第三章 能源的未来 Tomorrow's Energy:介绍新能源的研究和应用。3.1Future of Oil 石油的明天:讨论石油等化石能源的未来以及可替代能源在能源结构中的应用前景
3.2Solar Power 太阳能:太阳能应用技术的原理、方法和缺陷;太阳能应用的过去、现在和未来。
3.3Wind Power 风能:介绍人类利用风能的历史,现状及发展前景
3.4Hydropower 水电能:水力发电的原理、发展潜力、发展历史;水电能开发的优势和弊端,以三峡大坝为例。
3.5Marine Power 海洋能:海洋能的分类及应用原理。
3.6Geothermal Energy 地热能:介绍地热能的历史,特点及应用前景
3.7Hydrogen energy 氢能:氢能的原理、优势;氢能的应用领域,氢能源电池;氢能的生产方法。
3.8Nuclear Power 核能:核能发电的原理、在世界范围的应用现状;三里岛、切尔诺贝利、日本福岛核事件,国际核事件分级表;核辩论中支持者的论点及反对者的论点。
[单选题]New energy vehicles are driven by the enery of ______. It is believed that they reduce our dependence on petroleum and may reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

选项:[wind, electricity, sunshine, hydrogen]
[单选题]Sunlight reaches us by radiation. Radiation travels in electromagnetic waves consisting of ______, and when the energy waves reach an object, they can either pass through it, or be reflected, or be absorbed, depending on the material. PVs are made out of a semi-conducting material. When they absorb photons of sunlight, the energy of the photons dislodges electrons from their atoms. The PV’s special coating attracts free electrons to the surface, and it is this movement of electrons that produces the electrical current.

选项:[electrons, neutrons, atoms, photons]
[单选题]Fuel cells are versatile as they can scale up easily and meet a variety of power needs – large or small. You can ____ individual fuel cells to increase the amount of power they can provide. The taller the stack, the more power you have.

选项:[separate, stack, install, divide]
[单选题]Most of today’s hydrogen is produced from natural gas through a process called steam methane reforming. This is where steam and _______come together under high temperature to produce hydrogen.

选项:[water, methane, hydrocarbons, oxygen]
[单选题]Pure hydrogen does not occur naturally on Earth in large quantities, and it is locked up in enormous quantities in water, hydrocarbons, and other ______. One of the challenges of using hydrogen as a fuel comes from being able to efficiently extract hydrogen from these compounds (化合物).

选项:[organic matter, fossil fuels, plants, inorganic matter]
[单选题]In electrolysis, electricity is run through water to separate the _____ and _____ atoms.

选项:[hydrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, energy, hydrogen, water, water, heat]
[单选题]A raging river contains ____ energy ____a small stream.

选项:[all possibilities above, less, than, more, than, same, with]
[多选题]The volume of the water flow and the change in _____ from one point to another determine the amount of available energy in moving water.

选项:[water flow, elevation, water speed, fall]
[判断题]Refueling a fuel cell car is more complex and dangerous than with traditional gasoline vehicles.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Beams of sunshine are waves of light and heat energy, radiated across 93 million miles of space to reach our earth in about ________.

选项:[an hour, a year, a second, eight minutes]
[判断题]Electrolysis can use wind, solar, geothermal, fossil fuels, biomass, nuclear, and many other energy sources.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]______ has the highest energy content of all known conventional fuels (by weight). It has almost 3 times more energy content by mass than ______.

选项:[Oxygen, gasoline, Oxygen, fossil fuels, Hydrogen, oil, Hydrogen, gasoline]
[判断题]Fuel cell engines (燃料电池发动机) are two to three times more efficient than combustion engines, meaning that much greater fuel economy is available using hydrogen in a fuel cell.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]In a flame of pure hydrogen gas, burning in air, the hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water and releases _______.

选项:[little oxygen, little hydrogen, waste, energy]
[多选题]Hydrogen fuel can be harvested from biomass. ______, ________ and ______ are three places that create much biomass.

选项:[sewage plants, landfills, hospital, farms]
[单选题]_____ is the first element on the periodic table, making it the lightest element. Since it is so light, it rises in the atmosphere and is therefore rarely found in its pure form.

选项:[Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen]
[判断题]The 1973 oil embargo and 1979 energy crisis caused a reorganization of energy policies around the world and brought renewed attention to developing solar technologies.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]The island of Ta’u in American Samoa, small in size though, is large when it comes to renewable energy. It producing 100% of its electricity from solar power. The batteries store energy for up to ____ days on which the sun doesn’t shine.

选项:[three hundred, thirty, one, three]
[单选题]Floatovoltaics reduce the need of valuable land area, save drinking water that would otherwise be lost through ______, and show a higher efficiency of solar energy conversion, as the panels are kept at a _____ temperature than they would be on land.

选项:[precipitation, cooler, evaporation, hotter, evaporation, cooler, precipitation, hotter]
[单选题]The only products that come out of a fuel cell are _______. No pollution or other dirty byproducts come out of the tailpipe of a fuel cell car.

选项:[water and oxygen, electricity and hydrogen, electricity, heat and water, energy, water vapor, and oxygen]
[多选题]Water wheels are machines that use the energy of ______ to turn a wheel. The axle of the turning wheel can then power other machines to do work.

选项:[or falling water, flowing water, neither of them, or both]
[单选题]Landfills and farms can have high concentrations of _____ which is hydrogen-rich chemical compound.

选项:[methane, hydrocarbon, oxygen, carbon dioxide]
[单选题]______ is an energy form found in nature that has not been subjected to any human engineered conversion process. It is energy contained in raw fuels, and other forms of energy received as input to a system.

选项:[Premium energy, Preliminary energy, Primary energy, Principal energy]
[单选题]Manufacturers of hydrogen generators have developed methods to use lower amounts of electricity to split water into hydrogen. Different electrolytes or catalysts are used in _______ the bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up water.

选项:[splitting, strengthening, separating, loosening]
[多选题]The Three Gorges Dam has brought benefits to Chinese people mainly in __________.

选项:[power generation, tourism opportunities, flood control, navigation improvement]
[多选题]Strong ocean currents are generated from a combination of temperature, wind, salinity, bathymetry, and the rotation of the Earth. The Sun acts as the primary driving force, causing _____________.

选项:[currents, temperature differences, winds, tides]
[判断题]Ways to produce hydrogen fuel include producing it from nuclear power, biomass, algae, artificial photosynthesis, direct solar and coal gasification.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]Solar power causes no pollution at all.

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Hydropower systems build pressure either by containing the water behind a dam, or within a pipe that runs down a hill. The weight of the water behind the dam or in the pipe creates pressure at the bottom. More height creates more pressure, and more pressure means we can get more power from the flow of water.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]We are more independent on electricity than we were generations ago so a failure of supply today can have major consequences.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]A fuel cell is a device that produces electricity from chemical fuels, in just one step. Unlike batteries, fuel cells don’t run down or need recharging. As long as there is a constant source of fuel and oxygen, fuel cells will continue to generate power. And they don’t burn the fuel – the electricity is produced directly.

选项:[错, 对]
[多选题]The amount of _____ that drains into rivers and streams in a geographic area determines the amount of water available for producing hydropower.

选项:[precipitation, snowfall, flood, raindrop]
[判断题]Petroleum and natural gas beneath the ocean floor are also considered a form of ocean energy.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]The scientists and researchers have mostly decided that using nuclear power plants that are currently online may be able to produce hydrogen fuel as a byproduct of the water that they are already using to cool the ____.

选项:[reactors, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear tower]
[多选题]Common environmental concerns associated with marine energy developments include ____.

选项:[the effects of EMF and underwater noise emitted from operating marine energy devices, the risk of marine mammals and fish being struck by tidal turbine blades, the potential effect on nearfield and farfield marine environment and processes such as sediment transport and water quality, the physical presence of marine energy projects and their potential to alter the behavior of marine mammals, fish, and seabirds with attraction or avoidance]
[判断题]Seasonal variations in precipitation and long-term changes in precipitation patterns, such as droughts, have a big impact on hydropower production.

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Because the fuel cell is so much more efficient that the internal combustion engine, fueling a fuel cell car can cost around the same as fueling a gasoline car.

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Solar panels, wind turbines, hydro power and geothermal energy and hydrocarbons (natural gas or coal) can all be used to produce hydrogen (a primary energy).

选项:[对, 错]
[多选题]New nuclear is impractical in western countries because of ________.

选项:[popular opposition, regulatory uncertainty, oft demand for multiple reactor units, high costs]

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