  1. When had the boats already passed through the Hanjiang River 在哪个朝代汉江就已经通行舟楫( )?

  2. A:During the Han Dynasty 汉朝时期 B:During the Qin Dynasty 秦朝时期 C:During the Tang Dynasty 唐朝时期 D:During the Warring States period 战国时期
    答案:During the Warring States period 战国时期
  3. Hanjiang Haozi in Southern Shaanxi is listed as an intangible cultural heritage of Shaanxi Province in the first batch 汉江号子为陕西省第一批非物质文化遗产. ( )

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. Haozi for downstream boating includes 下水行船号子包括( ).

  6. A:Launching Haozi《开头号子》 B: Haozi for Boat-Turning《弯船号子》 C: Downstream Haozi《下滩号子》 D:Haozi for Passing by the Street 《摇橹过街号子》
  7. The roles that Hanjiang Haozi in Southern Shaanxi plays include 陕南汉江号子的作用有( ).

  8. A:manifesting directly the living standard of the boatmen 直接体现船工们的生活水平 B:unifying the boatmen 统一船工劳动 C:coordinating the labor pace 协调劳动步伐 D:inspiring workers’ fighting spirit 鼓舞船工斗志
  9. Hanjiang Haozi in Southern Shaanxi often adopts a singing style of “one leading and others responding”, with the lead singer and choir echoing each other and alternating with the movements 汉江号子多采用“一领众合”的演唱方式,领唱和合唱相互呼应,配合着动作交替接唱. ( )

  10. A:对 B:错

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