
创业基础(The foundation of entrepreneurship)

  1. Which of the following is considered by Edith to be a normal part of the start-up period? ( )

  2. A:Premature establishment of regulations and work procedures B:Premature delegation of authority C:Singing "one-man shows" but willing to listen to different opinions D:Loss of control by the entrepreneur
    答案:Abraham Lincoln;Franklin;George Washington
  3. The basic principle of organization design is ( )

  4. A:The principle of unified command B:The principle of specialized division of labor C:The principle of control range D:The principle of equal power and responsibility
    答案:electromagnetic inductionAI参考:单选题:The basic principle of organization design is **B: The principle of specialized division of labor**。组织设计的基本原则是专业化分工的原则。这意味着组织应该被设计成能够实现专业化的任务和职能,以提高效率和工作质量。其他选项如统一指挥原则、控制范围原则和权力与责任平等原则,虽然也是组织设计中的重要原则,但并不是组织设计的基本原则。'
  5. The communication method of information flow within the organization from the lower management members towards the higher management members is ( )

  6. A:Horizontal communication B:Upward communication C:Diagonal communication D:Downward communication
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Upward communication。组织内部信息流动的沟通方式是从下级管理人员向上级管理人员的纵向沟通,即向上沟通。因此,选项B“Upward communication”是正确答案。选项A“Horizontal communication”表示横向沟通,通常指同一级别或不同部门之间的沟通;选项C“Diagonal communication”表示斜向沟通,通常是不同级别的非正式沟通;选项D“Downward communication”则表示下级向上级的沟通方式,不符合题目要求。'
  7. For the top managers of entrepreneurial enterprises, their management skills focus on ( )

  8. A:Technical skills B:Interpersonal skills C:Conceptual skills D:Operational skills
    答案:b.idea screeningAI参考:正确答案是C:Conceptual skills。对于创业企业的顶级管理者来说,他们的管理技能主要集中在概念性技能上,包括战略规划、决策制定、组织协调、领导力等。因此,选项C是正确答案。选项A、B、D虽然也是管理技能的一部分,但不符合题干中的“概念性技能”的要求。'
  9. The essence of entrepreneurial thinking in the Internet era is ( )

  10. A:Service innovation B:Rapid iteration C:Improving product quality D:Economies of scale
    答案:企业家的AI参考:正确答案是A:Service innovation。在互联网时代,创业思维的本质是服务创新,即通过提供更好的服务来满足客户的需求,从而获得更多的市场份额和利润。Rapid iteration、Improving product quality和Economies of scale都是创业过程中需要考虑的因素,但它们不是互联网时代创业思维的本质。因此,选项A是正确答案。'
  11. The wrong statement about "brainstorming method" is ( )

  12. 答案:In the 2011 Tucson shooting Jared Lee Loughner was assassinated.AI参考:正确答案是““头脑风暴法不是用来解决问题的。””。解释:头脑风暴法是一种激发创造性思维的方法,旨在通过集思广益的方式,激发参与者提出各种想法和建议,以解决特定问题。因此,错误的陈述应该是认为头脑风暴法不是用来解决问题的。其他选项如“头脑风暴法不需要分析”、“头脑风暴法不实用”等都与头脑风暴法的本质和目的不符。'
  13. The purpose of writing a business plan, in addition to introducing the business to the outside world, also includes ( )

  14. A:Raise external funds B:Articulate vision and mission C:Avoid information asymmetry D:Think systematically

  15. The key to entrepreneurial mechanism lies in ( )

  16. A:innovation B:trial and error C:hypothesis testing D:fast action
  17. The following statement is incorrect ( )

  18. A:Entrepreneurs are risk takers B:Entrepreneurs cannot be trained later C:Entrepreneurs like to be public figures D:Entrepreneurship is sometimes not about making money
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Entrepreneurs cannot be trained later。这个陈述中提到“创业者不能后来再被培训”,这是一个错误的观点,因为创业者可以通过培训来提高他们的技能和知识,以便更好地应对创业过程中的挑战和机遇。因此,选项B是不正确的。其他选项A、C、D都是正确的观点。'
  19. The following is not related to the difficulty of entrepreneurial financing ( )

  20. A:Startups have few assets that can provide collateral B:The failure rate of startups is high C:Startups are relatively small in terms of financing D:The demand for startup financing has distinctive stage characteristics
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:The failure rate of startups is high】。创业融资的难度与创业公司的资产抵押能力、融资规模、融资需求的阶段特征有关,与创业公司的失败率没有直接关系。因此,选项B不是创业融资难度的相关因素。其他选项A、C、D都与创业融资的难度有关。A选项指出初创企业能够提供的抵押资产少,C选项指出初创企业在融资规模上相对较小,D选项指出初创企业的融资需求具有明显的阶段性特征。'
  21. In order to obtain funds, the enterprise in the early stage of business should not ( )

  22. A:Stimulate cash flow generation with discounts, sometimes so large as to be insufficient to cover variable costs B:Transferring shares to venture capitalists who have no compassion for the "cause", etc. C:Use of short-term loans for investment projects that take longer to produce benefits D:Gradually, attention is being paid to the cash flow, loan structure and financing costs of the business, which must be in line with a realistic business plan, and cash flows are monitored on a "weekly" basis.
    AI参考:正确选项是D:Gradually,attention is being paid to the cash flow,loan structure and financing costs of the business,which must be in line with a realistic business plan,and cash flows are monitored on a "weekly" basis。根据上下文,企业为了获得资金,在商业初期的阶段,应该逐步关注企业的现金流、贷款结构和融资成本是否符合实际的商业计划,并且现金流量需要被定期监测。选项D符合这个要求。选项A和B表述了错误的行为,选项C则是不切实际的方法。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  23. The fundamental idea of Internet entrepreneurship is ( )

  24. A:improve service B:reduce costs C:continuous innovation D:rapid iteration
    AI参考:正确答案是C:continuous innovation。互联网创业的基本理念是持续创新,而选项中只有C符合这一理念。A选项“提高服务”和D选项“快速迭代”都是针对具体业务或产品进行的改进,而B选项“降低成本”虽然也是创业的一部分,但并不是互联网创业的基本理念。因此,C选项是正确答案。'
  25. The team form of entrepreneurial collective activities can be carried out, the two conditions that need to have ( )

  26. A:Division of labor and collaboration B:Resources such as people and materials C:Clear objectives D:Effective communication
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:Division of labor and collaboration 和 D:Effective communication创业团队可以开展集体活动,这两个条件需要分工协作和有效的沟通。因此,选项A和D都是正确的。选项B提到了资源,如人和物资,但这并不是团队活动所必需的两个条件之一;选项C提到了明确的目标,但这也不是团队活动所必需的条件。'
  27. The following forms of management consulting are classified from the application point of view ( )

  28. A:Quality management consulting B:Corporate management consulting C:Business strategy consulting D:Corporate culture consulting
  29. The following are the characteristics of an effective entrepreneurial team ( )

  30. A:Effective communication B:Mutual trust C:Cohesion D:Perfect match of professional skills E:Reasonable sharing
  31. The main drivers of entrepreneurship and strategy integration are ( )

  32. A:model change B:characteristics of the times C:both have firm performance as the dependent variable D:face a common dynamic competitive environment

  33. From the degree of control of environmental factors to divide the decision can be divided into ( )

  34. A:Uncertain decision B:Deterministic decision C:Initial decision D:Risk-based decision E:Trace-based decision
    AI参考:正确选项为B:Deterministic decision,即确定型决策。确定型决策是指决策过程中存在一个明确的客观结果,即根据既定的条件和环境因素,决策者可以确定最终的结果。因此,从环境因素的掌控程度来划分决策类型,确定型决策属于其中一种。其他选项中,A选项是不确定型决策,C选项和E选项不属于决策类型分类,D选项是风险型决策,与确定型决策有所区别。因此,正确答案是B。'
  35. The personal power that affects the source of power of leaders in entrepreneurial teams includes ( )

  36. A:Legal power B:Proprietary power C:Punitive power D:Inductive power E:Reward power
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:合法权力 B:个人权力根据题目描述,影响创业团队领导者权力的个人权力包括合法权力、个人权力、惩罚权力和奖励权力。其中,合法权力是指领导者在组织中拥有的合法地位和权力,是组织赋予的;个人权力是指领导者个人的魅力和影响力,能够吸引和影响团队成员;惩罚权力是指领导者对违规行为采取惩罚措施的能力;奖励权力是指领导者能够给予团队成员奖励和激励的能力。因此,选项A和B是符合题目描述的正确选项。选项C和D不是个人权力的组成部分,因此不是正确选项。'
  37. Expectation theory believes that to motivate employees, the relationship must be dealt with ( )

  38. A:Relationship between individual goals and overall goals B:Relationship between rewards and meeting individual goals C:The relationship between individual effort and performance D:The relationship between performance and rewards E:The relationship between employees and society
  39. The connotation of entrepreneurship includes ( )

  40. A:innovation B:activity C:skill D:spirit
    AI参考:创业的内涵包括( )等要素:正确选项是( ):ABD。答案解析中包括但不限于上述答案的论述。A、B选项说明企业的本质是以创新为主,是对物质的一种挑战和重新创造;D选项指出精神是一个人、一个企业成功的关键因素,而C选项中的技能只是指技巧和本领,没有深入到企业精神和创新的层面。因此,正确选项为A、B、D。'
  41. Which three kinds of different nature of authority usually exist in entrepreneurial enterprises ( )

  42. A:Direct authority B:Executive authority C:Functional authority D:Staff authority E:Informal authority
  43. Management functions include ( )

  44. A:Controlling B:Planning C:Coordinating D:Organizing E:Directing
    AI参考:正确选项为:ABCD。Management functions包括计划(Planning)、组织(Organizing)、协调(Coordinating)、控制(Controlling)等职能。其中,选项E中的“Directing”在管理职能中并不是一个常用的术语,因此选项E被排除。因此,正确选项为ABCD。'
  45. The common methods of identifying opportunities are ( )

  46. A:System Analysis B:Creation C:Problem Analysis and Customer Suggestions D:New Vision Survey
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Problem Analysis and Customer Suggestions】。问题分析和客户建议是识别机会的常见方法。系统分析是软件工程中的一种方法,创造是新思维、新概念或新产品的形成过程,而新愿景调查通常是指对企业未来发展的愿景和方向进行调查和分析,与机会的识别没有直接关系。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  47. The special nature of entrepreneurial activity is manifested in ( )

  48. A:Operating in a highly uncertain environment B:Prominently characterized by the creation of new enterprises or the development of new businesses C:Operates under high resource constraints D:Relies on the capabilities of the entrepreneur and his team
    AI参考:正确选项是:B:Prominently characterized by the creation of new enterprises or the development of new businesses创业活动的特殊性质表现在其显著的特点是创造新的企业或发展新的企业,选项A和D都是创业活动的一部分特点,但并非其特殊性质的表现,选项C中的资源约束在创业活动中也并非是特殊性质的表现。因此,选项B是正确选项。'
  49. When making a business plan, "what problems can be solved" is one of the elements to be considered ( )

  50. A:错 B:对
  51. The more experience you have, the easier it is to see the entrepreneurial opportunities ( )

  52. A:对 B:错
  53. The criteria for wage earners and entrepreneurs are essentially the same ( )

  54. A:对 B:错
  55. no team of entrepreneurship may not necessarily fail, but to create a high growth business without a team but Extremely difficult ( )

  56. A:对 B:错
  57. The entire capital of a limited liability company is divided into equal shares, and the shareholders are liable for the company to the extent of their subscribed shares.The company is liable for the company's debts with all its assets ( )

  58. A:对 B:错
  59. Compared to the establishment of new enterprises and acquisitions, the acquisition of a certain commodity or the franchise to operate in a certain market is a business venture.One of the least risky ways to enter the market ( )

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. The data of the business plan should not be too aggressive ( )

  62. A:对 B:错
  63. Theoretically, entrepreneurship is a kind of value integration in the case of complete resources ( )

  64. A:对 B:错

  65. According to Penrose, productive services include "Entrepreneurial Services" and "Management Services".(Managerial Services), the former is used to refine and implement expansion plans, and the latter is used to identify and exploit production opportunities ( )

  66. A:错 B:对
  67. There are various methods of market research, such as questionnaire research, unfamiliar visits, library network research, etc. ( )

  68. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B。原文中明确提到“There are various methods of market research”,即市场调查的方法有很多种,其中包括问卷调查、陌生拜访、图书馆网络研究等。因此,该句是正确的,答案为B。'
  69. Any team must have a core team of people, the more core people the better ( )

  70. A:对 B:错
  71. entrepreneurs do not invest themselves is the misconception of the plan ( )

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management teach not only entrepreneurial knowledge but also thinking methods ( )

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. In general, compared with problem-based opportunities, the value of creative opportunities is higher ( )

  76. A:对 B:错
  77. Not every entrepreneur can be successful ( )

  78. A:对 B:错
  79. In the U.S., the success rate of failed entrepreneurs who start a business again is higher than the success rate of first-time entrepreneurs ( )

  80. A:错 B:对

  81. The established business of the enterprise is the root of the growth of the entrepreneurial enterprise, and should not be changed during the growth of the enterprise ( )

  82. A:错 B:对

  83. When a company is faced with a choice, it should choose the direction it is familiar with without any hesitation ( )

  84. A:对 B:错
  85. After the feasibility analysis of the new enterprise, we should start to develop the business model ( )

  86. A:错 B:对
  87. Startups should keep good cash accounts, sales accounts, expense accounts and inventory accounts ( )

  88. A:错 B:对

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