

  1. _______ segmentation is about a customer’s beliefs, values, personality, and lifestyle.

  2. A:Demographic B:Geographic C:Psychographic D:Behavioral
  3. If David, a market analyst in Volvo, is working with a product portfolio, _________ can be an effective tool at his disposal to determine how each one or a group of the products are doing.

  4. A:Marketing Mix B:SWOT analysis C:Performance Appraisal Method D:BCG Matrix
    答案:BCG Matrix
  5. When adopting the strategy of differentiation, firm maintains _____ features of its products in the market thus creating a differentiating factor.

  6. A:distinct B:unique C:outstanding D:core
  7. Which of the following is NOT the goal of the S-T-P process?

  8. A:To help a company develop strategies to satisfy as many consumers as possible. B:To help a company choose an image of its product it wants to present to the market. C:To help a company decide what features its product is going to have. D:To help a company identify where it can sell its products.
    AI参考:【单选题】下列哪项不是S-T-P过程的目的是______正确答案是:C:To help a company decide what features its product is going to have.S-T-P过程的主要目的是帮助公司制定满足尽可能多的消费者的策略,帮助公司选择要呈现给市场的产品的形象,以及帮助公司确定在哪里可以销售其产品。因此,C选项不属于S-T-P过程的目的。'
  9. According to Maslow, self-actualization is the quest of reaching one’s full potential as a person, but this need is _________ fully satisfied.

  10. A:sometimes B:rarely C:always D:never
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:always】。根据马斯洛的需求层次理论,自我实现是达到一个人作为人的最大潜力的追求,但这种需求并不总是能够完全得到满足。因此,选项C“always”符合题意。选项A“sometimes”表示有时,不符合题意;选项B“rarely”表示很少,也不符合题意;选项D“never”表示从不,表示绝对不会得到满足,与题干中的“but this need is _________ fully satisfied”矛盾。'
  11. Subordinate’s appraisal is often used to judge the employee’s following abilities EXCEPT _____.

  12. A:the ability to delegate jobs B:motivating ability C:leadership ability D:language ability
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:语言能力】。在题目中提到“Subordinate’s appraisal is often used to judge the employee’s following abilities”,即下属的评估经常用来判断员工的以下能力,其中包括任务委派能力、激励能力、领导能力和语言能力。因此,除了语言能力,其他选项都被提到了。所以选项D是唯一没有被提及的能力。'
  13. __________ is a win-win approach to business negotiation. It is based on the belief that it really is possible to come up with a solution that will satisfy the concerns and meet the needs of everyone involved.

  14. A:Avoidance B:Compromising C:Collaboration D:Accommodation
  15. If the competitive rivalry is ________ in an industry, we may see the following situation: small number of competitors; fast industry growth; highly differentiated products; and low exit barriers.

  16. A:zero B:moderate C:weak D:strong
  17. In the company Highchoice International, () is an appropriate appraisee of 360-degree performance appraisal.

  18. A:Tony Han (Security guard) B:Annie Lu (Secretary) C:Steve Zhao (IT Manager) D:Eddy Yang (CEO)
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Eddy Yang (CEO)】。在Highchoice International公司中,CEO(首席执行官)是360度绩效评估的合适评估对象。其他选项中,Tony Han(保安)、Annie Lu(秘书)、Steve Zhao(IT经理)分别代表了公司不同部门或职位的员工,而360度绩效评估通常用于评估员工的全面表现,包括但不限于工作技能、团队合作、沟通协调、领导能力等方面,因此CEO作为评估对象更为合适。'
  19. Though potentially detrimental to the profit potential of an industry, high levels of competition can ________ the consumer in a number of ways.

  20. A:threaten B:harm C:benefit D:disappoint
    AI参考:答案为 A:threaten这句话说的是:虽然高水平的竞争可能对行业的利润潜力有害,但是它可以在很多方面威胁消费者,根据这句话的意思是可知这里应填入“威胁”这个词,所以答案是A。'
  21. Differentiation strategy is a way for a business to differentiate itself from the competition. If successful, it allows the business the opportunity to charge a premium for the good or service. What does premium mean?

  22. A:A sum of money that customers have to pay for the normal cost. B:A sum of money that customers have to pay for the normal cost and profit margin. C:A sum of money that customers have to pay for the production cost. D:A sum of money that customers have to pay for something in addition to the normal cost.

  23. If a company’s main task is to remain in the market at the moment, it may set _______ as its pricing objective.

  24. A:quantity maximization B:remaining the status quo C:survival D:being the quality leader
  25. ZARA believes that ________ is the key to enhance the speed and the accuracy of the operations.

  26. A:innovation B:automation C:employment D:management
  27. When using the 4Ps model, marketers need to bear in mind that customers should be the _______ point of marketing activities.

  28. A:flexible B:dominant C:focal D:constant
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:focal】。在4Ps营销模型中,营销人员需要牢记客户是营销活动的聚焦点(focal point)。选项A、B、D都与题目意思不符,只有C选项“focal”符合题意。'
  29. Yahoo, the first navigational guide online, has expanded its service into several fields, like Yahoo Directory, Yahoo search engine, Yahoo finance and Yahoo Answers. However, according to the media report, search marketing of Yahoo is losing its market share with Bing. Consumers are switching to Bing. Yahoo needs to put extra efforts in this area to retain the customer base, or else soon it will be shut. According to this description, searching marketing of Yahoo is __________.

  30. A:Question marks B:Dogs C:Stars D:Cash cows
    AI参考:根据题干中提供的信息,雅虎的搜索营销正在失去市场份额,消费者正在转向必应。因此,雅虎需要在这个领域付出额外的努力来保留客户群,否则很快就会关闭。在这种情况下,搜索营销对于雅虎来说可以理解为“现金牛”,意味着它是一个重要的收入来源,需要被保护和投资。因此,答案是D:Cash cows。'
  31. Nike’s price is higher than most of its competitors. Which of the following may help to improve the weaknesses of Nike?

  32. A:Nike is to cut out the middle man and start selling directly on Internet. B:Nike continues to sponsor some famous American athletes. C:There are fierce competitions from some premium brands. D:Nike is reported by several newspapers for its sweatshops in Asia.

  33. In order to select a market segment to enter, a business may NOT consider _______.

  34. A:attractive product features for each segment B:consumer income in each segment C:the population of each segment D:competitor resources in each segment

  35. Why people are suggested to work with one headhunter?

  36. A:One problem that can arise when working with multiple recruiters is overlap with candidates, especially when the talent pool is limited, such as for a niche. B:If you’re working with a recruiter and a similar role comes up that matches your job preferences, they may submit you and let you know afterwards. C:All of the above. D:If you are submitted by more than one firm, there is a chance that the two headhunters will get into a tug-of-war, arguing with the client company over who should be allowed to represent you.

  37. Which of the following descriptions is NOT 对 to Zara?

  38. A:Cellular manufacturing helps to streamline communication and speeds up production B:In-house production increases the overall flexibility. C:Centralized design and manufacture reduces the time to market drastically. D:Zara hires many other companies to produce parts of products.

  39. UR is a fast fashion company headquartered in Guangzhou. It targets its products mainly at fashion followers who pursue constant changes in styles and design. This selected segment of the market is based on the () approach of segmentation.

  40. A:psychographic B:demographic C:behavioral D:geographic
  41. ________ is NOT included in ZARA’s successful SCM experience.

  42. A:In-house production B:Mass manufacturing C:automation D:centralization
    AI参考:正确答案是A: In-house production(内部生产)。ZARA的成功SCM经验中不包括内部生产,其他选项中,mass manufacturing(大规模生产)和centralization(集中化)都是ZARA成功SCM经验的一部分,automation(自动化)在某些情况下可以促进生产效率,但并不是ZARA成功SCM经验的核心要素。因此,答案为A。'
  43. Which of the following would not be resume tips for job hoppers?

  44. A:Make contributions clear B:Make it clear when the hopping was involuntary C:Move dates to the end of the job description D:Write as specific as you can
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Move dates to the end of the job description。根据题目中的描述,该选项不涉及跳槽者的简历建议,因此C选项不符合要求。其他选项都与简历写作有关,如A选项强调明确贡献,B选项强调明确说明跳槽是出于非自愿原因,D选项强调尽可能具体地写作。因此,正确答案是C。'
  45. Amazon China used to control much of its own inventory and build its own delivery infrastructure, which made it hard for it to bring down the price of its products. This is a problem in the _______ element.

  46. A:price B:place C:product D:promotion

  47. The Boston Consulting group’s matrix (BCG matrix) is designed to help with long-term strategic planning, to help a business consider growth opportunities by reviewing its ___________ to decide where to invest, to discontinue or develop products.

  48. A:market leadership B:portfolio of products C:high proportion D:limited growth potential

  49. Henry successfully landed a job as a marketing manager in IBM with the help of a headhunter. His annual salary is 100,000 RMB. So how much should IBM pay for the headhunter?

  50. A:100,000 RMB B:50,000 RMB C:20,000 RMB D:10,000 RMB

  51. The objective of the firm adopting the ______ strategy is to become the lowest cost producer in the industry and is achieved by producing in large scale which enables the firm to attain economies of scale.

  52. A:cost focus B:differentiation C:cost leadership D:differentiation focus

  53. Targeting at consumers with higher income, a sunglasses manufacturer may position its products as _______.

  54. A:good value for money B:young-looking C:a luxury status symbol D:long-lasting

  55. After analyzing the companies’ business, it is constructive to offer some appropriate strategies: __________ is used for Cash Cows so that they can produce sums of cash, whose purpose is to preserve the current market share.

  56. A:“Hold” strategy B:“Harvest” strategy C:“Divest” strategy D:“Build” strategy
    AI参考:正确选项是D:“Build” strategy。根据题目中的描述,分析公司的业务后,提供一些适当的策略是有益的,其中“Build” strategy用于现金牛(Cash Cows)以便它们能够产生大量的现金,其目的是为了维护当前的市场份额。因此,选项D“Build” strategy符合题意。其他选项的含义与题目描述不符。'
  57. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a ________ venture.

  58. A:business B:professional C:academic D:operation
    AI参考:正确选项为【A:business 】。根据上下文,SWOT分析是一种战略规划方法,用于评估项目或商业冒险中的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。因此,选项A“business”最符合语境。选项B“professional”和选项C“academic”不太适合描述商业冒险,而选项D“operation”虽然可以指操作或运营,但不如选项A准确。'
  59. Starbucks allows its customers to build their own coffee recipe. This is one of the _______ of its products.

  60. A:augmented benefits B:actual benefits C:tangible benefits D:core benefits
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:core benefits】。在句子中,Starbucks允许顾客打造自己的咖啡配方,这是其产品的一部分核心优势。因此,空格处需要填入一个表示“核心优势”的词汇。而augmented benefits(增加的好处)、actual benefits(实际的好处)和tangible benefits(有形的好处)都与句子意思不符,因此排除A、B、C选项。所以正确答案为D。'
  61. In 2020, Huawei and HONOR combined took the top spot in China’s smartphone market. However, in 2021, vivo led the market, followed by OPPO and Xiaomi. The fast growth of the domestic brands is a/an () to Huawei.

  62. A:opportunity B:strength C:threat D:weakness
  63. The hierarchy of needs are often used to describe the pattern through which human ________ generally move.

  64. A:professions B:civilizations C:ambitions D:motivations

  65. 360 degree performance appraisal can impose an environment of _____ if the information is not openly and honestly managed.

  66. A:suspicion B:integrity C:trust D:indifference
  67. With the indirect distribution channel, a company uses a(n) _______ to sell a product to the consumer.

  68. A:distributor B:agent C:intermediary D:wholesaler

  69. What is the disadvantage of using a headhunter?

  70. A:Having a headhunter working on behalf of a company can speed up the recruiting process, and let HR officers concentrate more on other important things. B:Recruitment agents are experts in their field and can also offer helpful guidance. C:Headhunters often specialize in certain industries and types of jobs. They are the best people to ask for advice on what the job market looks like currently. D:A headhunter can get incentivized by any factor and may act in his/her own best interest to make any placement rather than the correct placement.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:A headhunter can get incentivized by any factor and may act in his/her own best interest to make any placement rather than the correct placement。使用猎头公司的缺点是猎头公司可能会受到各种因素的影响,从而为了自身利益而做出错误的招聘决策,而不是做出正确的招聘决策。其他选项中,选项A和B都提到了猎头公司的优点,选项C则提到了猎头公司的专业性和市场咨询能力。因此,只有选项D符合题意。'
  71. ________ is an outside-in strategic tool designed to give a global overview, rather than a detailed business analysis technique. It helps determine an industry structure and the level of competition in that industry.

  72. A:BCG Matrix B:Porter’s Five Forces Model C:Marketing Mix Concept D:SWOT analysis
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Porter’s Five Forces Model。原文中提到“________ is an outside-in strategic tool designed to give a global overview, rather than a detailed business analysis technique”,而选项B“Porter’s Five Forces Model”正好符合这一描述,它是迈克尔·波特提出的一种用于分析行业竞争结构的工具,从外部环境分析行业吸引力,帮助企业确定行业结构和竞争水平。其他选项与原文描述不符。因此,答案为B。'
  73. What definition best describes a headhunter?

  74. A:A person that oversees the management. B:A person who conducts performance appraisal for the management. C:A person that provides employment recruiting services. D:A person who oversees which employees to layoff.

  75. As a successful case of SCM, WalMart has been developing a more highly structured and advanced supply chain management strategy by ________.

  76. A:making every part of the whole chain work independently B:singling out management departments C:removing some of the chain’s links and establishing effective communication networks with partners D:developing more process links and cutting communication with suppliers

  77. In using BCG Matrix to analyze the case of China Mobile, China Mobile’s applications and information services business unit is grouped as a question mark because ().

  78. A:this unit does not need further investment in a mature market. B:the unit has failed to generate significant revenues. C:this unit has already grown rapidly in a mature market. D:this unit shows great promising growth potential for the 5G business with large investment.
    AI参考:正确选项:D:this unit shows great promising growth potential for the 5G business with large investment. 中国移动的应用和信息服务业务部门在运用BCG矩阵分析中国移动的情况时被归为“问号”,原因是这个部门对5G业务有着巨大的投资,显示出了巨大的增长潜力。其他选项的意思分别是:A选项:“这个部门在一个成熟市场中不需要进一步投资”。这与问题描述不符。B选项:“这个部门未能产生显著收入”。这与问题描述不符,因为问题中提到的是增长潜力问题,而不是收入问题。C选项:“这个部门在一个成熟市场中已经迅速增长”。这与问题描述不符,因为问题中提到的是需要大量投资的情况,而不是已经增长的情况。'
  79. After analyzing the companies’ business, it is constructive to offer some appropriate strategies: ___________ is used for Question Marks which cannot turn into the Stars and for Dogs as well as weak Cash Cows. Here the director just wants to boost short-term cash flows quickly.

  80. A:“Hold” strategy B:“Build” strategy C:“Harvest” strategy D:“Divest” strategy
    AI参考:正确答案是【D:“Divest” strategy】。在分析公司业务后,提供一些适当的策略是有益的:“Divest”战略被用于无法转化为明星和狗的标志以及弱现金牛的公司,因此董事希望快速提升短期现金流量。因此,选项D:“Divest”战略是正确答案。'
  81. An industry with high barriers to enter, having many buyers and suppliers but few substitute products and competitors will be seen as very competitive and thus, not so attractive due to its low profitability.

  82. A:错 B:对

  83. Consumers who have more power to bargain can lead to a drop in profitability of a company.

  84. A:对 B:错
  85. The essay approach means that the appraiser prepares a written statement about the person being appraised.

  86. A:对 B:错

  87. The traditional part of the 360 degree performance appraisal is peer appraisal.

  88. A:错 B:对

  89. Question marks either can move to be cash cows or will become dogs. The major problem associated with having Question marks is market attractiveness.

  90. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B。原文中提到“Question marks either can move to be cash cows or will become dogs”,这说明有疑问的公司有可能成为高利润的公司,也有可能成为亏损的公司,也就是说,这类公司有很大的不确定性。因此,和原文表述相一致的是“问题就在于市场的吸引力”。综上所述,这道题应选择B. 错。'
  91. It is usually easier to be successful as a mass marketer in today’s business world.

  92. A:错 B:对

  93. 360 degree performance appraisal is a system or process in which employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work around them.

  94. A:错 B:对
  95. SWOT analysis is a framework used to summarize a company's performance by identifying its business strengths and opportunities.

  96. A:错 B:对
  97. Managers can give the employees challenging jobs and growth opportunities for the sake of achieving their self-actualization.

  98. A:对 B:错

  99. Opportunities are factors outside the organization that the business can take advantage of to reach business goals and move the business forward.

  100. A:错 B:对
  101. Johnson & Johnson Company is considered as one of the broad and most comprehensive manufacturers of the health care services and products for customer medical and pharmaceutical market. Baby and beauty products capture the large portion of market share and do not require heavy investment in promoting the product or finance for the capacity expansion, because of the stable market conditions. These items enjoy the economies of scale with high profit margins. Thus, baby and beauty products are the Stars for Johnson & Johnson.

  102. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:通过对题干的分析,可以明确指出Johnson & Johnson Company被视为客户医疗和制药市场中最广泛和最全面的健康保健服务和产品的制造商之一。其中,婴儿和美容产品占据了市场份额的大部分,并且由于市场条件的稳定,不需要大量投资来推广产品或扩大产能,因为这些产品享有规模经济和高利润率。因此,婴儿和美容产品是Johnson & Johnson公司的明星产品。所以,答案是A:对。'
  103. When a market is divided based on where customers are, this is a demographic approach to market segmentation.

  104. A:错 B:对
  105. Strengths are positive attributes internal to the organization that are within your control.

  106. A:错 B:对

  107. Weaknesses are the things that need to be fixed or avoided in order to achieve success.

  108. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:错】。原文中提到“Weaknesses are the things that need to be fixed or avoided in order to achieve success”,意思是弱点是需要被修复或避免的东西,以实现成功。但是题目中直接给出了“Weaknesses are the things that need to be fixed or avoided”,所以选项B是正确的,即原文中的说法是错误的。'
  109. A 360 degree performance appraisal is generally found more suitable for the managers as it helps to assess their leadership and managing styles.

  110. A:对 B:错
  111. In Apple’s product portfolio, the market of the iPod isn’t growing as people tend to use their phones to listen to music and podcasts these days. This change in consumer behavior results in a shrinking market share. Thus, doesn’t make sense to invest into the iPod. This means the iPod is a Question Mark.

  112. A:错 B:对
  113. To encourage customers to make purchase, a company had better give them plenty of time to think about the offer.

  114. A:对 B:错

  115. Headhunters do not tend to contact individuals who are currently employed.

  116. A:错 B:对
  117. Successful SCM emphasizes a change from managing individual functions to integrating business activities in processes.

  118. A:对 B:错
  119. According to Maslow’s theory, a young college graduate beginning their career will be very concerned with physiological needs.

  120. A:对 B:错

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