  1. In comparing monopolistic competition to perfect competition, one can conclude that the lack of free entry is the key to having the ability to set price.

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. Price floor can potentially eliminate deadweight loss under monopoly

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. In a competitive market, a price floor always generates a deadweight.

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. The slope of the budget line represents the rate at which the consumer is willing to trade one good for another at any given bundle.

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. In the short-run, the firm shuts down only if its revenue is less than its cost.

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. The "Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns" could also be termed the "Law of Increasing Marginal Costs."

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. A per unit subsidy increases both consumer and producer surplus, but results in a deadweight loss.

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. (First-price sealed-bid auction) Alice is selling her 2000 chevrolet cavalier to her friends, Bob and Charles. Bob attaches a value of S$8,000 to Alice's old car, while Charles's value of the car is S$10,000. (These valuations are common knowledge between Bob and Charles.) Alice designs the following auction to sell her car: First, she asks each of them to write his bid on a piece of paper. Then Bob and Charles give their bids (nonnegative integers) to Alice. Notice that when Bob and Charles write down their bids, they don't know each other's bid (so called "sealed bid"). After Alice receives the sealed bids, the bids are shown to everyone, and the car will be sold to the person who has the higher bid at the price equal to his own bid. When there is a tie (Bob and Charles bid the same amount), then Alice would flip a fair coin to decide who will get the car.In this game Bob bids 8500 and Charles bids 8501 is a Nash equilibrium?

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. (First-price sealed-bid auction) Alice is selling her 2000 chevrolet cavalier to her friends, Bob and Charles. Bob attaches a value of S$8,000 to Alice's old car, while Charles's value of the car is S$10,000. (These valuations are common knowledge between Bob and Charles.) Alice designs the following auction to sell her car: First, she asks each of them to write his bid on a piece of paper. Then Bob and Charles give their bids (nonnegative integers) to Alice. Notice that when Bob and Charles write down their bids, they don't know each other's bid (so called "sealed bid"). After Alice receives the sealed bids, the bids are shown to everyone, and the car will be sold to the person who has the higher bid at the price equal to his own bid. When there is a tie (Bob and Charles bid the same amount), then Alice would flip a fair coin to decide who will get the car.In this game Bob bids 8500 and Charles bids 8400 is a Nash equilibrium ?

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. A monopolist can always make a positive profit

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. The more block prices a monopoly can set instead of setting a single price,

  22. A:the larger the total welfare. B:the smaller the deadweight loss. C:the more producer surplus. D:the higher of consumer surplus
  23. why a long-run market supply curve might not flat in perfect competition

  24. A:when firms' cost functions differ B:when input prices vary with output C:when consumers have satiation points. D:when entry is limited.
  25. The creation of monopoly might be caused by

  26. A:cosumers' preferences B:profuct differentiation C:high cost of entry D:economic to scale E:legal restrictions
  27. The slope of an isoquant tells us

  28. A:the decrease in capital necessary to keep MPL constant when labor increases by one unit. B:the decrease in capital necessary to keep output constant when labor increases by one unit. C:how much output increases when both inputs are increased. D:the increase in MPL when capital increases.
  29. Utility is the set of numerical values that

  30. A:describes how much more a consumer prefers one bundle to another. B:reflects the relative ranking of various bundles of goods. C:yields a cardinal ranking of bundles. D:yields an absolute level of pleasure from a bundle of goods.
  31. If Sam is producing at a point on his production possibilities frontier, then he

  32. A:can increase the production of one good only by decreasing the production of the other. B:is not subject to scarcity. C:cannot produce any more of either good. D:can produce more of both goods. E:is unaffected by costs and technology.
  33. According to the Law of Demand, the demand curve for a good will

  34. A:slope downward. B:shift leftward when the price of the good increases. C:shift rightward when the price of the good increases. D:slope upward.
  35. Suppose the short-run production function is q = 10 ∗ L. If the wage rate is $10 per unit of labor, then MC equals

  36. A:q/10. B:10/q. C:1 D:q.
  37. Data shows that United States college students purchase more e-books than German college students. Assuming that all students have identical preferences for e-books and textbooks, what is the likely explanation for this result?

  38. A:The price of textbooks is cheaper in the United States than textbooks in Germany. B:Both A and C. C:Taxes on textbooks are higher in the United States than taxes on textbooks in Germany. D:Taxes on textbooks are lower in the United States than taxes on textbooks in Germany.
  39. If a firm takes the wage as given, then the supply curve of labor to that firm is

  40. A:upward sloping. B:vertical. C:horizontal. D:downward sloping.
  41. Choose the correct statements. 1.Opportunity cost of a good is the increase in the quantity produced of one good divided by the decrease in the quantity produced of another good as we move along the PPF. 2.The opportunity cost of an action is the highest-valued alternative forgone. 3.Opportunity cost is a ratio. 4.There is no relationship between the opportunity cost of producing an additional good measured on the x-axis and the opportunity cost of producing an additional good measured on the y-axis.

  42. A:Statements 2 and 4 are correct. B:Statements 3 and 4 are correct. C:Statements 1 and 2 are correct. D:Statements 2 and 3 are correct. E:Statements 1 and 3 are correct.
  43. A perfect-price-discriminating monopoly's marginal revenue curve

  44. A:varies for each consumer. B:lies below the demand curve. C:is the same as the monopolist's marginal revenue curve. D:is the demand curve.
  45. Returns to scale is a concept that operates

  46. A:only in the long run. B:in either the long run or the short run but never both. C:only in the short run. D:in both the long run and the short run.
  47. Let the production function be q = ALaKb. The function exhibits constant returns to scale if

  48. A:a + b = 1. B:a + b < 1. C:a + b > 1. D:Cannot be determined with the information given.
  49. A vertical demand curve for a particular good implies that consumers are

  50. A:not interested in that good. B:not sensitive to changes in the price of that good. C:sensitive to changes in the price of that good. D:irrational.
  51. Sam buys gasoline and coffee each week. To draw his budget line for gasoline and coffee, Sam needs to know

  52. A:only the price of a litre of gasoline and the price of a cup of coffee. B:how much income he has to spend on gasoline and coffee, the price of a litre of gasoline, and the price of a cup of coffee. C:only how much coffee he wants to drink and how much gasoline he needs. D:only how much income he has to spend on coffee and gasoline. E:what he needs more—gasoline or coffee.
  53. The assumption of completeness means that

  54. A:more of a good is always better. B:the consumer can rank all possible consumption bundles. C:the consumers can rank all affordable consumption bundles. D:all preferences conditions are met.
  55. The fact that your fourth slice of pizza does not generate as much satisfaction as your third slice is an example of

  56. A:diminishing total utility. B:the law of demand. C:consumer surplus. D:diminishing marginal utility. E:the paradox of value.
  57. Joe's budget constraint equals 500 = 2F + 100S, where $500 is Joe's income, $2 is the price of food (F) and $100 is the price of shelter (S). How much food can Joe buy if he buys one unit of shelter?

  58. A:400 units B:250 units C:200 units D:2 units
  59. If the marginal rate of technical substitution for a cost minimizing firm is 10, and the wage rate for labor is $5, what is the rental rate for capital in dollars?

  60. A:10 B:2 C:0.5 D:1
  61. A consumer buys food (F) and shelter (S). If the consumer's income rises and there is no change in the prices of F or S, the marginal rate of transformation of F for S will

  62. A:decrease. B:stay the same. C:change, but there is not enough information to know how. D:increase.
  63. If the cost of labor increases, the isocost line will

  64. A:stay the same. B:shift outward in parallel fashion. C:shift inward in parallel fashion. D:rotate inward around the point where only capital is employed in production.
  65. The production possibilities frontier

  66. A:illustrates why there need not be any scarcity in the world. B:is the boundary between attainable and unattainable levels of production. C:shows how production increases as prices rise. D:shows prices at which production is possible and impossible. E:is the boundary between what we want to consume and what we want to produce.
  67. Monopolistic competition and perfect competition differ because

  68. A:only perfectly competitive firms will set MR = MC. B:only competitive firms take the price as given. C:only monopolistically competitive firms will set MR = MC. D:only monopolistic competition allows for entry of other firms in the long run.
  69. A market equilibrium occurs

  70. A:through the interaction of self-interested consumers and producers. B:only with government regulation. C:only because of the profit motive of firms. D:only because of the complacency of consumers.
  71. What is marginal utility?

  72. A:the maximum amount of satisfaction from consuming a good B:the total satisfaction received from consuming as much of the good that is available for consumption C:the change in the price of a good divided by the change in total utility D:the additional satisfaction received from consuming one more unit of a good E:the change in total utility divided by the price of a good
  73. Production efficiency is achieved when

  74. A:there are no more tradeoffs. B:all resources are equally productive in all activities. C:we produce goods and services at the lowest possible cost. D:the production possibilities frontier shifts outward at an even pace. E:resources are not equally productive in all activities.
  75. The labor supply curve for a monopsony is

  76. A:upward sloping but not perfectly vertical. B:perfectly horizontal. C:perfectly vertical. D:downward sloping.
  77. Suppose a monopoly's inverse demand curve is P = 100 -Q, it produces a product with a constant marginal cost of 20, and it has no fixed costs. Compared to the consumer surplus if the market were perfectly competitive, consumer surplus is how much less when the monopolist practices perfect price discrimination?

  78. A:3200 B:800 C:0 D:1600
  79. Suppose the demand function for a good is expressed as Q = 100 - 4p. If the good currently sells for $10, then the price elasticity of demand equals

  80. A:-4 B:-2.5. C:-1.5. D:-0.67.
  81. The slope of the isocost line tells the firm how much

  82. A:the isocost curve will shift outward if the firm wishes to produce more. B:capital must be increased to keep total cost constant when hiring one more unit of labor. C:more expensive a unit of capital costs relative a unit of labor. D:capital must be reduced to keep total cost constant when hiring one more unit of labor.
  83. The steeper the labor supply curve,

  84. A:the better off workers are. B:the higher the wage the monopsonist pays. C:the smaller the difference between the wage and the marginal expenditure on labor. D:the lower the wage the monopsonist pays.
  85. A monopsonist faces an upward-sloping labor supply curve. This means that his marginal expenditures on labor are

  86. A:greater than the wage because hiring more workers requires to pay all workers more. B:All of the above. C:greater than the wage. D:equal to the wage plus the increase in the wage resulting from hiring one more unit of labor hired.

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