1. New Zealand is world's largest exporter of wool, and Australia ranks the second.

  2. 答案:错
  3. Common law in the United Kingdom consists of previous court decisions.

  4. 答案:对
  5. The United States forced England to cede the Oregon Region in 1846.

  6. 答案:对
  7. The Colony of Delaware was set up by the people from Sweden.

  8. 答案:对
  9. Alfred the Great was the King of the whole Britain.

  10. 答案:错
  11. The first two decades after World War II witnessed the US Government adopting a policy of Cold War and “Containment” in its relationship with the Soviet Union.

  12. 答案:对
  13. The United States purchased Louisiana Territory from France in 1803.

  14. 答案:对
  15. The present sovereign of the United Kingdom is Queen Elizabeth II

  16. 答案:对
  17. Queen Victoria became Empress of India by taking over its control from the East India Company.

  18. 答案:对
  19. During American War of Independence, the motto of the colonies was “In God we believe.”

  20. 答案:错
  21. Since 1980s, American Government and the monopolistic financial groups it represents have conducted the economic invasions of other countries, with the help of their strong political strength.

  22. 答案:错
  23. The Chartist Movement failed because of ________.
  24. Both ________ and ________ belong to the process of de-colonization.
  25. Which of the following are the key features of imperialism?
  26. The coasts of the State of ________ and the State of ________ get heaviest rainfall in the United States.
  27. Which of the following statements are true of the Depression in the 1930s?
  28. King Edward I summoned the “All Estates Parliament” in the year of________.
  29. The Renaissance in England occurred during the ________ Dynasty.
  30. ________ is the largest population center in the United Kingdom.
  31. Members of ________ are at the bottom of American society.
  32. The Second Civil War in England was fought in the year of ________.
  33. The Great Charter was made in the interest of_________ .
  34. In 1867, the United States purchased the territory of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands from ________.
  35. Of the thirteen British colonies in the New World, the Province of Georgia belonged to ________.
  36. When did George Washington take office as the first President of the United States of America?
  37. From 1343 onward, Parliament was divided into two chambers.
  38. American Government began to pursue a protectionist policy in trade in the 1970s.
  39. The Middles Ages began after A.D. 871 in what is England now.
  40. During the period of some 20 years before the outbreak of the Civil War, the industrial North needed slave labor, while the South needed free labor. The northerners wanted a low tariff, while the southerners wanted a high tariff.
  41. Death penalty for murder was not completely abolished in the United Kingdom until 2000.
  42. The Great Barrier Reef lies off the northeastern coast of Australia.
  43. Scotland has had a separate legal system in the United Kingdom.
  44. Henry I introduced the jury system.
  45. The Wars of the Roses lasted for 50 years in England.
  46. William came from Normandy to attack England in 1066.
  47. When the South found itself outnumbered in the House of Representatives before the Civil War, the Southerners tried to keep the number of Slave States equal to that of Free States so that the Southern Senators could not be outvoted by the Northern Senators. So in this case slavery became a political issue.
  48. Like Great Britain, the Members of Parliament of New Zealand is elected for a four-year term.
  49. By the mid-19th century, the territory of the United States had reached over 10 million square kilometers, about 9 times the size of the total area of the original thirteen states.
  50. American railways were built by state-owned enterprises and are still operated by commercial companies.
  51. WWI sealed the fate of the British Empire.
  52. In early Saxon England, the main classes of people were ________.
  53. In spite of its name, the French and Indian War was a war fought between ________.
  54. The British Bourgeois Revolution exerted great influence on ________ and the ________ revolutions in the 18th century.
  55. Wars of the Roses were wars fought between Houses of _____and_____ .
  56. ________ are member countries of the Triple Alliance.
  57. Elizabeth II ruled the UK ________.
  58. Which of the following mountains is the continental divide of the United States of America?
  59. All the Ministers in the British Government should be members of ________.
  60. It was President ________ that initiated the establishment of the League of Nations.
  61. One negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was ________.
  62. The Statutes of Laborers issued by the government of Edward Ⅲ introduced cruel punishments for those_______.
  63. The battles between the English ships and the Spanish Armada occurred in the ________.
  64. Which of the following kingdoms was set up by the Jutes?
  65. The earliest settlers on the British Islands were ________.
  66. An MP candidate has to deposit some money in the UK General Election ________.
  67. The prime meridian line of 0° crosses the old Royal Observatory in the City of ________.
  68. In the Great Britain, ________ is considered as a political party of the “middle”, for it occupies the ideological ground between another two major parties.
  69. The West of the United States is an important ________ area.
  70. The English people today have ________ as their ancestors.
  71. About 75% of the iron ore in the United States is produced in ________.
  72. ________ is the established church of England and Wales.
  73. WWI began in Europe in ________.
  74. In the impeachment against the President, the ________ serve as the jury.
  75. King Edward had promised his kingdom to ________, but on his death bed, he changed his idea and gave the kingdom to ________. This led to the Norman Conquest of 1066.
  76. In 1327, Parliament forced_______ hand over his crown to his son.
  77. Tony Blair represented ________.
  78. The Ten-Hour Act prohibited ________ from working in any factory longer than ten hours a day.
  79. About 25 000 years ago, America Indians came over to the North America from ________.
  80. The beef industry in Great Britain was hit badly by ________ disease around 1996.
  81. In 1819, the United States “purchased” Florida from ________ after having occupied it for several years.
  82. The Black Death first started in Europe.
  83. The Capital City of Canada is Vancouver while that of Australia is Sydney.
  84. Most of the important crop-growing areas of the US are in the central plain region.
  85. The Tudor Monarchy served as the transitional stage from feudalism to capitalism in English history.
  86. During the Wars of Roses, common people were greatly affected.
  87. For most Americans, Old English would be easy to read.
  88. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 extended the idea of popular sovereignty.
  89. During American War of Independence, the American army was composed mainly of farmers, craftsmen, and small traders.
  90. The political party that wins two thirds of popular votes in a State on the Election Day collects all the electoral votes of that State.
  91. George I was too lazy to hold council and it led to the Cabinet system of government.
  92. It is appropriate that the last half of the 15th century in England is identified as the Elizabethan Age.
  93. Like US Congress, the Parliament of Canada also has two Houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives.
  94. Simon De Montfors was the one who invented parliament and help it to take shape.
  95. The most serious economic crisis that Britain had ever experienced before World War Ⅱ lasted from 1920 to 1921.
  96. Britain’s foreign policy in the years between the two World Wars was characterized by its hostility toward the young Soviet.
  97. Korea served as a gangplank for the British colonialists to expand their colonies and spheres of influence in Asia.
  98. “Dieu et Mon Droit” is the national anthem of the United Kingdom.
  99. In recent years, the Australian Government has adopted the policy of multiculturalism to encourage people with different ethnic backgrounds to keep their own cultures.
  100. At the end of the War of the Roses, Henry Tudor, a Yorkist, married Elizabeth of the Lancastrian.
  101. In the United States of America, the middle class constitute the largest social class.
  102. Which of the following statements about the Renaissance are true?
  103. During Henry II' reign, the judges had to make decisions by relying on______ .
  104. ________ were the measures of the New Deal proposed by the Roosevelt Administration.
  105. ________ are US cities on the Pacific coast.
  106. Because of ________, the United Kingdom is blessed with rich water resources.
  107. Which of the following statements are true of Puritans?
  108. The People’s Charter was ________.
  109. Which of the following were valuable things left behind by Romans?
  110. Which of the following statements are true of the Commonwealth period?
  111. Which of the following statements are true?
  112. The ________ lost all their land in North America after the ending of the French and Indian War.
  113. The Spanish-American War strengthened the US influence on the affairs in ________.
  114. In the 18th century, Europeans began to believe that the universe was governed by ________.
  115. Two political parties came into being in the United States over the issue of ________ in the middle of the 19th century.
  116. The number of electors of a State is equal to the number of ________ that the State sends to Congress in the United States.
  117. Which of the following kingdoms was NOT set up by Angles?
  118. ________ were characteristic of the UK economy in relation to other developed economies.
  119. Like most developed economies, the UK has seen a spectacular ________ in tertiary industries.
  120. ________ is the largest ethnic group in Great Britain.
  121. The Commoners who drew up the Grand Remonstrance ________.
  122. The American Continent was discovered by Christopher Columbus but was named after ________ another explorer.
  123. In February 1861, six of the Slave States that had seceded from the Union formed the Confederate States of America and elected ________ their President.
  124. The Black Death caused a shortage of ______.
  125. The last stage that American economy has experienced is _______.
  126. Most of Hispanic people in the US speak the ________ language.
  127. It was in ________ that US Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act.
  128. There came a flood of new immigrants from Europe to the United States in the ________ because labor was needed with the rapid development of industry in America and most European countries were in a very bad state.
  129. The first British settlement in North America was ________.
  130. The King’s men at the beginning of the First Civil War were called ________.
  131. Which of the following Mountain Ranges is NOT included in the Cordillera Ranges?
  132. Margaret Thatcher represented ________.
  133. By the end of ________ century all England had been Christianized.
  134. The British Bourgeois Revolution took place in the ________ century.
  135. It needs to be pointed out that the decline of UK economy after the ending of WWII was a/an ________ matter.
  136. The United States established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China in the year of ________.
  137. The members of the British Cabinet meets ________ in No. 10 Downing Street.
  138. Trust corporations first emerged in ________ in the United States.
  139. ________ is the largest ethnic group in the United States of America today.
  140. Which of following colonies was set up by Colonel James Oglethorpe in 1733?
  141. The ________ is the second largest ethnic group in the United States of America.
  142. The first European to discover New Zealand is the Dutch explorer ________, in  1642, who was hired by the Dutch East India Company.
  143. The Australian Constitution is based on the principle of federalism and the principle of responsible Government.
  144. Both ________ and ________ are official languages in New Zealand. English is the common and everyday language of New Zealanders.
  145. Seasons are opposite to those in the northern hemisphere. Summer lasts from September to November.
  146. The most developed and the most densely populated part of Canada is St. Lawrence and Great Lakes region.
  147. Vancouver is the Capital City of Canada.
  148. Like the United States, New Zealand's Constitution doesn't have a written form.
  149. Like Great British, Parliament is elected for a five-year term. All citizens and permanent residents aged 20 years or over are eligible to vote in parliamentary elections.
  150. Canada ranks the ________ among the largest countries in area in the world.
  151. General Elections are held at least every six years in Canada and the Prime Minister is directly elected by the voters.
  152. Australia was once a British penal colony, and now has become one of the developed countries in the world.
  153. Off the northeastern coast of Australia is a 2000km line of coral island and reefs known as the Great Barrier Reef.
  154. In recent years, Australian governments have encouraged people with different ethnic backgrounds to keep their own cultures. The policy is called multiculturalism.
  155. Australia is the ________ largest country in the world.
  156. Australia is surrounded by the Tasman Sea and the ________ Ocean to the east, by the ________ Ocean to the west.
  157. Australia is the world's largest exporter of wool.
  158. ________ are the factors that affect the efficiency of Australian manufacturing.
  159. The commonwealth of Australia was formed in the year of _________.
  160. The most pleasant part of Australia is the Southeastern coastland, while two thirds of the continent is ________ and ________ in terms of climate.
  161. Many aspects of Australian way of life are still ________, though Australians are the descendants of many nations.
  162. The chief executive of a State is the ________.
  163. As established in the U.S. Constitution, the President of the United States must ________.
  164. The number of Representatives of the US House of Representatives from each State is fixed according to the size of ________ the state has.
  165. In 1951, Congress passed an amendment to the Constitution to limit a President to eight years successively in office.
  166. The power of the U.S. President has ________.
  167. The State legislature in most states of the United States usually consists of two houses.
  168. The American voters do not vote directly for the President but vote for the electors.
  169. The President of the United States exercises the ________ power.
  170. ________ is the most important part of a State government.
  171. The Constitution of the United States says that only ________ can declare war upon other nations.
  172. China, Japan and Canada were the top three import partners of the United States.
  173. In the United States, railways are still important for carrying passengers and are still operated by commercial companies.
  174. In the ________ stage American economy developed rapidly.
  175. Now the United States economy is dominated by enormous, diversified, multinational monopolistic corporations.
  176. The stock raising areas of the United States are scattered in the neighborhood of the Great Lakes, in the Corn Belt and on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Range.
  177. The automobile is the most popular means of transportation in the United States.
  178. Canned fish and lumber are the chief manufactured products of ________.
  179. The South of the US has now become ________ developed industrial region.
  180. The three stages that the American economy has experienced in its development are commercial capitalism, industrial capitalism and corporate capitalism.
  181. ________ are all in the Corn Belt.
  182. ________ were the measures of the New Deal of the Roosevelt Administration..
  183. The United States and China established diplomatic relations in the year of ________.
  184. In the late half of the 19th century, ________ was the main objective of the US overseas expansion.
  185. In the first two decades after the Second World War, the US Government adopted a policy of Cold War and “Containment” in its relationship with the Soviet Union.
  186. In 1947, Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act, which outlawed the closed shop and put other restraints on labor unions, and a program was established to investigate the loyalty of the federal employees in the executive branch.
  187. The establishment of the League of Nations was initiated by ________.
  188. In ________, US Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act.
  189. The Spanish-American War strengthened the US interventions in ________.
  190. The United States seized Hawaii from Spain after the Spanish-American War of 1898.
  191. The Japanese attack on the American naval base of the Pearl Harbor in 1941, brought the United States into the Second World War.
  192. Henry Clay's Compromise of 1850 was made to solve the problem aroused by the admission of ________ into the Union.
  193. In ________, there came a flood of new immigrants from Europe to the United States because labor was needed with the rapid development of industry in America, and most European countries were in a very bad state.
  194. The Oregon Region includes the following present States ________.
  195. The Mexican territories annexed by the United States as a result of the Mexican War include ________.
  196. When the United States was first founded, it consisted of only thirteen States, with a territory of about ________ square kilometers.
  197. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 prohibited slavery in any other lands in the ________ Territory north of the 36°30' line.
  198. The United States purchased Louisiana Territory from ________ in 1803.
  199. The passage of The Homestead Act (1861) failed to solve the land problem in the interests of the small farmers.
  200. In ________, President Thomas Jefferson, by taking advantage of the war in Europe, made Napoleon I agree to sell Louisiana Territory.
  201. The American Industrial Revolution began in 1807 with its ________ industry.
  202. In the 18th century, people in Europe began to believe that it is ________ that guided the universe.
  203. George Washington took office as the President of the United States of America in ________.
  204. During American War of Independence, the British army was composed mainly of farmers, craftsmen, and small traders.
  205. As for man's knowledge, John Locke believed it is ________.
  206. Despite its name, the French and Indian War was a war fought between ________.
  207. American War of Independence ended in ________.
  208. During American War of Independence, the motto of the colonies was “no taxation without representation.”
  209. According to John Locke, the most important natural law was that no man should take away the life, liberty, or property of another.
  210. As a result of the French and Indian War, the ________ lost all their land in North America.
  211. The US Constitution was written and ratified in 1791.
  212. Columbus offered his services to Queen Isabella of Spain.
  213. In 1682, a group of Quakers headed by William Penn set up the colony of Pennsylvania.
  214. The New World discovered by Columbus was named after ________.
  215. ________ was the colony set up by Colonel James Oglethorpe in 1733.
  216. The Province of Georgia belonged to ________.
  217. Delaware was settled by people from Sweden.
  218. The earliest British settlement on North America was ________.
  219. The New England colonies became a center for small farms.
  220. Columbus first began his voyage from a harbor in ________.
  221. Spain explored and colonized much of ________ and ________.
  222. In 1620, a group of Puritans set sail for America on a ship called the Mayflower.
  223. In the early colonization of Americas, Portugal set up colonies in______.
  224. The Statue of Liberty was a gift presented to the United States by the United Kingdom.
  225. ________ leads the United States in annual growth of commercial trees.
  226. Thirteen stripes on the national flag of the United States represent the original thirteen colonies that declared independence from England.
  227. Southern Florida has a/an ________ climate.
  228. The personification of the United States is ________.
  229. The famous Niagara Falls are located on the US-Canadian border ________.
  230. Mount Whitney (4 418m) is the highest peak in the United States.
  231. The climate of the northern part of the Pacific Coast in the United States is similar to that of England.
  232. Hawaii is situated in the central Atlantic Ocean.
  233. Hispanics in the US speak ________.
  234. The United States is the ________ largest country in the world in terms of land area.
  235. Today, the United States imports more oil and natural gas than it exports.
  236. The general election in Britain is held every 4 years.
  237. In the United Kingdom, ________ is seen as the party of the “middle”, occupying the ideological ground between the two main parties.
  238. In the United Kingdom, death penalty for murder was abolished in 1969.
  239. Whenever a person is made a minister of Cabinet rank in the UK, he or she is made a member of ________.
  240. In Britain, the UK Parliament consists of _________.
  241. The King or the Queen in the UK has the right to appoint the Prime Minister and other ministers of his or her own will.
  242. All the government ministers of Britain must be members of ________.
  243. The deposit that a British MP candidate has to pay is supposed to ________.
  244. British government is established on the basis of constitutional monarchy.
  245. The Cabinet meets ________ in one of the rooms in the Prime Minister's official residence, No. 10 Downing Street.
  246. Which of the following belongs to the process of de-colonization?
  247. British economy in the 1970s was characterized by ________.
  248. Which of the following statements about the UK economy after World War II is NOT true?
  249. The British beef industry has been hit badly by ________ disease in cattle towards 1996.
  250. Like most developed economies, the UK has seen a relative ________ of the importance of secondary industry and a spectacular ________ in tertiary industries.
  251. Under Margaret Thatcher, British economy in the 1980s gradually ________.
  252. Throughout  the 1980s, an extensive program of privatization in the UK was carried out, with many state-owned businesses, such as ________.
  253. Primary industries include such areas as  ________.
  254. ________ were characteristic of the British economy in relation to other developed economies.
  255. Throughout the 1980s, an extensive program of privatization was carried out, with many state-owned businesses, such as ________.
  256. The British Empire fell after the end of the Second World War.
  257. Which of the following terms best describes the economic situation of Britain in 1970s?
  258. The underlying aim of Thatcherism is ________.
  259. The Munich Agreement was a non-aggression pact between ________ on the one hand and Nazi Germany on the other.
  260. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in ________.
  261. In 1930s, the League of Nations was controlled by ________.
  262. The East India Company was given right to enlist army, enforce law and declare war and make peace in India.
  263. Elizabeth II became the Queen because she was the oldest child of an oldest child and entitled to the throne.
  264. The British Commonwealth of Nations is a/an ________ organization.
  265. American and Russia joined the League of Nations immediately after its formation.
  266. The term “Rotten Boroughs” means ________.
  267. The Industrial Revolution in Britain first began in the clothing industry.
  268. After the Industrial Revolution, Britain became the “workshop of the world.”
  269. Oliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens.
  270. The British Empire began with the founding of Newfoundland in 1583,
  271. The British Industrial Revolution first began in the ________ industry.
  272. After the Seven Years’ War England became the strongest sea power and dominated world trade.
  273. Victoria's reputation in Britain was also due to her personality.
  274. The British Empire reached the peak of its colonial expansion after the ________.
  275. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, the financial bourgeoisie gained supremacy in both economic and political life of the country.
  276. The “Glorious Revolution” of 1688 put ________ on the throne.
  277. The Enclosure of land turned a large number of slaves into peasants.
  278. England was cruelly ruled by Oliver Cromwell in the period of Commonwealth.
  279. Charles I ruled without Parliament for ________ years.
  280. The First Civil War in Britain lasted for ________ years.
  281. The restoration of Charles II took place in the year of 1688.
  282. The Commoners drew up The Grand Remonstrance in 1642.
  283. During the Civil War, ________ was executed by Oliver Cromwell on January 30th, 1649.
  284. The two centuries just before the outbreak of the Bourgeois revolution were a period of ________.
  285. The 15th and 16th centuries were marked by the decline of feudalism and the rise of capitalism in the English history.
  286. _______ launched the Hundred Years' War.
  287. “The Model Parliament” were summoned in 1295.
  288. The Hundred Years’ War was a war against _______.
  289. The Great Charter aimed at restricting the power of the ________.
  290. In 1381, peasants in _______ in England first rebelled.
  291. Wars of the Roses were fought constantly between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists from 1455 to 1485.
  292. The first British Parliament was summoned in the year of ________.
  293. Henry Ⅱ is best remembered for his reform of ________.
  294. “Lackland” is the nickname of ________.
  295. Simon de Montfort called the “All Estates Parliament” in 1295.
  296. When William I died, he left Normandy to his eldest son, Robert.
  297. After his conquest of England, William I began to organize the government of England on the system based on the ownership of land.
  298. After his conquest of England, William I controlled the country only by building castles all over the country.
  299. After his conquest of England, William I took the land away from its English owners and divided it among his Norman lords, including his bishops and abbey leaders.
  300. The war between Matilda and Stephen resulted in the establishment of the House of ________.
  301. In the Medieval England, the common people belonged to the knight on whose manor they lived. They had to serve him as farm-workers and as soldiers.
  302. Henry I gave charters to towns and he let London elect its own sheriff.
  303. The Doomsday Book was in fact a record of each man's ______.
  304. In the House of Normandy, the Church interfered with the county courts ruled by sheriff.
  305. Feudalism was established in England after ________.
  306. In the middle of the fifth century, Anglo-Saxons came from the region of ________ and the Low Countries and settled in Britain.
  307. Roman Britain lasted until the year of ________ when all Roman troops went back to the Continent.
  308. The earliest settlers on the British Islands were Anglo-Saxons.
  309. The Romans under Claudius conquered the south of Britain in A.D. 43.
  310. From 1017 to 1042, England was ruled by Danish kings.
  311. In the late 9th century, the Danes or Scandinavians began to attack the English coast.
  312. Which of the following was not a thing of value left behind by Romans?
  313. From 700 B.C., the Celts came from the ________ and began to inhabit British Isles.
  314. In A.D. 43, Romans under ________ conquered Britain.
  315. The earliest settlers on the British Isles were the ____________.
  316. Great Britain is on its way to withdraw from ________.
  317. The prime meridian of 0° crosses the old Royal Observatory at Greenwich in the UK.
  318. The English people are descendants of ________.
  319. Scotland has had a separate ________ system in the UK.
  320. It is established by the law that English is the official language of the United Kingdom.
  321. Which of the following is the largest ethnic group in the United Kingdom?
  322. The established church of England and Wales is ________.
  323. ________ is/are the most important mineral resources in Great Britain.
  324. God Save the Queen/the King, the national anthem of the United Kingdom, is also used as the national anthem in other countries.
  325. The name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland began to be used in ________.
  326. Thanks to ________, Great Britain is rich in water resources.
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