:

    Taixi (KI3), Yangjiao (GB35)


    Taichong (LR30), Chongyang (ST42)


    Taiyuan (LU9),  Kongzui (LU6)


    Hegu (LI14),  Lieque (LU7)


    Qiuxu (GB40),  Taichong (LR30)

  63. Which acupoint is good at clearing stomach fire?

  64. A:Laogong (PC8) B:Rangu (KI2) C:Yuji (LU10) D:Neiting (ST44) E:Xingjian (LR2)
  65. Hegu (LI 4) is belong to LI meridian of hand-yangming,which kind of specific points does it belongs to?

  66. A:Yuan-Primary(Source) Points B:Ying-Spring C:Jing-River D:Luo-connecting Points E:Shu-Stream
  67. Which acupoint of the pericardium meridian of hand jueyin is good at clearing heart fire?

  68. A:Xingjian(LR2) B:Neiting(ST44) C:Laogong(PC8) D:Yuji(LU10)
  69. In the following meridians, which meridian passes through" lateral malleolus外踝"?

  70. A:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang B:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang C:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin D:Governor Vessel
  71. In the acupoints of the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang, which is both the Eight Converging(Influential) Points八会穴 and He-sea points合穴 : ( ) .

  72. A:Shenmai(BL64) B:Houxi(SI3) C:Neiguan(PC6) D:Zulinqi(GB41) E:Yanglingquan(GB34)
  73. Which meridians are connected between The liver meridian of foot jueyin and the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang?

  74. A:the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang B:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang C:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang D:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin
  75. Where does the stomach meridian of foot-yangming and the Spleen meridian of foot- taiyin connect?

  76. A:medial end of the big toe B:the inner canthus of eye C:nasal side D:lateral toe of the big toe E:the outer canthus of eye
  77. Located“on the lateral side of the leg,3cun superior to the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula” 定位在小腿外侧,外踝尖上3寸,腓骨前缘,What kind of specific points does this acupoint belong to?

  78. A:Luo-connecting Points B:Jing-river Points C:Eight Converging(Influential)Points D:Xi-Cleft Points
  79. Shangyang (LI 1),Erjian (LI 2),Sanjian (LI 3),Hegu (LI 4) can all treat with ( )

  80. A:Dysmenorrhea痛经 B:Uterine bleeding崩漏 C:Enuresis遗尿 D:Toothache齿痛 E:Hernia疝气
  81. Which acupoints is located on the face,one finger width anterior and superior to the lower angle of the mandible下颌骨?

  82. A:Shangguan (GB3) B:Daying (ST5) C:Jiache (ST6) D:Xiaguan (ST7) E:Dicang (ST4)
  83. ( )Which acupoint belongs to the SI meridian of hand-taiyang in the following points?

  84. A:Tinggong (SI19) B:Jiache (ST6) C:Tinghui (GB2) D:Dicang (ST4) E:Ermen (TE21)
  85. Which book propounds the Eight Influential Points“八会穴” for the first time in the following books?

  86. A:Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion《针灸大成》 B:Supplement to the Invaluable Prescribtions《备急千金要方》 C:Huangdi’s Internal Classic·Lingshu 《黄帝内经·灵枢 》 D:Difficult Classic 《难经》 E:Huangdi’s Internal Classic·Plain Question 《黄帝内经·素问 》
  87. Where is the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin connected with the pericardium meridian of hand jueyin?

  88. A:abdomen B:chest C:lung D:heart
  89. Where is the LI connected with ST?

  90. A:the outer canthus of eye B:nose C:little toes D:forefinger E:the inner canthus of eye
  91. According to the theory of Eight Confluent points-Associating with Conception Vessel, what parts of the disease can be treated with the lieque (LU 7) and zhaohai (KI 6) 列缺配照海?

  92. A:inner canthus, nuchal region, ear , scapular目内眦、项、耳、肩胛 B:outer canthus, cheek , neck目外眦、颊、颈 C:stomach, heart, chest 胃、心 、胸 D:chest and lung, diaphragm, throat胸肺、膈、喉咙 E:retroauricular regionr and shoulder耳后、肩
  93. 根据十二经脉的衔接规律,阳经与阳经(同名阳经)在何处交接( )According to the rule of the connection of the twelve regular meridian, where do two yang meridian with the same name connect?

  94. A:Abdomen B:Foot C:Head and facial region D:Hand E:Chest
  95. In the following acupoints, which is the shu-stream point of the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang ?

  96. A:Tinggong (SI19) B:Xiaguan (ST7) C:Ermen(TE21) D:Zhongzhu(TE3)
  97. Which of the following hand meridians enters the ear?

  98. A:the meridian of hand-taiyin B:the meridian of foot-jueyin C:the meridian of hand-taiyang D:the meridian of hand-yangming E:the meridian of foot-shaoyang
  99. Which of the following acupoints cannot be used in pregnant women?

  100. A:Lougu (SP7) B:Shangqiu (SP5) C:Xuehai (SP10) D:Sanyinjiao (SP6) E:Diji (SP8)

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