  1. Huxian farmer painting is also known as “Oriental Picasso” 户县农民画有“东方毕加索”的美誉. ( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. When was Huxian named the “Hometown of Modern Chinese Folk Paintings” by the Ministry of Culture 户县在哪一年被国家文化部命名为”中国现代民间绘画之乡“ ( )?

  4. A:In 1989 1989年 B:In 1986 1986年 C:In 1987 1987年 D:In 1988 1988年
  5. During the 1960s and 1970s, what was the main theme of Huxian farmer painting在二十世纪六十年代和七十年代,户县农民画的主要题材是什么 ( )?

  6. A:Labor production 劳动生产 B:Learning exchange 学习交流 C:Daily lives 日常生活 D:Political publicity 政治宣传
  7. During the development of Huxian farmer painting, the historical periods it witnessed include 户县农民画在发展过程中经历的重大历史时期有 ( ).

  8. A:The Great Leap Forward 大跃进 B:The Reform and Opening-up 改革开放 C:The Cultural Revolution 文化大革命 D:The founding of New China 新中国成立
  9. Huxian farmer painting is not influenced by Western painting户县农民画没有受到过西方绘画的影响. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对

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