  1. The name of the scenic spot of "华清池" should be translated into______________?( )

  2. A:Huangqingchi Hot Spring B:Huagqingchi Pool C:Huangqing Hot Spring D:Huangqing Pool
    答案:Huangqing Pool
  3. According to the tourism translation principle, "鹰嘴岩" should be translated into ___________.( )

  4. A:Yngzuiyan Cliff B:Eagle Beak Cliff C:Eaglebeak Cliff D:Yingzui Cliff
    答案:Eagle Beak Cliff
  5. 西藏位于中国西南边陲,北临新疆维吾尔自治区和青海省,东接四川省和云南省,南面与缅甸、印度、不但和尼泊尔等国接壤。
    According to the translation principle, what translation skill should be used in the above sentence?( )

  6. A:Literal translation B:Recreation C:Annotation D:Omission
    答案:Literal translation
  7. 黄河奔腾不息,勇往直前,忽而惊涛裂岸,势不可挡,使群山动容;忽而安如处子,风平浪静,波光潋滟,气象万千。
    According to the translation principle, what translation skill should be employed?( )

  8. A:Adaption B:Omission C:Literal translation D:Annotation
  9. Which of the following fall into the category of tourism texts?( )

  10. A:Travelogue B:Public signs in a park C:a guide commentary D:Film subtitling
    答案:Travelogue###Public signs in a park###a guide commentary

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