  1. The rapid development of which technology during the Tang and Song Dynasties created favorable conditions for the advancement of paper-cut 陕北剪纸在唐宋时期的发展得益于什么技术的飞速发展( )?

  2. A:Pottery making technology 陶器制作技术 B:Iron making technology 铁器制作技术 C:Papermaking technology 造纸技术 D:Architectural technology 建筑技术
    答案:Papermaking technology 造纸技术
  3. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shaanxi paper-cut gradually gave rise to distinct styles,including 陕西剪纸在明清时期逐渐形成了一些独特的流派,包括( ).

  4. A:Northern Shaanxi School 陕北派 B:Jiangnan School 江南派 C:Weibei School 渭北派 D:The Yellow River School 黄河派
  5. Northern Shaanxi paper-cut possesses both the vigorousness of northern China paper-cut and the exquisiteness and delicacy of southern China paper-cut 陕北剪纸同时兼备了北方剪纸的浑厚与南方剪纸的玲珑剔透和娟秀. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. What inspired people to create "Cornucopia" paper-cut window decorations in Northern Shaanxi 什么启发了人们在陕北创造出“聚宝盆”剪纸窗花( )?

  8. A:Legend of Monkey King 孙悟空的传说 B:Legend of the Chinese New Year 中国新年的传说 C:Legend of the Southern Barbarians’ treasure hunt 南蛮寻宝的传说 D:Legend of Nvwa 女娲的传说
  9. The image of the monkey is often depicted in traditional paper-cut art only because of its clever and agile nature, lively and adorable temperament 猴子的形象在传统剪纸中多有表现,只因其生性机灵、敏捷好动、活泼可爱的秉性. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对

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