

  1. What are the symptoms that can be used to treat the three points of Zhongfu (LU 1), chize (LU 5) and Kongzui (LU 6)?

  2. A:Nocturnal emission, impotence遗精、阳痿 B:Bloating, constipation腹胀、便秘 C:Headache, dizziness头痛、眩晕 D:Cough, asthma咳嗽、气喘 E:Tinnitus, deafness耳鸣、耳聋
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:Bloating, constipation腹胀、便秘】。穴位三阴交治疗主要应用于脾经腧穴的三阴交(穴位名称带三阴),由于中医所说的三阴指足三阴经,临床上脾经上代表脾胃功能的重要穴位就集中在足三阴经上,所以三阴交主要治疗腹胀、便秘、肠鸣、泄泻等脾胃不和的症状。因此,治疗中府(LU1)、尺泽(LU5)、太渊(LU6)这三个穴位的症状,应该选择B选项,即腹胀、便秘。'
  3. According to the theory of (原络配穴法),which of the following points is matched correctly?

  4. A:Yangchi (TE4), Tongli (HT5) B:Hegu(LI4), Lieque (LU7) C:Chongyang (ST42), Taibai(SP3) D:Wangu (SI4), Neiguan (PC6) E:Jinggu (BL64), Taixi (KI3)
    AI参考:答案为【B:Hegu(LI4),Lieque (LU7)】。根据原络配穴法,经络之间相配,经络中的同名经相配,例如手阳明经与手少阳经相配,而选项B中的合谷穴(LI4)与列缺穴(LU7)均属于手阳明经与手少阳经的配穴,因此是正确的。其他选项中,没有符合原络配穴法的配穴规律。'
  5. What is the name of the big collateral of SP?

  6. A:Feiyang (BL58) B:Dabao (SP21) C:Zhizheng (SI7) D:Neiguan (PC6) E:Ligou (LR5)
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:Dabao (SP21)。题目中提到的“SP”代表“三伏”,是一种传统中医学疗法。根据题目描述,这个大抵押物的名字应该是“大保”,“Dabao”就是大保的音译,所以选项B“Dabao (SP21)”是正确答案。其他选项与题目描述不符。'
  7. In the following acupoints, which is the acupoints of The liver meridian of foot jueyin ?

  8. A:Zhongfu(LU1) B:Riyue(GB24) C: Danzhong(CV17) D:Zhangmen(LR13)
  9. In Lingshu·Jingmai《灵枢·经脉》,which meridian originates from “the inner canthus,it then goes upwards toward the forehead, and connects at the vertex起于目内眦,上额,交巅”?

  10. A:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin B:the stomach meridian of foot yangming C:the large intestine meridian of hand yangming D:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang
  11. Which of the following acupoints is good at phlegm(祛痰)?

  12. A:Fengfu (GV16) B:Dadun (LR1) C:Fenglong (ST40) D:Houxi (SI3) E:Tongli (HT5)
    答案:Fengchi (GB20);Riyue (GB24);Qimen (LR14)
  13. In the following meridians, which meridian passes through" lateral malleolus外踝"?

  14. A:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang B:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang C:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin D:Governor Vessel
    AI参考:正确答案是C:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin。足太阳膀胱经不经过外踝(经脉循行路线),故排除A;足少阳胆经经过外踝,但不经过外踝的侧面(侧面为阳陵泉),故排除B;足阳明胃经经过外踝,但不经过外踝的侧面,故排除D;只有足太阴脾经经过外踝的侧面,即“踝上三寸前内廉”,即“外踝尖上四寸,胫骨前肌腱的内侧缘”。因此,答案为C。'
  15. Which acupoint cannot be puncture perpendicularly?

  16. A:Tianzong (SI11) B:Wangu (SI4) C:Yanglao (SI6) D:Houxi (SI3) E:Jianzhen (SI9)
    答案:Jianzhen (SI9)
  17. In the following acupoints, which is the luo-connecting point of the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin ?

  18. A:Yongquan(KI1) B: Rangu(KI2) C:Dazhong(KI4) D:Taixi(KI3)
  19. Which acupoint is located in the lateral side of the leg,the outer edge of the tibialis anterior muscle胫骨前肌,8 cun above the external malleolus外踝,2 cun widths lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia胫骨前脊?

  20. A:Xiajuxu (ST39) B:Zusanli (ST36) C:Jiexi (ST41) D:Shangjuxu (ST37) E:Fenglong (ST40)
    答案:Tongli (HT5)
  21. ( )Which meridian is located in the posterior cubital region,in the depression between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus尺骨鹰嘴与肱骨内上髁之间的凹陷中?

  22. A:Xiaohai (SI8) B:Quchi (LI11) C:Quze (PC3) D:Chize (LU5) E:Shaohai (HT3)
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Quchi (LI11)。该问题描述的是穴位的位置,根据题目描述,该穴位位于尺骨鹰嘴与肱骨内上髁之间的凹陷中,因此可以确定该穴位是尺骨穴(Quchi LI11),选项B为正确答案。其他选项中的穴位位置与题目描述不符。'
  23. In the following acupoints,which is the Xi-Cleft points of the meridian of hand-yangming?

  24. A:Wenliu (LI 7) B:Yangxi (LI 5) C:Pianli (LI 6) D:Hegu (LI 4) E:Quchi (LI 11)
    答案:Ganshu (BL18);Shenshu (BL23)
  25. Which book propounds the Eight Influential Points“八会穴” for the first time in the following books?

  26. A:Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion《针灸大成》 B:Difficult Classic 《难经》 C:Supplement to the Invaluable Prescribtions《备急千金要方》 D:Huangdi’s Internal Classic·Lingshu 《黄帝内经·灵枢 》 E:Huangdi’s Internal Classic·Plain Question 《黄帝内经·素问 》

  27. Which of the following acupoints can be used for mastitis 乳痈and insufficient lactation乳汁少?

  28. A:Zhizheng (SI7) B:Shaochong (HT9) C:Yanglao (SI6) D:Shaoze (SI1) E:Xiaohai (SI8)

  29. Which acupoint is located on the upper edge of the styloid process of the radius,1.5 cun above the distal palmar transverse crease of the wrist腕掌侧远端横纹上,between the tendon of extensor policis brevis and the tendon of the long abductor muscle of the thumb拇短伸肌腱与拇长展肌腱之间?

  30. A:Yuji (LU10) B:Yangxi (LI5) C:Jingqu (LU8) D:Lieque (LU7) E:Taiyuan (LU9)

  31. According to the mutual generation and restraining relations虚者补其母,实者泻其子 of Five Shu(Transport) points in Difficult Classic,which point can be selected for deficiency syndrome of Kidney meridian肾经病虚?

  32. A:Yongquan (KI1) B:Ququan (LR8) C:Fuliu (KI7) D:Yingu (KI10) E:Dadun (LR1)

  33. Which acupoints are the first and last acupoints of the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang?

  34. A:Guanchong(TE1),sizhukong(TE23) B:Dadun (LR1), Qimen (LR14) C:Tongziliao(GB1),Zuqiaoyin (GB44) D:Yinbai (SP1), Dabao (SP21)

  35. Which meridian is located atthe middle side on the four limbs?

  36. A:the jueyin and shaoyang meridians B:the shaoyin and taiyang meridians C:the taiyin and yangming meridians D:the taiyin and taiyang meridians E:the shaoyin and shaoyang meridians

  37. Which acupoints is located on the upper abdomen上腹部,4 cun above the center of the umbilicus脐,2 cun lateral to the anterior midline of the abdomen?

  38. A:Guilai (ST29) B:Liangmen (ST21) C:Daheng (SP15) D:Tianshu (ST25) E:Liangqiu (ST34)

  39. According to the theory of Eight Confluent points-Associating with Conception Vessel, what parts of the disease can be treated with the lieque (LU 7) and zhaohai (KI 6) 列缺配照海?

  40. A:retroauricular regionr and shoulder耳后、肩 B:inner canthus, nuchal region, ear , scapular目内眦、项、耳、肩胛 C:chest and lung, diaphragm, throat胸肺、膈、喉咙 D:outer canthus, cheek , neck目外眦、颊、颈 E:stomach, heart, chest 胃、心 、胸

  41. Which meridian does originates from the center of the chest起于胸中in Lingshu·Jingmai《灵枢·经脉》"?

  42. A:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin B:The pericardium meridian of hand jueyin C:the lung meridian of hand taiyin D:the heart meridian of hand shaoyin
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:the lung meridian of hand taiyin】。原文中提到“起于胸中”,而选项中只有C选项“肺经”的经脉起于胸中,因此C是正确答案。其他选项与原文描述不符。'
  43. ( )Which acupoint belongs to the SI meridian of hand-taiyang in the following points?

  44. A:Tinggong (SI19) B:Tinghui (GB2) C:Jiache (ST6) D:Dicang (ST4) E:Ermen (TE21)

  45. The meridian which connected between the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin and the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang is ().

  46. A:the lung meridian of hand taiyin B:the heart meridian of hand shaoyin C:The pericardium meridian of hand jueyin D:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin

  47. Which of the following acupoints belongs to the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang?

  48. A:Ermen(TE21) B:(GB2) C:(ST6) D:(SI19)

  49. In the following acupoints,which is the Front-Mu points of the meridian of hand-taiyin?

  50. A:Zhongfu (LU1) B:Tianfu (LU3) C:Lieque (LU6) D:Taiyuan (LU9) E:Yunmen (LU2)

  51. Which of the following disease densn’t apply to prick shaoshang (LU 11)to allow bleeding(少商点刺放血)?

  52. A:hematemesis吐血 B:high fever高热 C:unconsciousness昏迷 D:finger swelling and numbness指肿、麻木 E:swelling and pain in throat,aphonia咽喉肿痛、失音
    AI参考:正确答案是A:hematemesis吐血。少商点刺放血主要用于治疗高热、昏迷、咽喉肿痛、失音等病症,不适用于吐血。因此,选项A hematemesis吐血不符合要求。其他选项如高热、昏迷、指肿、麻木、咽喉肿痛和失音等病症都可以通过少商点刺放血进行治疗。'
  53. Which acupoint is located "on the spinal region ,level with the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra,1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline在脊柱区,第二腰椎棘突下,后正中线旁开1.5寸"?

  54. A:Mingmen(GV4) B:Yaoyangguan(GV3) C:Xuanshu(GV5) D:Shenshu(BL23) E:Zhishi(BL52)

  55. Which cupoint is located in the posterior antebracgial region,1 cun above dorsal stripes,in the depression on the radial side of the proximal end of the capitulum of the ulna?

  56. A:Yanglao (SI6) B:Yangchi (TE4) C:Lieque (LU7) D:Waiguan (TE5) E:Yangxi (LI5)

  57. According to the proportional measurement method ,how many cun from the upper limb elbow 上肢肘横纹stripes to the distal end of the wrist腕掌侧远端横纹?

  58. A:12 cun B:16 cun C:10 cun D:9 cun E:18 cun
    AI参考:通过对题目进行分析,我们找到了一个关于穴位距离的问题。穴位在中医针灸学中非常重要,而这个问题涉及到的是上肢肘横纹到腕掌侧远端横纹的距离。正确的答案是:B:16 cun。穴位之间的距离通常用“cun”来表示,这是一个传统的中医计量单位。根据题目中的描述,上肢肘横纹到腕掌侧远端横纹的距离为16 cun。因此,答案为B。'
  59. Which group of points belongs to Back-Shu points and Front-Mu points(俞募配穴法)?

  60. A:Ganshu(BL18), Tianshu(ST25) B:Danshu(BL19), Jingmen (GB25) C:Xinshu(BL15), Juque (CV14) D:Pishu (BL20), Zhangmen(LR13) E:Feishu(BL13), Zhangmen(LR13)
    AI参考:正确选项是E:Feishu(BL13), Zhangmen(LR13)俞募配穴法是指将背俞穴与募穴相配,共同组成特定组合的配穴方法。背俞穴位于足太阳膀胱经上,是脏腑经气输注于背部的穴位;募穴位于胸腹部的经气聚集的部位。根据题目中的选项,只有选项E中的穴位Feishu(BL13)和Zhangmen(LR13)是背俞穴和募穴的组合,符合俞募配穴法的特点。因此,选项E是正确答案。其他选项中的穴位并非背俞穴和募穴的组合,因此不属于俞募配穴法的范畴。'
  61. Which acupoint is located on the lower abdomen,4 cun below the umbilicus,2 cun lateral to the anterior midline of the abdomen?

  62. A:Liangmen (ST21) B:Guilai (ST29) C:Tianshu (ST25) D:Zhongwan (CV12) E:Shangwan (CV13)

  63. Which acupoint is located in the face,in the nasolabial groove鼻唇沟,at the center of the lateral border of the alanasi?

  64. A:Chengqi (ST1) B:Yingxiang (LI20) C:Jingming (BL1) D:Dicang (ST4) E:Quanliao (SI18)

  65. Where does the stomach meridian of foot-yangming and the Spleen meridian of foot- taiyin connect?

  66. A:the inner canthus of eye B:lateral toe of the big toe C:the outer canthus of eye D:medial end of the big toe E:nasal side

  67. Where does the bladder meridian of foot taiyang pass through?

  68. A:popliteal B:bladder C:kidney D:buttocks
  69. Which indications are Neiguan(PC6) used to treat ?

  70. A:hypochondriac pain B:spasm and pain in the elbow and arm C:cardiac pain and palpitations D:stomachache

  71. Which indications are commonly treated at Fengchi(GB20)?

  72. A:Headache B:Tinnitus C:Dizziness D:Stiffness and pain of the neck E:Cold and Febrile diseases
    AI参考:正确选项为D、E:Stiffness and pain of the neck 和 Cold and Febrile diseases。根据题目描述,风池穴(Fengchi GB20)常用于治疗的病症有颈部僵硬和疼痛(选项D)以及感冒发热等疾病(选项E)。选项A、B、C均不是风池穴常用于治疗的病症。'
  73. Which two meridians connect the outer canthus目锐眦?

  74. A:the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang, the bladder meridian of foot taiyang B:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang, the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang C:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang ,the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang D:the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang,the bladder meridian of foot taiyang

  75. If the syndrome differentiation of sore throat 咽喉肿痛 is Yin deficiency and fire prosperity阴虚火旺, which acupoints of meridians are the main ones?

  76. A:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang B:Governor Vessel C:the lung meridian of hand taiyin D:the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin】。原文中提到“咽喉肿痛,阴虚火旺”,说明病症属于阴虚火旺,因此需要选择能够滋阴降火的穴位。选项D中的足少阴肾经穴位具有滋阴降火的功效,因此是最佳选择。其他选项如膀胱足太阳经、肺手太阴经和脾足阳明经等穴位,虽然也具有一定的功效,但与原文中的病症描述不符,因此不是最佳选择。'
  77. In Lingshu ·Jingmai《灵枢·经脉》,Where does the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang pass through?

  78. A:the gallbladder B:the outer canthus C:the ear D:the lateral side of the tip of the fourth toe E:floating ribs

  79. Which acupoints need to open your mouth slightly when needling?

  80. A:Tinggong (SI19) B:Ermen(TE21) C:Xiaguan (ST7) D:Tinghui (GB2)

  81. Which of the following acupoints belong to the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang and should not be too deep when needling?

  82. A: Qimen(LR14) B:Fengchi(GB20) C: Riyue(GB24) D:Jianjing(GB21)

  83. Which vessels do originate from Baozhong, called as “one source and three divergences一源三歧”?

  84. A:Thoroughfare Vessel (Chong) B:Conception Vessel (Ren) C:Link Vessel (Wei) D:Belt Vessel (Dai) E:Governor Vessel (Du)

  85. Quze(PC3) is in the antecubital region, on the transverse cubital crease, on the ulnar side of the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle.

  86. A:错 B:对
  87. Taixi(KI3)is"in the ankle region,in the depression between the tip of the medial malleolus and heel tendon."

  88. A:错 B:对
  89. Waiguan(TE5)is Luo-Connecting point 络穴of the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang.

  90. A:对 B:错

  91. Feiyang(BL58)is the luo-connecting point of the bladder meridian of foot taiyang.( )

  92. A:对 B:错
  93. Largr Intestine meridian大肠经 of hand-yangming enter the gums of the lower teeth?

  94. A:对 B:错
  95. Dahe(KI12)is"on the lower abdomen,3 cun below the umbilicus,0.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline".

  96. A:对 B:错

  97. QimenLR14)is front-mu point of the liver.( )

  98. A:对 B:错

  99. Dou Mo is the author of Guidelines of Acupuncture Classic 《针经指南》?

  100. A:错 B:对

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