  1. When was the tea unearthed at the Hanyang Tomb recognized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences as “the oldest tea found so far” 汉阳陵出土的茶叶哪一年被中科院鉴定为“迄今发现的最古老的茶叶”( )?

  2. A:In 1998 1998年 B:In 1996 1996年 C:In 1992 1992年 D:In 1994 1994年
    答案:In 1998 1998年
  3. In 2008, Shaanxi took tea as a compensatory species for returning farmland to the forest 2008年,陕西已将茶树作为退耕还林的补偿树种. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. How long is the shelf life of tea in Southern Shaanxi in general 陕南茶的保质期一般为多久( )?

  6. A:24 months 24个月 B:18 months 18个月 C:12 months 12个月 D:6 months 6个月
  7. What industries have benefited from the development of tea in Shaanxi 陕西茶的发展带动了哪些产业的发展( )?

  8. A:Tea culture tourism 茶文化旅游 B:Tea utensils 茶杯茶具 C:Tea packaging 茶包装 D:Catering and tea clubs 餐饮茶社
  9. In 2005, the Hanzhong Municipal Government started the integration of tea brands, reducing tea brands from more than 20 to 3, namely 2005年汉中市政府启动了茶叶品牌整合工作,将茶叶品牌由最初的20多个整合到3个品牌,即( ).

  10. A:Dingjun Ming Mei 定军茗眉 B:Hanshui Silver Shuttle 汉水银梭 C:Ningqiang Bird’s Tongue 宁强雀舌 D:Wuzi Xian Hao 午子仙毫

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