第十二章 Roots about Sense and Sensibility:本章以著名小说《理智与情感》为导入,讲解关于“理智”与“感情”的词根。12.1关于“感觉“和”情感“的词根 sens, sent:Root “sens” and the words: consensus, senseless, nonsense, sense, sensible, sensitive, hypersensitive, oversensitive, sensationalRoot “sent” and the words: sentiment, assent, dissent, sentence
12.2关于“感情”和“推理”的词根 pathy, rat:Root “pathy” and the words: sympathy, telepathy, apathy, antipathy, and empathy. Root “rat” and the words: ration, rational, ratify, ratio.
12.3关于“思考“和”判断“的词根 put, crit, cert:Root “put” and the words: computer, compute, dispute, and reputationRoot “crit” and the words: criticize, and hypocriteRoot “cert” and the words: certify, concert, certain, and ascertain
[单选题]Gary is an honest and determined guy. He is 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看

[单选题]In Sense and Sensibility, Marianne was betrayed by her lover. Everyone expressed his or her_____(同情) with Marianne.


, sympathy

, antipathy, dissatisfaction

[单选题]A new educational reform was in discussion these days. There were likely to be many ______ (不同意的) views regarding the new reform. 


, dissenting

, remindful

, agreeable

[单选题]Lily does not like London. She often speaks of her 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看

[单选题]He is not very nice to his girlfriend. He often 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看

[单选题]What is the_____(比例) of male student to female student in your department?

选项:[rank, ratio

, race, speed]
[单选题]A heavy flood happened in USA last summer. The losses caused by the flood were beyond 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看

[单选题]Remember that when two people are in _____(争执), they should remain polite with one another.


, dispute

, reputation

, description]
[单选题]Nowadays young people are very 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看

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