  1. Which part of Shijing (The Book of Songs) contains folk songs from various places around the 5th century B.C. 《诗经》中的哪个部分包含了公元前5世纪左右各地的民歌 ( )?

  2. A:Song 《颂》 B:The Songs of Chu 《楚辞》 C:Ya 《雅》 D:Feng 《风》
    答案:Feng 《风》
  3. During which dynasty did the government establish the "Yue Fu" (Music Bureau) to collect folk songs from various regions 哪个朝代的政府设立了“乐府”,以收集各地民歌 ( )?

  4. A:Western Han Dynasty 西汉 B:Ming Dynasty 明朝 C:Qin Dynasty 秦朝 D:Song Dynasty 宋朝
  5. Which of the following is a representative theme reflected in the lyrics of Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs 以下哪个是在陕北民歌歌词中反映的代表性主题 ( )?

  6. A:Love and Marriage 爱情和婚姻 B:Science and Technology 科学技术 C:Urban Development 城市发展 D:Political Campaigns 政治运动
  7. Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs are sung in the Northern Shaanxi dialect and primarily circulate in the Loess Plateau region 陕北民歌用陕北方言演唱,主要流传在黄土高原地区. ( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. The lyrics of "Xintianyou" usually follow a two-line structure, with the first line addressing the main theme and the second line setting the mood 信天游的唱词一般为两句体,上句点题,下句营造气氛. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对

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