第六章 新闻英语视听细节抓取 Audio-visual English News: A Detailed Analysis:本章介绍听懂英语新闻细节的方法。首先讨论了通过引语把握说话者态度的方法以及从数字中获取重要信息的途径。然后介绍了快速做笔记的方法。最后讲授两个重要的听力策略——预测和推断。This chapter provides some important strategies for understanding the details of English news. It first talks about how to understand speakers’ attitudes from quotations and how to grasp important information through various numbers. Then it introduces useful ways to take notes. Finally, it focuses on two important strategies for listening, prediction and inference.6.1揣摩人物态度 Quotations and Attitudes:本节讨论了新闻中引语的定义和种类,以及通过引语中的动词、总结语、关键词等来判断说话者态度的方法。Session One introduces the definition and types of quotations, as well as some useful ways to judge speakers’ attitudes through quotations, like the verbs, the summary statements, or the key words can be important clues to speakers’ attitudes.
6.2听懂各类数字 Various Numbers in the News:本节讲解英语新闻中的数字。介绍了通过新闻主题预测数字类型的方法,以及英语新闻中数字的特点。这些知识可以帮助我们更好地把握信息、理解新闻。Session Two talks about the numbers in English news. It tells us that we can predict the types numbers through the topics, and it also presents the common features of numbers, which can help us understand the number-related information better when we listen to the news.
6.3掌握速记策略 Note-taking Strategies:本节介绍快速做笔记地方法。使用数学符号,箭头、图画、缩写等快速有效地做笔记。Session Three introduces some important ways to take notes. Those ways include the use of symbols, like mathematical symbols, arrows, graphs and drawings, as well as the use of abbreviations. Taking notes can help you understand news more efficiently.
6.4学会预测推断 Prediction and Inference:本节讲授通过新闻导语和给出的答案预测新闻内容的方法,以及通过上下文、逻辑连接词和新闻背景对新闻内容进行推断的途径。The session tells us how to make prediction through the lead and the given answers, as well as how to make inference through the context, the logical connectors and the backgrounds.
6.5你问我答 Questions & Answers:你问我答 Questions & Answers
[多选题]What are the three kinds of quotations? (多选)

选项:[Partial quotation., Indirect quotation., Impartial quotation., Direct quotation.]
[多选题]"A powerful cyclone has hit eastern India, downing trees and power lines and causing widespread damage in coastal areas. " What predictions can you make from the lead? (多选

选项:[ The casualties., The rescue and relief efforts., The intensity of the cyclone., The damage caused by the cyclone.]
[单选题]Which of the following shows the right number for the word?

选项:[fortnight: 14, decade: 20, dozen: 10, score:12]
[单选题]What can the approximate equality sign (≈) mean in note-taking?

选项:[bigger, about,  little,  and]
[单选题]What can the sign of a star mean in note-taking?

选项:[ contact,  meeting, together, important]

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