第一章 Welcome to Creative Writing:This chapter explains what creative writing is, and how it is different from other types and purposes of writing. Writing creatively is an ancient practice all over the world. It allows us to explore our individual identities and connections to society and other people. Creative writing uses self-expression and audience awareness to improve the quality of our lives and to benefit readers. Creative writing may be studied as career preparation and for personal skills and enjoyment.1.1The Foundation of Creative Writing: The Senses:In our class we’ll learn to become better writers by using our imaginations to write about the time and place in which we live, and by following in a tradition. Our class is a journey with imaginations as vehicles. The very meaning of creative writing is writing with an adventurous spirit to take our own journey of creativity leading to self-discovery and sharing.
1.2Building on the Foundation: Using the Senses:Through creative writing we can improve our relationships with ourselves, nature and other people, thus enhancing our overall sense of happiness. Creative writing is getting in touch with your originality to express your ideas and feelings with honesty and elegance. In our course, you will learn how to access your creativity to write poems, stories, diaries, and plays.
1.3Multi-genre Creative Writing Prompts, Waking Up Attention, Using the Senses, Memory:In this class, we will learn four fun activities to start our creative writing: using the senses, picking a position for close sensing, free-write and writing to music. Each of them helps us write with imagination and stimulation. So, just relax when you are writing and then expand the best part of your writing into a poem, story, essay, or script.
1.4Connecting with Readers, Authors and Audiences:This lecture is about how to connect with others through creative writing. There are two important roles in creative writing. There’s your role to connect with yourself as the author, and there’s your role to connect with readers. One of our jobs as writers is to write from the heart in the best way possible. If we want readers to find our writing worthwhile, we need to keep three things in mind: subject, style, and presentation.
[单选题]If we want readers to see our writing as valuable, we need to pay attention to three things: subject, style, and ______.
[单选题] The values of literature include the following EXCEPT ______.
We read poems, plays, stories, and essays to learn what it is to be human.
It discourages us from knowing and improving ourselves and our world
We read for the adventure of finding out about life in other times and places.
Literature feeds our dreams and aspirations.
答案:It discourages us from knowing and improving ourselves and our world
[单选题]Which of the following statements is NOT true?
In creative writing, you have more freedom to develop your own unique style.
Creative writing has great value as a means of self-expression.
In creative writing, you can write anything you want any way you want.
In creative writing, you have more freedom to choose what to write about.
答案:Hoover Dam is built on the Columbia River.
[单选题]What is the benefit of creative writing?
We learn to appreciate nature’s beauty by seeing and listening to it like a child with fresh eyes and ears.
We make new contacts and build close bonds with others by sharing our creative writing with them.
Through the expression of our own words, thoughts, and emotions, we meet our true selves.
All of the options
答案:All of the options
[单选题]Creative writing emphasizes the following EXCEPT ______.
[单选题]Metaphorically speaking, creative writing is not about the ingredients to prepare a certain meal we have eaten and enjoyed before, but about the adventure of the ______ meal.
[单选题]What is the only way to become truly educated and move ahead in life?
Embarking on new paths of knowledge and experience
Traveling a lot
Reading extensively
Going to a good university
答案:Embarking on new paths of knowledge and experience
[单选题]What did people throughout history all over the world—including China—not do to become better writers?
Moving out of their hometown
Following traditions
Working hard
答案:Moving out of their hometown
[单选题]What can you do when you are writing in the way of stream of consciousness?
Sit in a sofa in a comfortable position so as to recall something.
Take time to worry whether your words make sense or follow logically.
Write down absolutely everything in your mind or what you notice.
Take time to edit your outpourings.
答案:Write down absolutely everything in your mind or what you notice.
[单选题]Which of the following ways can help you get started on your creative writing?
Using the stream of consciousness.
Writing about smells which impress you a lot.
All of the options.
Writing to music.
答案:All of the options.

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