  1. Which province did Fengxiang Woodblock New Year Prints originate in 凤翔木版年画起源于哪个省( )?

  2. A:Sichuan 四川 B:Hubei 湖北 C:Shaanxi 陕西 D:Henan 河南
    答案:Shaanxi 陕西
  3. Which of the following is not one of the six major categories of Fengxiang Woodblock New Year Prints 以下哪一种不属于凤翔木版年画的六大类( )?

  4. A:door paintings 门画 B:ten beauties paintings 十美画 C:drama story paintings 戏剧故事画 D:comic paintings 漫画
  5. When did Fengxiang Woodblock New Year Prints experience a significant revival after facing the risk of extinction 凤翔木版年画在面临灭绝的危险之后,于什么时候经历了一次重大的复兴( )?

  6. A:In the 1970s 20世纪70年代 B:In the 1980s 20世纪80年代 C:In the 1960s 20世纪60年代 D:In the 1950s 20世纪50年代
  7. Why is the ten beauties painting significant in Fengxiang Woodblock New Year Prints 为什么凤翔木版年画中的十美画意义重大( )?

  8. A:It reflects historical events 它反映了历史事件 B:It reflects people’s yearning for beauty and a better life 它体现了人们对美好的向往 C:It represents the life of farmers 它展示了农民的生活 D:It conveys people’s wishes for a prosperous and happy life 它表达了人们对繁荣幸福生活的祝愿
  9. The door paintings are primarily associated with celebrating festivals and joyous occasions 门画主要与节日庆典及欢乐的场合有关. ( )

  10. A:对 B:错

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