第一章 Semiconductor Diodes:提出课程研究对象,研究的任务和基本假设,了解课程中的基本概念,介绍半导体的发展史,N型和P型半导体材料的导电机制和PN结的电阻电容概念1.1半导体的发展简史-本征半导体:通过两个案例来介绍半导体的发展简史:本征半导体。
[单选题]When a diode is doped with either a pentavalent or a trivalent impurity its resistance will (    ) .

选项:[decrease, increase, make the resistance stable against variation due to temperature]
[单选题]The piecewise linear model, equivalent circuit of the diode consists of (    ).

选项:[a battery and the ideal diode, a battery, a small resistor, and the ideal diode, a junction capacitor, a battery, a small resistor, and the ideal diode, the ideal diode]
[单选题]The characteristic of an ideal diode are those of a switch that can conduct current(    ) .

选项:[in both directions but in only one direction at a time, depends on the circuit it is used in, in both directions, in one direction only]
[单选题]Which of the following is not a commonly used semiconductor material'? (    ) 

选项:[silicon, germanium, lead, carbon]
[单选题]When a p-n junction is reverse-biased, its junction resistance is (    ).

选项:[low, constantly changing, high, determined by the components that are external to the device]

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