第四章 新闻英语阅读精析 Detailed Analysis of English News Reading:第四章包括两个方面,即英语新闻阅读的难度和深度。首先,我们将讨论学生在阅读英语新闻时的实际困难,如生词、长难句、图表等。第一个视频介绍了处理新闻中不熟悉的单词的三种方法。第二个视频介绍了分析长难句的方法。第三个视频侧重于新闻中的图表的理解。图表阅读是大学里的基本学术技能之一,要多多练习。然后,我们还介绍了批判性阅读技巧,以帮助读者更深入地分析新闻中的信息。第四个视频关注新闻中的不同来源,第五个视频介绍解读观点的方法。In Chapter Four, we deal with the practical difficulties students usually face when reading English news, the difficulties about unknown words, long sentences, graphs and diagrams. The first video introduces the three ways to deal with the unfamiliar words in a news article. The second video presents the ways to deal with long sentences. Although a sentence is as long as occupying more than three lines, the basic structure: the subject and the predicate are the most important parts and have to be found correctly. The third video focuses on the graphs and diagrams in news which are usually ignored by students but are rather important and easy to get the idea. Graph-reading is also an academic skill in university, so you cannot miss it.Besides, critical reading skills are also introduced in this chapter to help readers analyze the information in a news article. We discuss the different sources in the fourth video and emphasize that the quotations of the interviewees also give some hint of the journalist’s standpoint. In the fifth video, we come to share the ways to tell the opinion of the reporter.4.1猜测词义 Guessing the New Words:虽然我们在阅读英语新闻时经常遇到很多新词,但我们没有必要查阅每一个我们不知道的词。我们可以借助一些技巧来猜测它们的含义。本小节介绍克服未知单词障碍的方法——词源分析法,语法分析法和语境分析法。Although we usually come across many new words while reading news in English, it is not necessary that we look up every word we do not know. We can guess the meaning of them with the help of some skills. This session helps to know the methods of overcoming the barriers of unknown words-- etymological analysis, grammatical analysis and contextual analysis.
4.2解读长句 Analyzing Long Sentences:长句常见于新闻中。本小节讨论为什么新闻文章中有很多长句,为什么我们觉得难以理解它们以及如何快速解释长句。Long sentences are commonly found in news. This sessions discusses why there are many long sentences in news article, why we feel difficult to understand them and how to interpret long sentences quickly.
4.3分析图表 Interpreting Graphs:英语新闻中的图表提供了丰富的可视化信息,并为文章提供了更多背景信息。本小节包括两部分:新闻中常用的图表类型和理解图表的方法步骤。Graphs in English news present rich information in a visual way, and also offer background information for the news. This session includes two parts: types of graphs commonly used in journalism and steps to interpret a graph.
4.4分辨源头 Noting the Sources:我们在本小节的重点是关注新闻来源。我们将回答两个问题:我们为什么要关注新闻来源?我们应该注意哪些新闻来源?This session is to draw readers’ attention to news sources. We mainly answer two questions: Why should we pay attention to the sources? And what sources should we pay attention to?
4.5明辨观点 Recognizing the Opinions:识别新闻文章中的观点并不容易。本小节介绍了一些批判性阅读寻找记者观点的技巧。Recognizing the Opinions in news articles is not an easy thing. This session introduces how to read critically and find the journalists’ opinion.
4.6你问我答 Questions & Answers:你问我答 Questions & Answers
[多选题]What are the questions to ask to find the opinion of the news journalist?

选项:[Who does the article hurt?, What if the missing part was mentioned?, What are not mentioned among 5W1H?, Who does the article help?]
[判断题]The person whose voice is quoted is an important source.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]The comment from a reader online “I don't know how much more a rational person watching and listening to this fool can take. If anything - ever - called for application of the 25 Amendment, this meeting today was it.” gives a(n) ______ attitude toward Trump’s inauguration at a cabinet meeting.

选项:[negative, positive, neutral, indifferent]
[判断题]Finding what is omitted but worth of mentioning is a way to find the opinion of the reporter.

选项:[错, 对]
[多选题]What are the main methods to understand the long sentence?

选项:[ Distinguish other modifiers. , Identify the subject and predicate. ,  Make clear which modifies the predicate. , Translate the sentence into Chinese. ]

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