

  1. Which of the following States is the largest producer of commercial trees in the United States?

  2. A:The State of Florida B:The State of Alaska C:The State of Washington D:The State of Nevada
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:The State of Alaska】。Alaska是美国最大的商业树木生产国,而其他选项中,Florida、Washington和Nevada都不是商业树木的主要生产国。因此,答案为B。'
  3. The British Bourgeois Revolution took place in the ________ century.

  4. A:17th B:16th C:15th D:18th
  5. As for the land area, Canada is the ________ largest country in the world.

  6. A:4th B:1st C:3rd D:2nd
  7. The American Continent was discovered by Christopher Columbus but was named after ________ another explorer.

  8. A:Amerigo Vespucci B:Marco Polo C:Ferdinand Magellan D:Christopher Columbus
    答案:Amerigo Vespucci
  9. The common law was first gathered by______.

  10. A:William II B:Henry I C:Henry II D:William I
    答案:Henry II
  11. The battles between the English ships and the Spanish Armada occurred in the ________.

  12. A:Pacific Ocean B:English countryside C:the English Channel D:Atlantic Ocean

  13. The Dutch explorer ________ was the first European to discover New Zealand. He was hired by the Dutch East India Company.

  14. A:Christopher Columbus B:Jacques Cartier C:Abel Tasman D:Marco Polo

  15. In the impeachment against the President, the ________ serve as the jury.

  16. A:Congressmen B:Senators C:Representatives D:Justices of the Supreme Court

  17. One negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was ________.

  18. A:the invention of the steam engine B:the child labor C:the invention of the Spinning Jenny D:the increase in trade

  19. Tony Blair represented ________.

  20. A:the Labor Party B:the Republican Party C:the Democrats D:the Conservative Party
    AI参考:正确答案是D:the Conservative Party。Tony Blair代表保守党,因此答案为D。Tony Blair是英国前首相,保守党是英国的主要政党之一。选项A、B和C都是美国的政党,与Tony Blair无关。因此,正确答案是D。'
  21. The ________ lost all their land in North America after the ending of the French and Indian War.

  22. A:English B:French C:Indians D:Spanish
  23. The last stage that American economy has experienced is _______.

  24. A:colonial stage B:corporate capitalism C:industrial capitalism D:commercial capitalism
    AI参考:正确答案是C: industrial capitalism。工业资本主义,是资本主义发展的第三个阶段,也是最后一个阶段。因此,根据题意,美国经济经历的最后一个阶段是工业资本主义。所以答案是C。'
  25. The United States annexed the Mexican territory of Texas in ________.

  26. A:1845 B:1846 C:1844 D:1847

  27. ________ is the largest ethnic group in the United States of America today.

  28. A:African Americans B:WASPs C:Asian Americans D:Hispanics
    AI参考:正确答案是A:African Americans。根据题目中的描述,需要选择一个在当今美国最大的民族群体。A选项African Americans是黑人美国人,是最大的少数族裔群体之一。B选项WASPs是白人盎格鲁-撒克逊新教徒,虽然在美国历史上曾经是主流群体,但现在地位已经下降。C选项Asian Americans是亚裔美国人,虽然人数众多,但并不是最大的群体。D选项Hispanics是西班牙裔美国人,主要指拉美移民,虽然人数也在增加,但也不是最大的群体。因此,根据题目中的描述和选项分析,A选项African Americans是正确答案。'
  29. When Margaret Thatcher was the Prime Minister, British economy in the 1980s gradually ________.

  30. A:recessed B:declined C:went down D:recovered
    AI参考:正确答案是B:declined。句子中提到“当Margaret Thatcher是首相时”,根据常识和语境可知,英国经济在20世纪80年代逐渐下降,因此选项B“declined”符合语境。其他选项中,“recessed”意为“衰退”,但通常用于描述经济周期中的衰退阶段;“went down”意为“下降”,但通常用于描述价格、数量等下降;“recovered”意为“恢复”,与句意不符。因此,答案为B。'
  31. In February 1861, six of the Slave States that had seceded from the Union formed the Confederate States of America and elected ________ their President.

  32. A:General Lee B:Jefferson Davis C:General Grant D:General Sherman

  33. The Constitution of the United States entitles the President with the power to ________ without the consent of the Senate.

  34. A:declare war upon other nations B:sign an executive agreement with other nations C:sign a treaty with other nations D:appoint Government ministers

  35. The Ten-Hour Act prohibited ________ from working in any factory longer than ten hours a day.

  36. A:unskilled workers B:all workers C:young and women workers D:skilled workers
    AI参考:正确答案是C:young and women workers。句子中提到了“禁止年轻人和妇女在工厂工作超过十小时”,因此正确答案是C,即“年轻人和妇女工人”。其他选项不符合句意。'
  37. King Edward had promised his kingdom to ________, but on his death bed, he changed his idea and gave the kingdom to ________. This led to the Norman Conquest of 1066.

  38. A:Harold, William B:Matilda, Stephen C:William, Harold D:Stephen, Matilda

  39. It was President ________ that initiated the establishment of the League of Nations.

  40. A:Franklin D. Roosevelt B:Harry S. Truman C:William Taft D:Woodrow Wilson
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Woodrow Wilson】。根据题目中的描述,应该是哪位总统发起建立了国际联盟,而选项中只有 Woodrow Wilson 是发起建立国际联盟的总统。Franklin D. Roosevelt 是美国第32任总统,Harry S. Truman 是美国第33任总统,William Taft 是美国第27任总统。因此,选项 D 是正确答案。'
  41. WWI began in Europe in ________.

  42. A:1910 B:1914 C:1911 D:1918
  43. About 25 000 years ago, America Indians came over to the North America from ________.

  44. A:Asia B:Africa C:Europe D:Oceania
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:Africa。\r此题是针对过去发生的重大事件中的种族迁移的问题进行考查的,我们知道最早的种族是从非洲走出的,所以说"America Indians came over to the North America from Africa",所以答案为B。其他选项A、C、D都不符合历史事实。A选项亚洲人是在后来才进入美洲的;C选项欧洲人是在新航路开辟之后才进入美洲的;D选项大洋洲的人更不可能在25000年前迁移到美洲。因此,正确答案为B。'
  45. The number of electors of a State is equal to the number of ________ that the State sends to Congress in the United States.

  46. A:Senators B:popular votes C:Representatives D:Congressmen

  47. The new aristocracy, the thegn, had appeared by the ________ century in Britain.

  48. A:12th B:11th C:9th D:10th

  49. The prime meridian line of 0° crosses the old Royal Observatory in the City of ________.

  50. A:Edinburgh B:Liverpool C:London D:Manchester

  51. ________ were characteristic of the UK economy in relation to other developed economies.

  52. A:Low rates of scientific experiment B:Low rates of military expenditure C:Low rates of educational investment D:Low rates of industrial investment

  53. China and Britain established the diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial rank in the year of ________.

  54. A:1950 B:1997 C:1954 D:1972

  55. All the Ministers in the British Government should be members of ________.

  56. A:the House of Commons B:Parliament C:the Cabinet D:the House of Lords

  57. The English people today have ________ as their ancestors.

  58. A:Iberians B:Danes C:Romans D:Anglo-Saxons
  59. Which of the following statements about the Renaissance are true?

  60. A:During the renaissance, the theatre attained great popularity under Elizabeth. B:The renaissance was a cultural movement by humanists. C:The renaissance spread into England under the Tudors. D:The renaissance was a revival of interest in many things that the early Middle Ages had cared about.

  61. The modern Democratic Party is in favor of ________.

  62. A:death penalty B:strict control on firearms C:the right of same-sex marriage D:tax cuts

  63. In early Saxon England, the main classes of people were ________.

  64. A:freemen B:slaves C:nobles D:peasants

  65. During Henry II' reign, the judges had to make decisions by relying on______ .

  66. A:local customs B:common law C:written laws D:precedents
    AI参考:正确选项为D:precedents。在题目中提到法官在亨利二世的统治期间做决定时需要依靠某种依据,而precedents(先例)是指以前法院或其他机构做出的判决或裁定,可以为当前法院的判决提供参考和依据。因此,选项D是正确的答案。而local customs(地方习俗)、common law(普通法)和written laws(成文法)都不是法官做决定时通常依靠的依据。'
  67. Which of the following were valuable things left behind by Romans?

  68. A:cities B:enormous wealth C:the Roman Roads D:Welsh Christianity
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:the Roman Roads罗马人留下了许多有价值的东西,其中包括城市、财富和威尔士的基督教,但最被广泛提及的是罗马道路,即罗马人在其统治期间修建的道路系统,这些道路在当时对于交通和贸易起到了重要作用,并被认为是有价值的遗产。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  69. ________ are member countries of the Triple Entente.

  70. A:France B:Russia C:Italy D:Britain
    AI参考:正确选项为 D:Britain。根据问题中的信息,正确选项应该是Triple Entente的成员国之一。而Triple Entente指的是三国协约,是第一次世界大战中同盟国与协约国之间的一个国际组织,其中包括英国、法国和俄罗斯等国家。因此,选项D Britain符合要求,是Triple Entente的成员国之一。其他选项中,France和Russia是Triple Entente成员国之一,但Italy不是。'
  71. Which of the following statements are true?

  72. A:The Hundred Years War is one of the historical events that marked the decline of feudalism in Britain. B:The Hundred Years War lasted for one hundred years. C:The Hundred Years War was a trade war. D:The Hundred Years War was a feudal war.

  73. Which of the following statements are true of the Depression in the 1930s?

  74. A:Banks failed. B:Foreign trade shriveled. C:Factories were closed. D:Unemployment rate was low.

  75. Which of the following statements are true of the Commonwealth period?

  76. A:Cromwell conquered Ireland. B:Cromwell suppressed the diggers. C:Cromwell killed Levelers in the army. D:Cromwell restored the House of Stuart.

  77. Such sectors as __________ are generally regarded as of primary industry.

  78. A:forestry B:fishing C:agriculture D:mining
    AI参考:正确选项为C:agriculture。在问题中提到的四个选项中,只有农业(agriculture)被广泛认为是第一产业(primary industry)。林业(forestry)、渔业(fishing)和矿业(mining)虽然也是重要的经济产业,但它们通常被归类为第二产业或采矿业,而不是第一产业。因此,正确答案为C,即农业。'
  79. During American War of Independence, the American army was composed mainly of farmers, craftsmen, and small traders.

  80. A:错 B:对

  81. In both Australia and New Zealand, summer lasts from September to November.

  82. A:对 B:错

  83. The Chartist Movement reached its height in 18391842.

  84. A:错 B:对

  85. The Colony of Delaware was set up by the people from Sweden.

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. New Zealand is world's largest exporter of wool, and Australia ranks the second.

  88. A:对 B:错

  89. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 strengthened the position of labor unions and entitled the Federal employees to much more freedom.

  90. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。根据题目中的信息,The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 strengthened the position of labor unions but did not entitle the Federal employees to much more freedom. 也就是说,Taft-Hartley法案增强了工会的地位,但没有给予联邦雇员更多的自由。因此,答案是B,错误。'
  91. King Henry VII defeated King Richard III in the Battle of Hastings.

  92. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。根据题目描述,King Henry VII在Battle of Hastings战役中击败了King Richard III,因此答案为B,即“对”。'
  93. The Wars of the Roses lasted for 50 years in England.

  94. A:对 B:错

  95. For most Americans, Old English would be easy to read.

  96. A:错 B:对
  97. Under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I, England was a Protestant country.

  98. A:对 B:错

  99. The staple crops grown in the US are corn and wheat, with oats, barley, rice and cotton ranking next in importance.

  100. A:对 B:错

  101. America imports large quantities of coffee, sugar, petroleum, metals, paper and paper products from Europe, Latin America, Asia and Canada.

  102. A:对 B:错
  103. The Capital City of Canada is Vancouver while that of Australia is Sydney.

  104. A:对 B:错

  105. When the South found itself outnumbered in the House of Representatives before the Civil War, the Southerners tried to keep the number of Slave States equal to that of Free States so that the Southern Senators could not be outvoted by the Northern Senators. So in this case slavery became a political issue.

  106. A:对 B:错
  107. Just like the United States, the United Kingdom holds a General Election every 4 years.

  108. A:对 B:错

  109. Korea served as a gangplank for the British colonialists to expand their colonies and spheres of influence in Asia.

  110. A:对 B:错

  111. The most serious economic crisis that Britain had ever experienced before World War Ⅱ lasted from 1920 to 1921.

  112. A:对 B:错

  113. There are 50 stars on the national flag of the United States. They represent today's 50 States of the United States.

  114. A:错 B:对
  115. Scotland has had a separate legal system in the United Kingdom.

  116. A:错 B:对

  117. The United States seized Florida from Spain after the Spanish-American War of 1898.

  118. A:错 B:对

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