2.父亲吊起他的双手,用粗粗的皮带抽打他。重重的体罚只会加重他的叛逆。( )
A:His father hung him by the hands and beat him with a thick leather belt, but the severe corporal punishment made him all the more rebellious. B:His father had to resort to such severe punishment as hanging him by the hands and flogging him with a strong belt, which only drove him further to defiance.
4.我想,那好吧,让这妮子靠在我这老头子的肩上宽一下心。( )
A:I thought, well, I would let the girl lean on my old shoulder to calm herself down. B:I thought, well, the lass could use a bit of an old shoulder to lean on. 7.当前,祖国内地和香港的发展都处在一个新的历史起点上。我们既面临着难得的发展机遇,也面临着严峻挑战。( )
A:We are now standing at a new historical juncture in the development of both the mainland and Hong Kong and are facing rare opportunities for development and severe challenges. B:Both the mainland and Hong Kong are now at a new historical starting line in their development endeavor. We face both rare opportunities of development and grave challenges. 10.鳏寡孤独废疾者皆有所养。( )
A:Those who have no kin and cannot support themselves as well as those who are sick or handicapped should all be properly taken care of. B:Helpless widows and widowers, the lonely, as well as the sick and disabled, are well cared for.

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