  1. When has Ansai waist drum dance been inscribed onto the first National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in China approved by the State Council 安塞腰鼓舞何时经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录 ( )?

  2. A:On June 20, 2007 2007年6月20日 B:On May 20, 2006 2006年5月20日 C:On May 20, 2008 2008年5月20日 D:On June 20, 2009 2009年6月20日
    答案:On May 20, 2006 2006年5月20日
  3. Which of the followings are the performance form of Ansai waist drum dance 以下哪些是安塞腰鼓舞的表演形式( )?

  4. A:Stage waist drum dance 舞台腰鼓舞 B:Mountain waist drum dance 山地腰鼓舞 C:Marching waist drum dance 行进腰鼓舞 D:Square waist drum dance 广场腰鼓舞
  5. Stage waist drum dance is also known as “da gu” or “lu gu” 舞台腰鼓舞,也称作“大鼓”“路鼓”. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. As for Ansai waist drum dance, which statements are true 以下关于安塞腰鼓舞的说法哪些是对的( ).

  8. A:Stage waist drum dance is one form of yangko performance, usually performed by a small group of people (6-8 individuals) on a stage 舞台腰鼓舞是秧歌的形式之一,通常只有少数人(6-8人)在舞台上进行表演 B:Square waist drum dance is performed in a fixed location 广场腰鼓舞是在一个固定场所进行表演 C:Mountain waist drum dance is the most common form of performance we see on the Internet, which involves a large number of participants who perform with bold and extravagant movements, creating a spectacular scene 山地腰鼓舞是我们在网络上见到最多的一种表演形式,参加人数众多,动作豪放张扬,场面十分壮观 D:Marching waist drum dance focuses on the procession of the team with accompanying waist drum performances 行进腰鼓舞以队伍行进为重点,辅以腰鼓表演
  9. Mountain waist drum dance is a type of waist drum performance that takes place between mountain ridges or in fields 山地腰鼓舞是一种在山梁间或田野间进行的腰鼓表演. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对

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